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2386 Reason

 Just like now, if you use the same wall and use another input method to squeeze it, the functions obtained will be different.

At this time, the carpet under Mai Fan's and his friends' feet automatically appeared with a passage leading to the piece they were stepping on.

This connected and spliced ​​carpet like Huarong Road carried Mai Fan very smoothly and started to send him to the room he was going to. It was the first time for Mai Fan to experience such a novel experience.

Of course, he did not show his country bumpkin side. He was very calm and allowed the automatic track under his feet to send him to his designated room, which was what they had discussed with the elemental people.

That location.

To be honest, he never thought that the elemental people would live such a carefree life in this world. Yes, when he walked in front of the elemental people along this corridor, he had already heard the deafening sound in the whole room.

The service in a high-end hotel like this is so good, and the soundproofing is naturally not that bad.

So when the door to the room is closed, there shouldn't be any sound coming out, but the fact is that it is so interesting.

Mai Fan and the others could hear all the sounds in the room where the elemental people were in the area! This was too exaggerated.

Just when Fan Maifan was about to give this boy a kind reminder, after sensing someone coming from outside, the elemental man's room automatically opened.

The most interesting thing is that at this time, the entire balcony and the entire room are not in a state to welcome new guests.

Neither the elemental man nor all the guests in his room were ready for Mai Fan's arrival.

The sudden appearance of this kid surprised the elemental people.

When he contacted Mai Fan, he thought Mai Fan was just a guy who had just arrived at the station and didn't understand the situation here.

But Mai Fan's current situation is that not only did he come directly, he also very smartly found the right place and the right direction.

This made his originally planned schedule of dancing a few more times come to an abrupt end.

Feeling that he had been caught, the elemental man was a little embarrassed. He touched his head and smiled sarcastically at Mai Fan: "Hahaha, you are here. Didn't I tell you that I will send someone to pick you up later?"

What about you! How could you come here by yourself?

Look, maybe you just missed the person I sent."

Mai Fan didn't care too much. He made a very natural gesture to let me in, and then the room was completely open to him.

After seeing that the guest they served had successfully entered the room of another guest, and after confirming that the handover was completed, the service staff expressed a warm welcome to Mai Fan, they then retreated from the door very wisely.

When the door of the elemental people closes, it means that their service to Maifan ends at this moment.

And what follows is the exchange between the elemental man and his friends.

"So what are you doing in there?"

Mai Fan discovered that among the elemental people in this world, there seemed to be some friends here that he knew from the beginning.

Because he could clearly sense that these people looked very similar to the elemental people.

This discovery made Mai Fan even more strange: "Didn't it mean that you are about to face the danger of explosion and genocide? Now it seems that this situation is not the case."

As soon as this element is mentioned, the human spirit comes to mind, "That's not what it is. Guess what? After I came to this world, I found that our race has not been destroyed."

Most of our people are intact and still trying to survive.

They took root here and adapted to life here very well.

As for how they arrived, it’s really embarrassing to talk about. Doesn’t our planet have various elemental crises? I don’t know when, someone came to our world through the gap between the Lord God players and suddenly

He discovered the characteristics of our ethnic group there, and he thought we were particularly suitable here.

To put it bluntly, my people are particularly suitable to be miners.

In addition to miners, it is also particularly suitable for smelting.

Then I discovered that our tribe came to this world voluntarily and did not have to pay too much.

This player started to recruit people from us. This process turned into a very profitable business.

Many of my tribesmen came here this way.

And despite the dangerous condition of the original planet, they desperately tried to move their families to this relatively stable planet.

As for being unable to return to your former hometown, if you know that your own planet may explode in the next second, or maybe in 200 years, under such uncertain circumstances...if you would quickly avoid it

Upcoming risks?”

If something like this happened to Mai Fan's earth, he would definitely take everyone he knew out without hesitation.

Therefore, Mai Fan nodded with certainty, acknowledging the self-selection of the elemental people as an ethnic group in this world.

"So this is the situation.

After I came to this world and found them, you have no idea how happy I felt.

And when I told them that maybe I would take them back to their original planet, these people were so happy.

Now most of them are united around me and chatting with me about their lives in this world. I feel really happy being with them.

Mai Fan, you see, they look so much like me, and their abilities are so similar to mine. We have become good friends who talk about everything.

And they will definitely be my most loyal followers.

When doing tasks with them, I don't have to worry about the problems behind them at all. They will never betray me.

Can you understand this feeling? Far away in a foreign country, I feel that I may be alone for the rest of my life, and my planet may have already been heading for final destruction, but now they tell me that the star is still alive.

And they just saw the danger and moved this place into a temporary planet to live in. After the original planet returns to normal, they will return to our former motherland.

This feeling of joy is no different from my biggest home. I feel that all my previous efforts, including the things I have worked hard to achieve, have been rewarded at this moment.

Do you think I was a little silly when I said these words? I don’t know if you can understand how I feel now. I’m sorry that I was too excited and may have been a little incoherent.”

This chapter has been completed!
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