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2444 snooping

 If things come to the worst and he can't even save his life, then he won't care about destroying the thing they should destroy, but it is more important to escape first.

After preparing violent weapons, Mai Fan thought for a while and began to collect some interesting rare and exotic herbs in his tavern, the main functions of which were detoxification.

He didn't know how the antidote potions in this world were being developed. But to be on the safe side, sometimes he still believed it was better to do something on his own. After making all the preparations, Mai Fan and the others finally faced this...

I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse, but it’s a food-tasting banquet.

As a prince of a country, even if he is not favored, if he wants to hold a trial banquet in the kitchen, the momentum will still be very huge.

But what’s interesting is that there were no heavyweights participating in this seemingly playful little banquet. The director of the library who had the best relationship with the prince had gone somewhere, and the only ones who appeared in the kitchen were him and him.

His companion reading.

This was the first time for the chefs in the back kitchen to see the legendary third prince.

With just a few words and some preliminary contacts, all the chefs in the back kitchen understood one thing. The rumors were wrong. The third prince had turned into a very smart and pure young man.


So when did the third prince become like this? No one around him noticed, but the cooks like them, who didn't often come in contact with him, found out. What does it mean?

Everyone who was not notified by the head chef began to frown, and the hands preparing the ingredients were trembling.

But things have come to this point, and even if they are trying to stand up, they still have to continue.

They could only try their best to maintain a calm expression, and then continued to operate in accordance with the original requirements.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner, and no one knew it. At this time, they took off the things they were making and added something very interesting.

Each of these things are mixed with the original ingredients. If tested, they will not cause any toxic test results on the original ingredients.

But mixing these ingredients together randomly, no matter how they are arranged and combined, even if there is only the effect of one plus one, some kind of weird poison may be formed.

The more circuits there are in the ingredients prepared for them by the kitchen, the more toxic the poison will be, and the shorter its onset time will be.

If it were set according to the ideas of this group of chefs who want to express themselves, they would definitely use many more ingredients to make a very amazing meal.

After all, it is impossible for any chef to take just one ingredient and boil it in plain water without adding anything.

So from the beginning, they had sentenced the third prince to death.

Because no matter what he ate, whether it was simple or complex, he ate the most deadly thing.

As for what to do if the subsequent test fails? Explaining or preparing a report for this test is not something that the people under the eldest prince should worry about.

Even if you trace the source of each ingredient and check the import source, in the end, it may only be the work error of the handyman who handles the ingredients.

Although there are errors in the work of each type of food, the probability of this happening at the same time is extremely slim.

It happened at this time and caused this tragedy, so what can they do with these people?

Those who caused this chaos must of course be held accountable.

As for the accountability, the process of this bizarre incident will be talked about by all the people.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this kind of thing that is too coincidental can only be regarded as an accidental injury. Therefore, if some serious crimes are sentenced, the balance of the public will also tip to the side of the more vulnerable ordinary people.

Therefore, those who create and control all these things will not be punished in any way. Even the lowest-level people he sends to directly do things will not be dealt with seriously.

In the end, this matter will pass smoothly without any big storms.

As for what their father would think after watching this happen and understanding the origin of the matter?

The eldest prince felt that if the third prince could survive this incident, maybe he would be punished.

But if they see a dead third prince, then no amount of punishment may be brought to light.

In fact, if given the chance, he would prefer to use these methods on his smart brother.

But it's a pity that that extremely smart brother made everything around him, including people, messy.

With his current ability, there is no way to penetrate to this extent, or the other party cannot easily fall into the trap he laid that is not very delicate.

If he can kill anyone, he still hopes to kill the most hateful brother, but it doesn't matter, now another more hateful new brother has appeared, and he has become a shield for the original object of hatred. If he kills this brother

, can he also grow the depression in his heart?

No one knows that the eldest prince is currently sitting in his conference hall looking at a projection screen as big as the entire room.

His subordinates, the people responsible for handling this matter, were standing respectfully behind him, listening to the eldest prince's questions about certain details. Yes, they were at the scene of the banquet.

Several hidden cameras were installed to broadcast in real time. At this time, some interesting things were happening in the kitchen area.

This is also one of the interesting things that the eldest prince asks his subordinates to do. It is a kind of bad taste of his, and it is also a channel for him to vent his evil thoughts.

To be honest, the main reason why the main god's clone did not have the conditions to get close to the great prince. If he had the conditions, the most suitable person for him to possess would be the great prince.

He didn't even need to put in much effort to seduce the eldest prince and go straight in the most evil direction.

Because maybe the evil thoughts in this eldest prince's heart are not much worse than the evil clone itself.

Now, this kind of anxious heir is sitting on a chair, watching with interest the chef operating their dishes, and listening to the bastard behind him reporting to him that these dishes may contain several toxins.


The people watching with him in the field were all his subordinates who had the same temperament and temperament as him.

They were thinking about what kind of highly toxic substances the chefs had concocted at this time, and were very interested in the consequences.


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