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Chapter 23 Completely solve the family

"If I hadn't looked at my mentor's face, it would never have been my turn, as a fresh graduate, to do such a good thing!"

"That's the general manager of a group company. The future of thousands of people is in my hands!"

"So, I really have no money now."

When the Mai family heard this, the expressions on their faces were really ugly.

The Mai Fan who was sitting in front of them at this time was no longer the same Mai Fan who had made a lot of money in the past few years and could squeeze out some profit.

Now Mai Fan...not only cannot be the object of their bragging...if he is not careful, he will become the biggest burden to the old Mai family.

Thinking of this, Mai Dayou sighed. He was thinking about how to separate his family from Mai Fan in a way that would not reveal the mountains and rivers...but his eldest son, Mai Qiang, impatiently tore off the disguise.

"Who said you have no money?"

"As for the chariot you rode back just now, I think it's pretty good!"

"Did you spend a lot of money to buy that gangster?"

"I guess it's going to be two thousand dollars bigger anyway."

Mai Fan laughed heartily and said that it was a small matter. When he asked a friend to buy it back from abroad, it cost him more than 3,300 yuan including the formalities and transportation.

Now that we have reached this point, are we finally going to show off?

At this time, Mai Fan had a surprised expression on his face, as if he was meeting his family for the first time, and he slowly looked around at every family member around him.

Seeing the rare guilty conscience on their faces, and the calmness that I am right, please don't drag me down, and finally contribute to this family...

A sad and painful look appeared on Mai Fan's face: "So...so you all think so?"

"None of you... think I can succeed?"

"But, even if we fail, aren't we still family?"

“Don’t families have to support each other?”

Except for Mai's mother who lowered her head in embarrassment, the other people in the Mai family didn't have any embarrassment on their faces.

Their tone of voice was taken for granted, and their attitude was even somewhat relaxed after getting rid of the burden.

Father Mai Dayou then spoke on behalf of his eldest son: "Mai Fan, it's not that your family doesn't support your decision."

"But look at the situation of our family. It's hard to live like this now..."

"Do you insist that our family live... just like our neighbor Lao He's family?"

"We, our family is also having a hard time..."

Before Mai Dayou finished speaking, Mai Xiang, who had been sitting at the back of the crowd and said nothing, quickly interjected: "My sister Juanzi and her family have all been laid off."

"Sister Juanzi's employer has not paid wages for three months."

"If Sister Juanzi hadn't married into a good family, their family would have gone out to beg for food!"

What do you mean?

Mai Fan suddenly raised his head and saw that his sister, who was as high as the sky, was no longer as happy and close as before when she was talking about He Wenjuan.

Listen to what Mai Xiang is saying...

She seems to be dissatisfied with He Wenjuan's...good luck?

Mai Xiang envies He Wenjuan's current situation, but He Wenjuan's work is like this...could it be said...

Mai Fan stared at Mai Xiang's face for a long time. Is this cheap girl jealous?

What makes me jealous is that... He Wenjuan can find such a good partner?!

Mai Fan, who saw some signs, was shocked!

Has this happened in the original world?

Do you want to be so bloody?

Does his arrival make everything so exciting?

My mother, he is completely irresponsible for the confusion of emotional lines!!

No, this play must be finished quickly, let everything end today!

Even if there are still some lingering entanglements in the future, they will not be blamed on him!

When Mai Fan thought of this, he sighed and squatted down.

He rubbed his hair, which was not long to begin with, and his tone was so sad and sad.

"I see……"

There was a cry in Mai Fan's words: "Tomorrow I will find a friend to sell my marriage!"

"I asked someone to send the money to my elder brother."

"From now on, I will never come back if nothing happens!"

"If you are still worried, I will write you a property division and full responsibility agreement."

"Let everyone in our family sign."

"Later, I'll go to the neighborhood committee to make a certificate, and I'll have someone contact a lawyer to do justice."

"Don't worry, I won't drag you down."

"I...this is probably the last thing I can do for my family."

After saying that, Mai Fan stood up sadly, looked around at these so-called family members again, and with the desolation of a strong man who will never return, slowly, slowly... walked out of his home.

Mother Mai raised her head and looked silently at her second son, who had once earned her face...

No matter how lonely and pitiful this figure is, it cannot compare to the other family members in the house.

No one can save him...

Mai Fan just walked out of Lao Mai's room, feeling as lonely as four years ago when he lived alone in a small hotel and struggled for the college entrance examination.

It's the same summer, the same scene, but it's always the same person who gets separated in the end.

Mai Fan, standing outside the courtyard, raised his head and smiled sarcastically.

Although this result was directed by him, when the whole play ended, as a director, he still had some expectations for human nature.

Well, this is not the real world after all.

Haven't all the trajectories and directions been determined long ago?

Mai Fan, who was pushing his motorcycle, no longer needed to complain and win sympathy from his neighbors.

Because when his motorcycle disappears completely and he never returns to this compound, everyone around him will know what happened tonight.

What happens next is much simpler.

Mai Fan didn't even have to come forward himself, and delivered the corresponding contract and the money from selling the motorcycle to the Mai family.

The person who made the trip for Mai Fan was an external lawyer hired by his company.

As someone who specializes in handling economic dispute cases, it is easy to handle small cases involving family ethics.

In order to avenge his boss, the lawyer, while completing these trivial procedures for his client, did not forget to explain the cause and effect of this incident in front of the neighbors.

For people in this world, this is simply a rare thing.

From their point of view, once this contract was signed, it was like a major event that severed the relationship between father and son.

This is no less astonishing than letting children take the college entrance examination alone outside.

Lao Mai's reputation has once again hit rock bottom.

However, driven by immediate interests, things like word of mouth have no practical effect for them.

They happily accepted the money, signed the contract happily, and went off to live their comfortable and free lives.

This chapter has been completed!
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