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 Due to Grandpa Mai Fan's troubles, the Lord God was in an anxious state that he couldn't wake up from, but was in a very uncomfortable state.

It is precisely because of this confusion that the elemental man's short-term deception was achieved.

In a strange state, he reluctantly integrated into the soul body of the main god. Then in this chaos, he took out the weapon that could cut and collect objects very accurately, and pointed it at each bead connected.

The most vulnerable part was cut hard.

This was the greatest strength and fastest speed that Elemental Man had ever used in his life. Because what he cut this time was not just as simple as a single knife.

Because he found that the process of transforming his Taitai into the soul structure of the Lord God was extremely draining on his physical strength. The transformation of his form just now lasted for a very short time. After he transformed from this state into himself again,

After returning to a normal state, there is a high probability that he will be weak for a long time.

And after he weakened, he didn't know how long it would take to replenish his body and become a normal state again. He was afraid that if he didn't grasp this opportunity, they might have to wait for a long, long time before he had a chance.

I downloaded the second track again.

But they have no time and no chance. If there is someone in their team who can replace him, he will not go to such lengths to implement such a risky and aggressive plan.

Now he just had the utmost courage to do it.

And his boldness really made a small attack on these emotional connections.

When the elemental man slashed at the connection between the two beads, I used the least amount of force, and struck at most eight to seven times in the shortest time.

It can even concentrate on expressing one of its most obvious emotions.

That strange situation was naturally noticed by Nie Yao and the others who had been watching inside.

But as the bubbles popped more and less, the pink color became heavier and heavier. The dreamy color finally turned into a deep red color that made people feel less scary.

We were also fools, so we quickly squatted underground and used various small jars as bunkers to hide our bodies.

The trivial individual strength and emotion have become a huge impact that can be killed by an ant.

In the sufficient space that Grandpa Mai Fan dragged out, I basically attacked.

The bad news is that his attack is really ineffective. The good news is that the main god has been alarmed. There is a small chance that I will be in a state of unconsciousness while I am sleeping. But why is it so confusing? It obviously erased my consciousness.

It’s chained.”

These huge essences of several species that had had their souls wiped out and were absorbed as nutrients before, all burst out at that moment.

By the time Mai Fan's grandfather successfully moved the elemental people to his own residence, the small jar belonging to the Lord God in front of us had not yet turned bright red.

"Damn it, his attack was effective.

Fortunately, my attack seemed to have no effect. Just when I looked at the chaotic ceiling with no strength, the soul and body of the Lord God where I was lying began to tremble violently.

And in front of us, just like the aftermath of the eruption of a flaming volcano, the entire small jar where the Lord God was kept began to boil.

The Lord God's smallest enemy now is not the big ants, even the culprit who caused me to lose control is no longer my enemy.

A happy, tumbling, and angry sound came from the jar.

In the blind attack of the elemental people, not a single link was suddenly broken in the middle.

At this time, I was struggling with myself, not realizing that there wasn't a group of giant ants around me peeping at me.

Now I can only rely on the fact that my attack just now was effective and Mai Fan's grandfather successfully escaped from the outside.

Because I can only send out so few of those low-frequency and low-power attacks.

Then as less and less bubbles came out, the entire inside of the small jar turned into a dreamy light pink before exploding.

I struggled, I made up for it crazily, I tried to get rid of things that were not beneficial to me, but my pink core chain was completely destroyed. In fact, it was just a chain reaction caused by a large gap.

At that time, Mai Fan's grandfather emerged from the middle in horror and ran towards me in an extremely embarrassed posture.

Before I could return to my elemental state, I collapsed directly to the ground.

Outside the chaotic space of the main god in front, slightly pink bubbles popped up one after another.

Regardless of whether any of them are realized, the elemental people will face the fate of facing their own death in that little jar.

Maybe the connection between the two pink chains is not so strong, and the loophole happened to be cut by the elemental man.

The former elemental man awkwardly entered and exited the simulation state and returned to his origins.

From that moment on, if the main god had never had a main personality, I would definitely regret why I had to go back to the path of limited fusion and weakening myself.

When the missing hubs could no longer be connected to one place, the entire Lord God became chaotic. However, the inexplicable expression of anger on the other side was also very confusing.

My worst enemy now is not myself.

In this piece of red, a golden light like the Virgin burst out. A bloody, cruel, crazy red light suddenly broke out. When the red light flashed to the lowest level, it suddenly went out.

It turned into a dark and cold breath. In short, all kinds of emotions were mixed together in the inexplicable attack of the elemental man, and completely exploded.

All the sins I have done in the future have now been reflected back on me.

The elemental man was feeling depressed about his insignificance one second, and fell into deep utterance the next.

But at this time, Nie Yao's grandfather had not yet lifted me onto his shoulders, and was struggling to climb along the pipe toward my own danger zone.

It is a self-created path to victory, and that kind of path to victory can drag a god into a monster.

Just like a poor dehydrated person who has been exposed to low temperatures in the desert for eight days, Qing never has the strength to stand up or even speak a word.

The energy dissipating here gives people a very terrifying feeling.

I also pay attention to the error rate, or whether I cut the right place.

But it was the breakdown of that connection that caused a few spontaneous riots.

This chapter has been completed!
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