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Two hundred and eighteen chapters emergency brake

 "You are right, not only cannot it stop, but it must also get out of this position as quickly as possible."

Because before their eyes, this shadow of nothingness is getting thicker and thicker.

The train they were on was like a beacon in the darkness, attracting all the weird things around it.



Their opinions were unanimous. Thanks to the pre-job training, Lao Xu mastered the basic control of the train.

He pressed the accelerator button and felt the train speeding towards an unknown front.

Thanks to their quick decision, when the train rushed forward at high speed, the transparent objects that wanted to adhere were blocked by the protective film naturally formed by the train tearing away the air.


There were a few slightly larger transparent bodies that wanted to take advantage of their "power and weight" to hit the train... But the result... you can tell just by looking at the gray powder left around the train track.

Not very good.

By accelerating like this, the train is getting rid of the danger from the outside.

But the passengers taking this train had a hard time.

The speed exceeds the normal operation speed of high-speed rail, making many ordinary passengers sitting on the vehicle feel strong discomfort.

Some people with good health may feel dizzy.

This speed can be said to be fatal to the elderly, weak, sick and disabled.

Mai Fan, who was sitting in the last carriage, had higher senses than ordinary people.

The moment the train accelerated, he felt something strange coming from the car body.

But now the scary flight attendant is blocking the junction of the previous car, looking out of the car window with interest.

If he got up to investigate, he would definitely attract the attention of the 'flight attendant' again.

Just when Mai Fan was thinking of a reason to get up...

This cheap girlfriend next to him is really awesome.

"Ugh...Mai Fan, I want to vomit..."

A girl who looks strong but her physical fitness is not up to par.

This reaction made Mai Fan feel happy. He used his arms to hold Peng Xiaotian up, supported him and walked towards the toilet.

The flight attendant with her back to them didn't react at all. She turned her head away from the window, muttering something while blood gushed from her mouth.

Mai Fan mobilized all his hearing nerves and vaguely heard a few key words from the other party's words.

"Xu Ling has appeared, and the first stop is about to arrive!"

"Ah, I'm so envious! I'm so envious..."

"Why should we be punished like this? We have to go to the end of eternity before we can enjoy the reward..."

"Ahhh... those damn lower spirits... what happened to ordinary people... ordinary people are also delicious..."

After saying that, the conductor pushing the car was attracted by the crying baby next to her...

"Look, it's so tender. You can see it, but you can't eat it..."

Just these few words made Mai Fan feel inexplicably at ease.

Because his eyesight is much higher than that of ordinary people, he also saw the faint shadow outside the window at the moment the train accelerated.

So those things are called virtual spirits, right?

According to what this flight attendant means, he is the lowest-ranking member in their world.

And this steward who 'served' on this train really wanted to provide help to the people who survived on the train.

They are much more powerful than those outside, but the restrictions imposed on them are also several more layers than those outside.

At the very least, they are not allowed to harm ordinary people who are still alive on the train for no reason.

Only when the train reaches its destination, a certain group of people on the train... will become their 'reward'.

Mai Fan once again looked at the bread on the shelf of the ‘Crew Attendant’.

As a flight attendant, she has to provide services to ordinary people like Mai Fan.

So does the ‘policeman’ just now have to provide them with corresponding protection at some point?

Mai Fan's heart brightened inexplicably when he thought of this, and the first stop was about to arrive.

He also read the strategy for the first stop from his grandfather's memory, which gave him even more confidence.

Mai Fan focused part of his attention on the 'flight attendant', but the movements under his hands did not dare to be slow in the slightest.

When he opened the toilet door for Peng Xiaotian...


With a sudden brake, the entire train stopped unexpectedly.

The high-speed train brakes suddenly without any buffer...

You can imagine the situation of passengers who are not tied up with seat belts in the car...



The passengers sitting at the front of the row were directly hit by the door, and the passengers in the middle were not much better. Either their whole bodies hit the back of the seat, or they fell off the seat and got stuck in the gap.

Various skin injuries cannot be avoided.

There are even some unlucky ones who directly break their bones.

After the train stopped, the entire carriage was filled with screams and wails.

Some family members saw their loved ones being knocked unconscious and asked for help in panic and helplessness.

Compared with these unsuspecting people, Mai Fan was much luckier.

Not only did he react correctly on the eve of parking, but he also helped his girlfriend beside him.

When the train was about to stop, he pulled Peng Xiaotian out of the toilet, put him on his shoulders, pressed his feet firmly against the wall of the car connection, and greeted him in a half-crouching posture.

The impending emergency stop.

Thanks to the narrow space that gave him enough buffer, he and Peng Xiaotian were probably the luckier people during this stop.


It was precisely because the vehicle stopped that even though many people on the vehicle were wailing because of injuries, the discomfort caused by the high-speed movement around everyone was completely relieved.

At this time, some people who were not seriously injured thought of looking out the window to figure out what the train was going to do.

"This is where?"

"That's not right! This is not our destination! Don't we want to go to Qincheng at our next stop?"

"Where is this!!"

Mai Fan also looked out through the glass window. This station didn't look like a train station that a modern city should have at all.

It's more like a deserted small town crossing.

A sense of staleness and depression emerged.

"Get off the car...get off the car!!"

"Finally, finally it begins!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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