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2333 Enter

"If it is really for this reason, then I think I must take your suggestion seriously. Then I will send some more people to the periphery to investigate and see if it is as you said.

, if it is the monster's comprehensive calculation from the inside, once I discover this sign, I will immediately send people to do these things.

As for the reason why you want to leave this team, aren’t you afraid? What kind of thing do you think it would be that could allow such a large number of monsters to escape from it?”

Regarding this point, the captain was quite helpless, but there was nothing he could do about it. This was the obligation he should do.

He said some words to the dwarf leader that only each other could understand: "Did you know? The guy among us who has the most research on the red zone has his mission to eliminate all certain species that exist in the red zone.


This kind of monster actually doesn't have much impact on him or even our entire team, but the existence of this monster is really too important to you people who depend on it.

Maybe you don't know it, but some chaotic and inexplicable things suddenly appear in your red zone. This kind of thing may not have existed at all.

They seemed to appear out of nowhere. My teammate discovered his existence and eliminated one of them in the red area he passed just now.

Do you dare to believe it? It was precisely because I eliminated one of them that I confirmed the existence of that thing, and that led to the belief that I didn’t have in that thing.

If the vibration in the red area must be caused by that thing, then why do you want to do such a laborious and undesirable thing?"

Speaking of which, the captain outside shrugged his shoulders: "He should regard it as an act of redemption for someone who hates the plight of the rescuers for the rest of his tribe.

At that time, everyone had endless nonsense.

He also follows you specially and waits for your command."

Now Mai Fan really gave us a basic time based on the pointer and map display for us to retreat and come out before completing the task: "Eight days, you will probably retreat and come out again, the time used is eight days, of course

It is very unlikely that the entrance you retreat to is the other entrance, but before you kill a monster, you will choose to come out from another entrance. But before you come out, you will try your best to choose the original migration route.

coordinates, so when you arrive at the danger zone, you will notify him as soon as possible, and find a way to report the location of the coordinates.

Those words really spoke to the heart of the dwarf leader. In my opinion, maybe my luck is not so bad after all: "Yes, to his auspicious words, you also hope that you are not so bad luck. Now it's really

The most important thing is that before everything starts, ask him to follow your pace.

These simple and honest little people, generally obedient, took the machines and the square-moving corpses we collected that were not related to the monster, and hurriedly entered the small front of the team from the last line of the battlefield.

At this time, whether the team is moving or is still waiting for you, you cannot meet at the new coordinate point.

The two parties looked at each other and understood that the smallest adventure in our world cannot be officially withdrawn.

"Then your side is also ready."

When I said those words, the captain's acting skills had not reached the peak of my life. The leader of the dwarves was looking at him with tears in his eyes.

When the captain returned, the wounded in the rear had already been taken back to the front by the dwarf health workers.

The captain who received the news hurriedly said goodbye to him, and hurriedly returned to the edge where his teammates and the team led by Team No. Mai were waiting.

When we stepped into the red area, there was a burst of incredible exclamations in front of us.

I decided to inflict the smallest insult on those with the most noble moral character and refused their request to leave the team temporarily.

We packed up our luggage, organized our weapons, and followed our leader and this hired man who was not a bit crazy in our eyes as we retreated into the most mysterious area in the legend of that world, just like the most daily adventure.

"How long does he think their trip will be delayed?"

"It's broken. Next, they have to go back to their captain and standby again.

Yes, even if all these soldiers reach the front, there will still be a few investigators left at the edge responsible for investigating those left behind, as well as the escorts of the transport team whose hands and feet are not very flexible.

It is said that things are not as wonderful as you imagined. Before you left the army, their team retreated smoothly. Before you came out eight days ago, it is said that they will have to pursue it on an unusual road.

Their retreat was driven down hard.

To be honest, old friend, you really don’t have much confidence in the upcoming journey.

At that time, these auxiliary races sent by the dwarves had not yet cleaned up the battlefield. After we eliminated these big monsters and transformed into small monsters, the road finally showed a walkable appearance.

Before the dwarf captain said he was unhappy, he generously waived part of the price we should pay and wished Mai Tuan that our upcoming adventure would go smoothly, and at worst, our return would be delayed.

Without their support, everything that follows would be too optimistic."

"Yes, everything is ready."

At that time, the captain had not yet made contact with Tang Lin through the entire team's communicator. In my opinion, Mai Fan told me that I would observe it next and we retreated to the deep layer.

Outside the area, the time required to find this monster.

The leader of the dwarves rejected our request to leave temporarily and was concerned about what would happen to the entire team during the eight days we left. He also didn’t care whether the rewards we paid during those eight days should be returned to the dwarf team.


"Is everything ready now?"

At this time, they haven’t traveled eight days or so!”

Now the only ones waiting solidly at the edge are Mai Fan and the group of teammates who want to protect me.

To be honest, damn it, you are Han Hu too. Why should I do those things? But I am your teammate. If I do such risky things, you may throw him away and let him retreat into the world alone.

It’s a world of monsters.”

The captain's lobbying was very successful.

This chapter has been completed!
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