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2192 plan

 They can definitely make more plans in this regard.

"I have a bold idea, we start directly with that pipeline. If we can successfully separate these pipelines from this area, then if we encounter such an area in the future, we can still follow this method.

Secondly, when most of the outer areas are vacant and these black, seemingly alive things find that they can expand outwards, then the terrifying monster in the center may no longer have time to take care of us little ants.

This method of diverting trouble to the east is very suitable for the situation we are encountering now.

The last point is that over the years, this land has drained so much energy that this central area will inevitably allocate most of its energy to those depleted lands if it tries to save its own life.

When their supply energy is distributed, their combat effectiveness will naturally be reduced to a certain level, and then even if they do not leave the area, we can still risk crossing the level."

These speculations are based on their success in cutting off these pipes.

And once their crazy idea arises, it will be difficult to contain it. After all, if they can cut off these channels, it will also be a huge harm to the Lord God who can no longer control his self-awareness.

The road has reached this point and there is no way forward, so they don't mind taking a risk.

Because these pipes look like semi-living structures made of special materials.

To deal with them, you need to use tools that cut special organisms.

Fortunately, these pipes cannot be moved, which gave Mai Fan and the others many opportunities for trial and error.

Mai Fan, who retreated to the level area, gained temporary safety.

Not long after, a very permeating sound of cutting could be heard from around these pipes.

It was not an ordinary tool at first, but later many high-tech biodegradable things were added.

As the things they used became more and more outrageous, including some poisons and things that changed the biological structure, these pipelines, which seemed to be alive and indestructible, finally collapsed visible to the naked eye.

Since they have no self-will, this behavior is just pure anxiety and distortion.

So they are fixed here, trying to resist, but without the necessary means.

When the Lord God set them up as pipelines to extract energy from here, he had already considered the possibility of monster attacks. However, after comprehensively analyzing the evolution of creatures in various areas, he analyzed that damage could be evolved on these lands.

Creation of his pipes is basically impossible.

In addition, he was very confident that no foreign creatures would intrude into his area, so after he built a certain strong pipeline, he stopped caring about things in these areas.

As a result, his negligence gave Mai Fan and the others a chance of survival. After a lot of hard work, they cut the thinnest pipe from the land.

In just a short moment, this pipeline that had lost its extraction ability popped out of the land.

And this barren, desert-like area actually regained a certain amount of vitality in a short period of time.

Those small grasses that usually dare not move closer than ten meters away began to spread quietly into this area.

The most interesting thing is that the withdrawal of this pipeline actually allowed those who tried to move outward along the black land to successfully expand outward for the first time.

Although this small pipe only allowed them to successfully erode about three centimeters.

But it suddenly gave enough hope to some barren areas outside.

A slow change is taking place on this land.

Maifan is also in the process of cutting hundreds of large pipes on this land.

About three days later, the last pipe on the land was cut.

After the last connecting pipe was cut off, they could clearly feel that this huge piece of land was shaking violently.

This should be a kind of connection by these pipes, which is the long-term sequelae of the disappearance of gravity.

But since its front and rear ends should be connected to other soil, this large shaking only lasted a few seconds.

The collective shaking of the entire plate has not done much harm to the continent.

But it has great benefits for the expansion of the central black land, which saves him a lot of time.

At this time, this area is no longer the central area, it is black, and the outer circle is full of white and weird shapes.

Just as Mai Fan and others speculated, the black soil in the central collection quickly spread to all the barren lands with the cutting of the pipeline.

At the same time, this large area of ​​overly concentrated energy-rich soil has also diluted the rich and even toxic aggregates in its center due to external expansion.

The invisible materialized energy body dissipated as the energy spread.

The true appearance of the weird creature in the middle, which was the only one still alive, was also revealed in front of Mai Fan and others.

After seeing the true appearance of this creature that had lost its energy supply, several people suddenly understood why the Lord God used patchwork methods to continue to be powerful.

They very much suspected that the Lord God referred to this creature in the center when making himself stronger.

Because this organism looks messy, with countless pipe-like tentacles all over its body. It's just that these pipes absorb the thin mist to strengthen themselves, and do not need to be connected to the ground.

But the current situation is that Maifan has solved the problem of this soil, but not the problem of this organism.

The land is alive, but this creature will probably die soon.

Because the thick enough mist that he relied on to provide his cell energy...dissipated.

In the past three days, this monster has had plenty of food at the beginning, but now it has nothing.

Each of his tentacles were flying in the air crazily and hungrily.

Trying to find the black mist that can be eaten as water droplets or snacks.

Unfortunately, there was no food around him at this time, forcing the monster to move towards the once barren land... and now the peripheral areas that have quietly prospered.

The movement of this giant monster will certainly attract the attention of other smaller creatures.

When they discovered that this monster regarded themselves as prey, the biggest crisis for the creatures living here came.

Because as long as every ethnic group encounters him, it will basically be destroyed.

This chapter has been completed!
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