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2271 Chase

 Just thinking about it, he didn't understand how someone could kill the former Lord God and do so inhumanely, or in other words, pursue him very easily.

Ordinary players like them can't even find a hair on where the former main god's lair is, but this one has already reached the final stage, which is the most cruel stage of eradicating the roots.

In addition to being scary, this question is also extremely curious.

Because just talking with Mai Fan and sitting here chatting with him for such a long time was enough for the captain to make a very simple assessment and prediction of the strength of this strange customer.

He really wasn't bragging, or he was underestimating Mai Fan. He could pat his chest and guarantee that Mai Fan was definitely not a cowardly strong man who pretended to be a pig and eat the tiger.

His true strength is right in front of everyone, and he can even be regarded as an extremely ordinary existence among players.

Maybe Mai Fan is well-informed, or he has a lot of resources that others are keen on but cannot get, but in terms of personal ability, he is really not a strong person in the eyes of other players.

Otherwise, there would not have been such an agreement to fight on behalf of others. He would have just relied on his own abilities to easily chase the opponent into that world and eliminate it.

So how did such an ordinary player cause the collapse of such a powerful existence as the former Lord God?

And how did the current main god successfully kill his predecessor and take over?

For that task, the captain always attached great importance to it, and attached more importance to it.

That benevolent god does not have the compassion that players have always imagined a god should have.

In the seventh message signed and revealed by Mai Fan, the captain's bad image saw some clues about the current main god's very affectionate nature.

Now the guest opposite, Mai Fan, told me very clearly that what we want to eliminate is a large part of the clones of the Lord God.

Each time it may be the beginning of a disaster for the entire space.

What kind of relationship does he have with the guest sitting across from him?

At this time, the captain was trembling all over. I was so excited that I couldn't express it in unusual words.

But for such a situation, the players who rely on living outside that space can only be angry but not speechless.

During those long historical years, there were not many ethnic groups, or top-notch players, but we all carried the title of Lord God walking in the player space under our heads.

However, there are always no heroes who have the courage to resist, and the truly cold-blooded tribesmen fall down one after another in the pursuit of death and justice.

For that kind of evil main god, players who have no memory feel both awe and hatred for my existence.

For other people, changing the main god may not change anything, but for the captain who has traded with Huo Zheng, he knows that the new main god has a small chance of opening a channel for players to return.

There haven't even been a few incidents where the phantom of the Lord God has been cast into real society.

We have tried to resist, but the result was a more tragic ending.

But it is definitely true that once the main god loses his reaction, then, don’t let those players know where the main god is, as long as there is no clue that has nothing to do with the main god... These are like wolves and tigers, burying hatred

Players at the deepest level can find it and tear it into pieces.

So, the captain reluctantly panicked and continued to finalize the contract, but I knew before that the person who replaced the new main god could not be the least famous and baddest player among us.

Due to the excessive pain and the fact that it is absolutely possible to defeat it, many players can only ignore its existence in order to spend their confusing life as a player.

Once the news about Qinglao is released, all the players in that space will probably believe in the current main god as our true god.

After all, the players' weak abilities are actually dependent on the blessings of the Lord God.

From now on, that space will no longer be a space where you can simply breed a young person at a low price to satisfy the selfish desires of a master god.

Before this thing gets here, it will exist outside.

No matter what the new main god did, or what method he used to replace the successor, the new main god is worse than the previous main god to the current players.

Huge casualties, crazy plundering, rational elimination, and even some blatant devouring all occurred when the master's representatives appeared.

But now that I have heard the truest explanation of what we want to destroy...the captain wants to unpack the package now and kill Mai Fan directly to completely destroy this thing that belongs to the Lord God.

But before he knew that terrible incident, the captain's bad curiosity once again returned to the impact it had before that incident.

I am no longer a member of the minority group who is afraid of avoiding this place and the devil's cave.

Therefore, making complete preparations and truly making that thing disappear is the most real and fundamental reason why Maifan hired our team.

I sacrificed myself to fulfill the dream of all players to return.

In response to this reaction, Mai Fan was indeed very panicked and asked the other party to calm down first and make complete preparations before retreating together.

When this day comes, our space will become a holy place of opportunity and hope for advancement for all ethnic groups.

And our spokesperson outside the space may appear once every once in a while. Every time such a spokesperson appears, it will cause a small bloody storm and always cause weak turmoil for the entire player.

When the main god is eliminated, the player named Little Master Zhishan will truly have the authority over all the main gods.

For example, I am only targeting to eliminate a huge hidden danger that is about to collapse, rather than the cruelty of wiping out all players who are not too closely involved with the post-lord god.

At the forefront, new players are always reminded by these old players who have lived long enough that if we have to be reckless, we have to sacrifice in vain.

Yes, it matters, and the rest matters, even if Mai Fan told me that before the mission started, he would give me the code to find a way to return... even though it was only a trivial one.

Most of them, but for a player captain who knows history and has suffered losses from the main god, it is also an existence that can definitely make my combat factor scream.

All of that, to the captain who was playing on behalf of me, was like a mystery to me.

Is it possible to move to another place or plane in a short period of time?

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