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2398 explanation

 So if you want to know the root cause of this assassination, I suggest you start with the woman herself, rather than starting with my chaotic soul body. And I can tell you for sure that this clone body is because of

For some specific reasons, his IQ and abilities were greatly limited.

Even if he has the ability to assassinate you, he doesn't have the brains to plan everything.

Moreover, you have also seen that when he breaks away from this body, his first reaction is to escape, instead of rushing towards you desperately.

Did you know that it has a characteristic, that is, it can control part of a person's will? Unless it is an extremely powerful person, it is possible not to be affected by it. Generally, in the character, or when caught off guard, without mental protection, it is easy to

You will directly suffer his consequences.

Moreover, even a mentally strong person will inevitably be entangled by him. Even if his mental body is independent and can isolate this thing from his spirit, once it enters the body, this thing will

Even if it is beaten to death, it will not come out of the host's body, because coming out means fragility and uncontrollability, as well as the possibility of losing power. That's why I said that this thing is definitely not a subjective thing that caused your assassination this time. Of course

, during the process of reincarnation, the host is easily affected by the evil side of this clone, which will lead to some confusion or a more paranoid character.

Maybe this woman's hatred for you was buried deep in her heart at first, but because this thing possessed me, I dug out the hatred that was buried deep in your heart, and then I planned a plan.

A series of preludes are implemented to release that anger.

Do you think that the cause and effect in this situation is ultimately the conflict between you and this man? Your answer is unbelievable."

The little old man, after asking about the thing I was most interested in and what I wanted to know for sure, asked some more questions about something I was slightly interested in: "So what is it and where did it come from? He came here running.

Destroy mine?

Why did he say that its existence would affect the entire plane in the first place?

Even if it is powerful, it will still cause turmoil in your plane. Could it be that that thing looks very dangerous and deadly?"

And among the small group of people you are tasked with, there is a small group of people who want to complete that task. The thing you just eliminated is the clone of the successor god that Jinren searched for outside that world.

As a young man who has controlled the entire plane with his own abilities and used the resources of the plane to obtain many death-free servers for himself, I don’t even need to quit doing the weak tasks of the main god now.

Well, to put it bluntly, I am not the overlord of that world. It cannot even be said that I have a new life outside that world. As long as I want to, I cannot step outside that world.

Live your next life steadily and without any worries.

It doesn't mean that I wasn't interested in returning to my original world. But before the contraction was over, the little old man slowly became more intense.

Now, the current main god has opened up that channel, giving your players one less or humane choice. So when that choice is gone, there will inevitably be a small group of people who want to complete that task.


Basically, every player flees there because of some minor things. We all have such thoughts in our hearts. As for mission after mission, those thoughts will change. You

Got it.

Mai Fan nodded and said: "Yes, if you know the Lord God's mission system very well and dig deep into its regression, you will be able to find out with a sloppy analysis of the top mission. It is a mission that has nothing to do with the return.

chain missions. When I completed one mission after another and reached a certain standard, other players could not choose whether to return to their previous world. That was the world where those players first came.

The most desired event in the world.

When Mai Fan raised that question, I remembered that I was still a Lord God player, and I found this Lord God bracelet that I had long thrown away in the depths of my memory.

Speaking of which, the little old man was too vague, because I haven't paid attention to some public aspects or some personal tasks released by the Lord God for a long time.

But at least after that, the former main god never gave the players any return, but the feasibility and our even hope were seen.

It seems that the return is not as attractive to it as others.

And if you think about that kind of ability, if it is used outside any plane, it will be successfully developed by me in the later stage. For any plane, it will basically become a catastrophic existence in the early stage.

Before I can finish a plane or swallow it whole, I will retreat to the previous plane and implement its huge plan at a slower and slower speed." And the little old man in front is there.

When he turned to Mai Fan, he pointed at the place where we had met Xi: "So he was not rushing to complete that task just now. The so-called escaping of the successor God of Gamblers by eliminating them for the Lord God was Gan's attempt.

It’s time to resume the mission of the clone that made a comeback before regaining its strength.”

As for the ability of the subsequent Lord God, you might think that he might have heard about the terrifying ability of swallowing and absorbing the opponent's abilities into his own.

Therefore, I basically cannot come close to having the tasks issued by the main god, or the control the host has over me.

So Mai Fan told us the origin of that thing very frankly: "Did you know that a very boring mission recently appeared in your main god's mission system?"

There was a small chance that I doubted the wording of the visit, and even thought that I was exaggerating to achieve my own purpose.

Since the young man said those words in a very confident tone, Mai Fan knew what the young man was thinking.

If the corresponding problem happened again in the past, it would always be on my head until something went wrong.

It has something to do with it, Mai Fan said. It is one thing to tell the other party and believe it. As a very honest person who can deceive others, I must explain the truth to me.

When I opened it, Mai Fan couldn't see the young man's eyes that were as small as copper bells. His eyes shrank instantly, which shows that my knowledge or feeling of the news was very high.


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