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2207 system

In order not to irritate the strongest villain system, make him do some irrational behavior in advance, and prevent him from entering the final main god space, Mai Fan does not want to refute what the strongest villain system says now.

He just shrugged his shoulders helplessly and gave the other party a confirming look.

From the outside, it looked like he had given in and planned to follow the advice of the strongest villain and enter that dangerous zone very carefully.

No, but no matter what, this situation must be discussed with his teammates.

So at this time, Mai Fan used his strongest hunch and informed his teammates of some of the results he predicted.

For when there might be an explosive depot ahead, and it might be a big trouble that could expand at any time, this did not stop his teammates from moving forward.

To be honest, after reaching this point, everyone knows that the road ahead is not smooth, and it is likely to cause even greater trouble.

But in this life, if a person can solve the most fundamental thing and achieve certain wishes and ideals... they have already gone 99% of the way, but they are asked to give up this last step. People with their personality will never stand it.


So they happily patted Mai Fan, with no concern on their faces. However, during the detection process, they stepped lightly and moved forward very carefully, carrying out their migration.

Further forward, the traces of the crazy self-tearing are much less, everything is so calm, except for the increasingly dense fog, there is nothing superfluous.

The calmer the scene, the more alarming it is.

Accompanied by nothing but the squirming grunts of energy, they finally reached the foot of the huge fortress that Mai Fan had told about.

In fact, it is better to say that it is the fortress of the Lord God than it is a huge meat ball of unknown shape, because Mai Fan and the others standing under this huge meat ball look so small.

They raised their heads and looked at the flesh-shaped red ball that grunted repeatedly, marveling at the fact that it was an existence that could not be reached at a glance.

I don’t know why, but looking at this thing with blue veins and blood-red skin that grunts from time to time, no one can connect this ferocious thing with something as great as the Lord God.

They didn't know why. In fact, speaking would not trigger anything. However, everyone subconsciously lowered their voices and used the smallest volume to make crazy complaints about the appearance of the Lord God.

"Help, what on earth is this? We came all the way here and this is what we are looking for?

Mai Fan's grandfather is inside this thing, so how do we get in? It can't be said that we use a knife to pull apart the flesh, and then get through the walls of the flesh that we don't know what they are made of."

"Oh my God, what the hell, is this the thing we asked Master Zhishan to replace? If we knew his prototype, I think Master Zhishan would never accept such an unreasonable request.

Master of Charity, although you are my best friend, I still want to apologize to you for a while for my overly intrusive behavior. If we see that the situation is not good, we will return immediately!

It's not worth it to replace his authority and sacrifice yourself for such a weird thing."

"I'm talking about Mai Fan, your grandfather is really here, how did he get in? If he is here, can you let him coordinate the inside and outside? At least tell us the correct way to enter!"

Everyone started discussing the image of this main god, but Mai Fan was the only one who was very serious about using the villain system to sense something.

The pointer on his hand began to shake violently, and gave him some of the feedback he needed most.

When it is close to a certain direction, the pointer will shake relatively violently, and the direction of the pointer will also give the location of the most violent direction.

Mai Fan knew that it was probably his grandfather's energy that was leaking out.

Whether there is a gap or an intersection, if you follow the directions of the compass and walk there, you may make some more useful discoveries.

So he followed the direction of the indicator needle and began to circle around the meatball in search of it.

After finally reaching a position where the needles were vertical and parallel, he stood in front of this pile of meat with no big difference and began to think about where the real entrance was?

This is definitely the place where his grandfather's aura is most intensely released in this mass of flesh and blood.

Moreover, the concentration of fog and the amount of energy around it are much higher than other parts of the flesh arm.

The energy concentration detector taken out by the robot behind him showed that the energy at this location was as high as more than 300,000.

The basic detection in other directions they circle around is around 80,000 to 90,000.

Therefore, this is definitely the correct entrance, so in order to verify his judgment, Mai Fan stretched out his hand.

Amid the horrified eyes of everyone, he threw his entire body into the pile of meat in an almost suicidal manner.

He put his hands together and rushed into the pile of meat without hesitation, like a manger.

If this entrance and exit is wrong, then Mai Fan will encounter a huge backlash due to his posture, and eventually fall to the ground with his head backwards in a very embarrassed posture.

And if this entrance is really as correct as he thought.


Just like how he is now, the entire front half of his body is plunged into it.

"Oh, my grass can really get in."

"What should we do now? He is halfway in. Should we pull him out or push him in?"

Waifa's sudden move shocked his teammates, but then they all suppressed their laughter and began to discuss how to fit Mai Fan in.

Because Mai Fan didn't think that he could enter the correct channel this way, so he just wanted to be funny and relieve everyone's pressure under such a giant meat ball.

But who could have imagined that he would just accidentally and casually insert it, and his whole body would fall into it.

Well, for him now, he is indeed a little embarrassed, and he can't even use his strength. But for the exploration of the entire team, this is definitely very good news.

Now that the correct passage has been found, there is no need to pull Mai Fan out and then re-enter. Instead, everyone worked hard, dragged his feet, and started to send him deeper into the hole.

This chapter has been completed!
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