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2381 Use

 This is space. It can only fall out of the body after death. Therefore, it is impossible for this big man to stuff his body into his suitcase. Then he can only put these boxes outside and treat them as a real suitcase.

of portable space to use.

As for this special suitcase, Mai Fan had the impression that it was only used when carrying large cargo.

This kind of space line is not made to such a high degree of sophistication. On the outside, the style seems to be rough and simple, but because of its extremely large capacity, it is not suitable for businessmen who have transportation tasks and storage tasks.

It is one of the most popular pieces of equipment.

Now Mai Fan looked at the entire train space. For the miners who came here, this kind of space has almost become their standard.

Those travel bags, as long as Fan looked at the rough canvas-like things piled on his table.

He pointed again: "Could it be that this is also a special space tool?

At this time, joyous laughter rang out in the carriage again, and these big men gave a particularly humorous answer: "No, no, no, no, this is really an ordinary backpack. You know why we carry it outside and don't put it on our back."

How about putting it into the main god’s space at any time?

That's because we are enjoying this very short journey. Such a pleasant journey can only be enjoyed during this period.

These backpacks are filled with things that should be prepared on the train. This is a source of joy for me and all of us."

After saying these words, everyone burst into laughter while opening their own canvas bags that looked not too small. After opening, Mai Fan confirmed that this bag was really a simple bag that could be found in the vegetable market or even in the supermarket.

It's a cheap canvas backpack you can buy at the morning market.

After opening these canvas backpacks, they were filled with snacks that are often eaten on the train, such as those cheap-looking instant noodle buckets and very portable disassembled ham sausages.

From time to time, there are all kinds of fruits and vegetables, hard-boiled eggs with soybean paste, and even roast duck and pork head meat that fill the air with a strong smell.

He suddenly understood what these miners were talking about about the fun on the train. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, several of them even took out liquor, beer and anything else they could put in their mouths from their canvas bags.

Alcoholic beverages.

Before the train started, they were just arranged very neatly on a small square table with four people facing each other, and they were waiting for the train very religiously, shaking it slightly, and then shaking it again... Entering into a slow but sufficient

After a smooth driving period, these absentee brothers opened the various packaging bags in front of them with satisfaction.

"How are you, young man? I didn't expect to bring something like this on this train.

You don’t look like a person who doesn’t know how to get along, would you like to have some food with us?”

What was said was the elder brother beside Mai Fan who kindly answered various questions for him. In the process of speaking, he had already smashed two of his hard-boiled eggs very smoothly and took one of the relatively beautiful and beautiful ones.

The plump eggs were stuffed into Mai Fan's hand.

When the egg fell into his hand, Mai Fan could even feel the scalding heat on the egg.

I really don’t know if this elder brother cooked fresh eggs in his own space before going out, so that he could enjoy the short two-hour journey on the train, including meals and travel.

If it was noisy at the beginning with the sound of people chatting everywhere, now there is only the aroma of food and the sound of chewing around Mai Fan.

Everyone started by eating and drinking, and then it became a process of exchanging information and chatting back and forth.

In this process, of course, Mai Fan couldn't say anything, because after all, he was not a permanent miner in this world, and in this atmosphere, he could only be a quiet listener in the presence of so many people.

Grab useful information for him during the chat.

The only way to blend in is to eat and drink with everyone. Since he is a relatively quiet person, it is easy for everyone to think that he is a gentle newcomer.

In the process, he did enjoy many people's delicacies, and even took a sip of a certain kind of liquor that was particularly popular among miners.

This kind of spirit is said to be mined in relatively cold or cold mines. One of people's favorite drinks is comparable to the fact that Mai Fan secretly drank his grandfather's Erguotou in the real world.

The taste is very strong, but not overpowering.

As for those foods, they are good craftsmanship and homemade things that everyone has developed in this world of absenteeism.

In terms of flavor and style, it is all kinds of strange.

But there was nothing that Mai Fan couldn't eat.

During the chat, Mai Fan learned that there was a boss recognized by everyone in that place. This boss would never interfere in the daily lives of ordinary miners like them. People only knew that he had such a symbol, and knew that he had such a symbol.

This symbol once set some rules, and the rules in that place were stricter than those in the real world or even the main god's space.

In that place, everyone must remember firmly, memorize all the rules of the big names that are profitable the moment they step off the train station when they enter the world, and keep them in mind, so as not to

Because after some things got too much, they forgot what they could do and what they couldn't do in this world, and ended up losing their lives in another world.

This is what no one wants

Part of the reason why they can become miners may be that in this world, the benefits you can see are visible to the naked eye and you can control them. Even if there are layers of exploitation, your life depends on everyone.

This meaning and various processes are all insurable, and some ores will be exchanged for various materials, as well as the information and resources they want to exchange for.

In addition, some people are already comfortable doing certain mechanical jobs, and they don't want to change their existing stable lives.

Probably because of this, some skilled old workers have gradually accumulated here, and some large-scale mining companies are operating here.

Although absenteeism is a bit tiring, it still has a promising future.


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