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2194 Harmful

 And this deadly poisonous gas may also be harmful to the huge body built by the Lord God Space itself.

During this process, it is unknown whether he ever thought about solving his own problems, but the current situation is indeed unforeseen and has caused huge harm to these intruders.

And Mai Fan and the others are one of the intruders here.

Although they did not suffer any fatal injuries from the poisonous gas, it added a lot of unavoidable troubles to their journey.

The only thing worthy of praise is that if there are other competitors, they will also be hindered by the same trouble, thus achieving the purpose of delaying their progress.

I just hope they didn't arrive too late and their grandfather can still be saved.

When Mai Fan and the others stood on top of the cut pipe and ran toward the center, the pointer on his wrist indicating the direction of his grandfather began to shake violently.

This pointed out the right direction for Mai Fan and others in this complicated transportation pipeline.

You made the first half of their exploration process very smooth.

They ran from thin transportation pipes to thicker transportation channels, and from thicker transportation channels to very thick transportation branches.

It's like a dense tangle of rainforest bushes.

Follow this tiny vine to find its main path.

Fortunately, no real danger was encountered during this process, and the means used by the Lord God to thwart outsiders seemed to have been exhausted outside this space.

Is the situation really as optimistic as Mai Fan and others thought? In fact, it is not.

When they jumped onto a pipe that was thick enough, as thick as a piece of flat ground. For some reason, Mai Fan had a feeling that they were digging on the main transportation road.

Maybe it is one, but there is definitely no more important channel for transmitting summaries.

Because the pipes under their feet are beating regularly, just like the blood supply valve of the human heart center.

After every beat, there was a viscous liquid surging under their feet.

The direction in which the liquid flows is in the deepest part of this fog.

But Mai Fan and the others who came to the main channel stopped running fast.

Because they found the remains of other creatures on this main pipe.

The creature's body was incompletely preserved.

But judging from the appearance, this creature is definitely not part of the suture monster called Lord God.

Because he is different from these huge, unknown sutures.

Even though it was broken, he could still tell that it looked like an independent biological entity.

This broken creature must have been attacked by another creature before it died.

There were many tear and tooth marks left on his body.

No matter how strong and magical this pipeline is, the marks left by the fight here are still reflected on the pipeline wall.

This shows that this creature should have been a powerful existence during its lifetime.

The resistance and battle between them could leave indelible traces on this weird substance, which is enough to show how powerful he was.

Such a powerful creature fell here.

Mai Fan and others immediately activated the invisibility effect.

The ventilation device including the protective clothing has also been changed to automatic penetration mode.

Then, several people started walking on both sides of the pipe in a strange way.

Under the cover of the surrounding thick fog, it was as if they had never stood above this pipe.

Then they walked forward along the too obvious traces of the battle, and then discovered more and more traces of the battle.

Then a different creature appeared among the wreckage.

The appearance and survival mode of this creature are completely different from the creature they first discovered.

Unless two-dimensional paper people and three-dimensional real humans live on the earth at the same time.

Otherwise, it is impossible for these two creatures to come from the same place.

Seeing this strange situation, Mai Fan and others did not stop their steps, because the bodies here and the scene were kept so intact, indicating that no one came behind them.

Moreover, these corpses seem to be quite intact and their shape has not been damaged, but it cannot be said that no one has touched these corpses for a long time.

This was a battle that took place a long time ago, and it has remained here in this state ever since.

During their sampling process, although the traces of flesh and blood were all fresh, there were enough strange combinations of plankton and fungi growing on their surfaces.

This is a reaction that emerges after a long period of accumulation.

It is reflected in the clothing and weapons of these two groups of weird creatures.

The strange thing is that these weapons and clothes have basically lost their normal appearance for a long time.

When Mai Fan and others went to take samples, they often picked up a piece of it and it was broken into pieces before being put into the sampling bag.

But under such circumstances, the corpses of those dead creatures remained fresh and alive, as if they had just died.

This had to make Mai Fan and others suspect that the surrounding fog contained a large amount of preservatives.

When you think about the longevity and strength that the host here pursues, it’s not surprising.

It must be that the substances here only have a preservative effect on living organisms.

The further they moved forward and the more details they discovered, the more at ease Mai Fan and others felt.

These should be the powerful aborigines from various regions and space planes that the Lord God provoked before he formed this huge network.

It's just that these creatures' home defense battle should have failed.

The reason for the failure is not difficult to guess based on the traces they saw along the way. First of all, these organisms from different planes and different spaces can easily produce various kinds of things when they suddenly encounter one place.


First, there is information asymmetry, which makes them unclear about who their real enemy is.

Maybe the appearance of the main god they saw was not the current completed form, but a state that was almost in the process of being assembled.

Then, in front of this huge monster, another group of people suddenly appeared. It is difficult not to imagine that this huge monster is actually brought by this race.

In addition, there are language barriers between various ethnic groups.

Think about it. Even the languages ​​of every country on the earth may not be able to communicate, let alone the communication between various pigs in distant regions at different levels.

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