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 But the thing is, he joined Mai Fan's team and won the true friendship of many people in the team with his enthusiasm and sincerity.

Then, since Mai Fan found his grandfather, he could not continue to stay in the main city space. He was not a real player among the main gods and could not provide any further help to Golden Retriever.

But the team formed by their teammate Mai Fan who went on the mission together did not break up because of this.

The owner of the most enthusiastic private kitchen. Very happily accepted the invitation request of the golden retriever to join his team.

Among the list of people he often hangs out with is a little-known boy who has no merit except for his thick shell.

But no one looked down on this child, because in this team, under the training of the owner of the private kitchen, Golden Retriever became famous for having a back-hard shell that even the strongest arrows could not penetrate.

Many people who cheated on the private kitchen boss wanted this golden young man to go out with them in order to survive in some dangerous dungeons.

Being able to give them a hard-shell protection at the most critical moment is worth a life.

Then, after the main god space inexplicably opened the return activity, this kid became the first batch of people who were lucky enough to return to his hometown.

Golden Retriever's hometown is different from any of his team members. Although his hometown is a relatively low-level planet, it has not been invaded by unreasonable and so-called high-level planets.

But it does matter, human emotions are not rich and colorful, and fear will pop up slightly at a certain point in time.

After a lot of threats and threats, I found that the weird people were not able to cause serious harm to me, so the frightening mood I felt when I first encountered those terrifying legends would quickly weaken.

But that kind of concept and theory is generally suitable for the situation in our hometown.

Before returning to his hometown, Mai Fan finished instilling an ultra-radical concept and theory of self-protection into the people who had left his hometown.

As for the owner of Private Kitchen, I have always been there and have never left.

But in that kind of real society, Mai Fan's two brushes, which can only save his life, are enough to deal with all the problems in our world.

Often, a few older children who come home late will see some small and big poor bugs following us in the moonlight, trying to arouse our inner fear. At that time, these older children will laugh and pick them up.

He picked up the stones on the roadside and threw them towards the begging things as the villain said... beating those unlucky monsters who knew where they came from outside until they screamed, and finally he had to hold them in his arms.

My head came back pitifully in the rain.

For Jin Mao, a passerby who happened to pass by the Lord God's space, Jin Mao was my savior, but the one who also saved me from my seventh illness was the Little Perfect Master who stayed in the space forever.

Then it will turn into a thought that he is so strong... Once this feeling of awe and fear disappears.

But as long as people are self-reliant enough, even if they are as brave as a mouse on the inside, I cannot shrink myself into a big turtle shell and let these weak legends punch and kick us.

No matter what harmful legends, powerful ghosts or imaginary evil gods, they could all cause the slightest harm to the blond-haired young man.

In the sequel, there is no longer a legend in Mai Fan's hometown about a face-like man or a beastly monster who will be taken away when he returns home at night.

Of course, there is no way to completely eliminate ghosts and legends.

My grandfather and I really didn’t appear and disappear inexplicably.

That's where I really spend my old age.

For Mai Fan, the Little Perfect Master is also my benefactor. So wherever my benefactor is, I will naturally stay by my side.

Mai Fan stayed with my true benefactor until his death, watching the joys and sorrows, the rise and fall of that space together.

No matter how scary something happens before you have no way to harden yourself, you will have less fear.

It has nothing to do with the past. The memory is not the fault of anyone. The souvenirs left by the Golden Retriever are still in each of our hands.

Everyone thinks that they have the same experience in the past, but it has been so long. It is strange that there is no way to find news about this young man who brought us together through unusual channels.

My native place is just a weird real society full of legends, magic, ghosts and some well-known things.

Those things that are said to be legendary are originally born from the emptiness of fear. As long as a little bit of fear is still there, we are either dead or destroyed.

Before I taught the correct methods and guided my family around me to learn to deal with those terrifying things, the brave Mai Fan did not stay in my hometown, but chose to return to the space of the Lord God.

It doesn't matter how young the other party is, as long as your skin is thick enough... no matter how weak or powerful the demon is, it can still harm you.

Hao Ling, who knows how to be grateful, returned to the place that gave me opportunities and my seventh life before she completed her mission to return to her hometown.

As my first benefactor, Golden Retriever has not found a family yet and needs my company early on. But these players who have come and gone and are in the heart of the Little Master, can play the role of a friend.

Mai Fan completely saved my friends and family around me by relying on my turtle head-down method.

That method is too ineffective for the people of that planet.

I still regard it as my seventh hometown, and I have managed countless properties and businesses there.

We haven't even found the same existence in the list of main god players.

Let the culprit who once kidnapped several older children and caused us to suddenly die out of fear become a wretch who can be stoned by anyone wandering in the wilderness.

Because there are some spiritual substances outside our world.

But the most boring thing is that all the legends and weird and weak existences under that planet were all born out of human fear.

We are so strong that we have lost our fear and cannot even chase a weak young person around me. We can even break it to pieces again and again if we use special tools.

The golden retriever seemed to suddenly appear outside the main god's space, and then suddenly disappear.

When a certain kind of monster or legend does not have enough fear to support it, the monster's own wildness will decrease accordingly, and it may even become very powerful.

In that person's heart, the horror will no longer be terrifying... This really doesn't matter.

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