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2405 royal family

Logically speaking, such a person is particularly easy to get close to because his brain is in a damaged state. Whether it is intellectually impaired or behaviorally impaired, he is a vulnerable group in this world and is the easiest to be controlled.

Live, or even eliminate it as quickly as possible.

But it is precisely because of this identity and the differences in some backgrounds behind him that the robot encountered a very difficult problem when dealing with this problem.

That is, just like Mai Fan dealt with the elemental people, the robot encountered such a possessed object with a very high status and background, and if it was not handled well, it would be far from comparable to the situation in the world of elemental people.

After all, in the world of Yuan Yuren, he is just a woman possessed by a big boss, and the big boss has no feelings for this woman. She is the kind of existence that can be ignored at any time, so the elemental people can not only implement

His elimination plan even gave him the opportunity to get to know each other and cooperate with the big boss.

But here, the identity and background of this brain-damaged subject is far from simple.

This possessed object has a very complicated identity, that is, the third prince of the empire. When talking about this empire, we have to talk about the setting of this mechanical world. In this mechanical world, regardless of his technological development

It has reached a very alarming point, but its direction is quite similar to the historical direction of the real world where Mai Fan lives. It is just that they suddenly turned a corner at the turning point of their Qing Dynasty, and the original concentration of imperial power

The system suddenly turned into a world of multi-level cooperation in which the imperial power overrides the parliament. He let go of some of the problems and established the highest contradiction with society, making the imperial power the highest in the world.

While gaining power, he has not yet encountered too much resentment from the public.

The royal family seems to be a mascot-like existence, but the actual military is controlled by the royal family. Those so-called fair-elected political powers, parliaments, and leaders are actually just tools for them to serve ordinary people.

In terms of facilities construction and ordinary people's livelihood issues, he completely delegated power, liberating the entire emperor from the hard work, but he firmly held the power of the army and never let the army get into the hands of civilians.

In order to prevent their own regime from being overthrown, the existence of this seemingly mascot is very hidden, which makes the residents here have a particularly high favorability towards the royal family.

They believe that the timely decentralization of power at that time allowed them to have the high-tech, high-level and relatively high happiness index of the world today.

But in fact, they don't know that behind every political change of the regime, or some major turmoil, there is the shadow of royal intervention and bringing order out of chaos.

The royal family can use many means, or the power in their hands, to influence the current head of state, or the appointment of ministers who are responsible for practical affairs, and to put the consuls selected by their trusted cronies onto the throne of the highest power, thereby achieving their goals.


In fact, the royal family is still sucking the blood of the mechanical people at the bottom, using the entire national power to support the royal family, leading a luxurious, charming and noble life.

The things in these worlds have not been exposed yet because they are beyond the level that ordinary people can understand.

After all, the number of members of the royal family and the difficulty of giving birth to their species make the entire royal family as rare as giant pandas in this mechanical world.

In previous years, only direct members of the entire royal family could enjoy the treatment of the royal family. However, if there were branches or a few more children without inheritance rights, after two generations, they would automatically become ordinary civilians without power.

It is precisely because of this that ordinary people did not discover the fact that the imperial power was superior to them.

After all, there are no more than four or five official members of the entire royal family, so even if they spend their money desperately, they will not affect the overall situation of the world.

But the female group of the current generation of royal family members are particularly fertile and can usually give birth to four or five children at a time.

The current heir is in his prime, and his children and his brothers and sisters are still serving in various important departments and industries. From the outside, the entire family seems to be the only one in office in the royal family, but together with his two younger brothers

, two sisters, plus their descendants, there are dozens of people in total.

The royal succession is very straightforward and neat. If there are no descendants in his line, he will automatically take the place of his eldest brother. If all the heirs of the eldest brother disappear, he will be pushed to his second place.

In the hands of his younger brother, and so on, until the last member of the royal family disappears from this world.

But the good thing is that usually the queens who are their official heirs are well chosen, and there has never been a shortage of descendants.

And this time, the queen, the official heir, even gave birth to four or five children, making him the king with the largest number of direct heirs in the royal family.

In fact, he is not the only queen of this king. This situation can of course be traced back to their non-polygamous royal system. In order to prevent their line of heirs from being cut off, usually a king will have two

Even if there are three queens of equal status, their inheritance rights are only determined by the order of their births.

The current king is very lucky to have three wives, and these three wives are in a relatively equal position among his descendants, and there is no distinction between them.

Interestingly, these three queens were even pregnant at the same time, and the king's offspring were born at about the same time.

What is even more interesting for them is that the three queens gave birth to sons with the right to inherit the throne. Unfortunately, the third prince born to the third queen did not know why on the day of his birth.

During the IQ test, it was discovered that he had a slight tendency to be mentally retarded.

There is a high probability that his intelligence level can only be maintained at the IQ of about ten years old. As a flawed royal heir, he will most likely only be a leisurely prince in this life, and his descendants will also be cut off from the second generation.

Possibility of sub-inheritance.

He was originally only the third heir, and coupled with the drag of this problem, he had no hope of completely severing this inheritance.

It is precisely because of this that the three queens, who were born a little later, were quite frustrated with this result. When a child is not liked by his father and mother, the things surrounding him may be beyond the imagination of ordinary people.


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