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Two hundred and forty-seven chapters have memories of that world

 These increased values ​​​​allowed his body structure to undergo a fundamental transformation.

Although the improvement of the five senses is only a little bit, because three of Mai Fan's basic five senses have exceeded the standard line of 1.2, the diary gives what these values ​​mean after exceeding 1.

Taking the basic numerical value of ordinary humans on earth as 1 as the highest upper limit.

So humans who have exceeded 1, no matter what category they are, can be classified as superhuman.

In terms of current Mai Fan's physical fitness, except that his strength is about to approach the limit of an ordinary person's strength, although other aspects are also very high, they are still within a normal range.

But his five senses are now beyond the scope of ordinary people.

If you have to use something to describe Mai Fan now...

He is like the legendary clairvoyant and clairvoyant, possessing inhuman acumen.

The category beyond which he transcends is the total ratio of all creatures placed on parallel planets and planes similar to the earth by analogy.

In other words, there are probably thousands of ordinary planets like the Earth.

There are all kinds of creatures in it.

The total number of intelligent biological communities may exceed hundreds of trillions.

Among these trillions of creatures, Mai Fan’s five senses value is 1.2

After a breakthrough, it is no longer a narrow analogy.

On Earth, Mai Fan's abilities seem to be very impressive, but in the vast universe and twisted space, he is still a fragile fledgling.

Looking at it from the perspective of breaking out of the earth, Mai Fan's numerical value is really nothing.

But if you compare it in reverse, he is a top figure on earth.

He was worthy of being assigned to the superpower police station by Officer Jing and Feng Xiaoju to take charge of those special cases.

I saw this explanation given in the diary...

Mai Fan was quite satisfied.

What we want to see next is about the life of the villain in another world after he left.

Mai Fan has always been particularly curious when doing tasks.

Because the villain in this world is the first character who did not give him any memory feedback.

He didn't understand what happened in the original world that would classify an ordinary villain as a villain.

Now after completing the task, I can finally get the answer from the diary.

After Mai Fan finished reading, he felt speechless for a while.

As expected, this matter has something to do with the reincarnations who traveled to that world to do missions.

In the endless train world, the protagonist is Leng Yifeng.

In the story he saw, Feng Xiaoju, Mai Fan and Peng Xiaotian played different roles.

From the beginning, the story unfolds from Leng Yifeng's perspective.

The ruthless swordsman received a mission from the world of the Lord God to seize the core of a small space in the virtual world.

As a master who lowers dimensions to complete tasks, his abilities and the props he can use are naturally suppressed.

Expert players who have already reached S level, and even Leng Yifeng, one of the candidates for the Son of the Lord God, can only display the basic strength of a B level player in the endless train world.

But for Leng Yifeng, this mission must be completed at risk.

Because as long as a small world space core is obtained, the territory radiated by that core will belong to the player.

This can become Leng Yifeng's own space.

Whether it is for storing things or for mental isolation when facing enemies, it plays a great role.

The reason why Leng Yifeng focuses on the space of the virtual world is because although this space falls in a lower plane, it has weirdness that other planes do not have.

Some masters may be tricked to death if they are unprepared...

Of course, Leng Yifeng would not waste the opportunity to collect a useless space for his own use.

With this purpose in mind, Leng Yifeng put on his equipment, prepared a strategy, and entered the world of Endless Train as a junior player.

I also formed a team with a player who has only played in the world three times, but has some very interesting abilities.

Similarly, the other party's tasks are also shared with you when forming a team.

Guide ten players through the novice stage safely.

After only receiving this mission, Leng Yifeng knew that more than half of these ten people would die in this simplest novice mission.

As the culprit, Leng Yifeng didn't feel any guilt at all.

The world of reincarnation is a world of the jungle and the strong. There is only one reason for death, and that is who made you too weak.

It was under this circumstance that Leng Yifeng had an intersection with the villain riding in this car.

The villain in the fifth world is a rich second generation who knows nothing.

Smart, rich, likes to play, but also quite measured.

If he had not taken this high-speed train, he would have been like an ordinary person, managing a large company, marrying a beautiful girl, and spending his life peacefully.

But unfortunately, as an ordinary person, he got on the train bound for infinity.

The villain's life was also messed up because of this time travel.

First, the train conductor became weird.

As a villain who has received higher education since childhood and is considered well-informed, he behaved fairly calmly at first.

After all, he was still trying his best to turn his still smart brain, thinking about how to get out of trouble.

Ever since, Wu Youyi, whom he had a relationship with over the issue of going to the toilet, became his first teammate.

This group of people, under the offensive of the villain's money, has gathered a considerable force.

Many ordinary people merged with them, searching for them in the forgotten station.

In the process, their team met Feng Xiaoju and Leng Yifeng in the underground passage.

During this encounter, the villain noticed the difference between Leng Yifeng and Feng Xiaoju.

Such a powerful person, such a strange world...

Ordinary people like them must have been dragged down by this person with super powers.

Although he was rescued from the underground passage by Feng Xiaoju.

But Peng Xiaotian, who followed the villain, was not so lucky. Because he was short and had weak vitality, he had completely stopped breathing when he was pulled out of the mucus.

Don't look at it. The villain and Peng Xiaotian are just a money transaction, a nurturing relationship between you and me.

But she was brought out by the villain, and Peng Xiaotian is well-behaved and caring, which is exactly when the villain couldn't get enough of her.

Now the person he liked very much is dead... and all of this... is probably related to those cold and hateful people...

The villain's hatred value was directly directed towards Leng Yifeng and Feng Xiaoju.

This chapter has been completed!
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