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Chapter 257 Entering the market

 Feng Xiaoju and Mai Fan nodded. They felt that for now, this was a good idea.

After Officer Jing finished assigning the task, the three of them went their separate ways.

Mai Fan's two colleagues went to call to communicate with their superiors and relatives, while Mai Fan was responsible for observing the situation around and searching for any entrance.

The three people came down from the wall, and Mai Fan himself held a flashlight and walked in a circle to the left.

Because his sixth sense was screaming that there was something attracting him in that direction.

Sure enough, when Mai Fan stumbled about seven or eight hundred meters on the road of rubble and broken bricks, he saw a green light spot.

He subconsciously slowed down his pace, slowed down his breathing, turned off the flashlight in his hand, and like a cat, gently approached in that direction.

Then, his extraordinary vision allowed him to see clearly that the green light was a strange lantern.

It's not because of the color of the paper that the light coming out is green.

Mai Fan can say with certainty that the light source between the lanterns is green.

What could possibly emit green light? Besides neon light bulbs, Mai Fan thought of something.

Haha... I thought too much, and the blue sky and white sun... Whoosh... Mai Fan's pupils shrank.

Because he saw a person walking out of the green light.

He stood under the lantern, looking around as if waiting for someone.

This should be the contact person mentioned by the 'Stealing King'?

Mai Fan frowned, this man didn't look like an authentic Chinese.

Although they are very similar to ethnic minorities in our country, Mai Fan knows that this is definitely not a Chinese race.

Things were a little complicated now. Mai Fan looked behind him and saw that Feng Xiaoju and Officer Jing had not followed the trend.

Just when he turned around and wondered whether he should wait until everyone arrived before going in together...

The man standing at the door suddenly looked over to where he was standing quietly, and then his face showed joy.


It smells like meat skewers.

Before Mai Fan could react, the man shouted louder: "Friend!"

This forced him to walk forward and stand under the green lantern.

The man opposite was a little surprised: "Friend, are you here for the market?"

"I'll take you in."

Mai Fan was a little wary: "How did you know?"

This person looked like this, and continued: "Friend, I will only come out to people who can see my little baby!"

"Although I don't know who recommended you to come here, but if you can see it, it means you are qualified to enter the market."

"Everyone who is qualified to enter is a friend of our market."

"So, friend, are you still coming in?"

Mai Fan paused for a moment: "But I came here with my friends. Do I want to wait for them to do it together?"

But the man shook his head: "No, my friend, only those who can see the lights are allowed in. Your friends cannot have special powers because of your existence."

While they were talking, Officer Jing and Feng Xiaoju, who had finished explaining the matter, had already rushed over.

It was really just in time. Feng Xiaoju, who was carrying the formation tray, saw Mai Fan arguing with someone about something, and ran towards this direction with a clatter.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with this? Oh, let me go! Maifan, why is there such a big lantern hanging above your head! It's lighting you up..."

Feng Xiaoju didn't say the next words, but the person standing opposite Mai Fan smiled happily: "Oh, God, today is my lucky day. In the market, two people were welcomed at once.

Here are the new guests!”

Before he could stop laughing, Officer Jing, who was following closely behind him, also rushed over.

She shined the flashlight in the direction of the lantern, and then shined the light on the foreigner's face.

"Did you hang this? Why can't you see the lantern pole? It's floating in the air? What's going on?"

The man was so happy that tears flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his laughter went straight to the sky: "Hahaha, today is my lucky day! Come, come, my dear friends, come to my market!"

After saying that, he made a gesture of invitation, and at the edge illuminated by the lantern, a door with strange patterns appeared.

The door slowly opened towards Mai Fan and the three of them...

However, none of the three Mai Fans who were welcomed in as guests moved their feet.

"Can we get in or not?"

"What do you think?"

"Officer Jing is our captain, please tell me, Officer Jing!"

Although she is a woman, Officer Jing is quite courageous.

She said firmly: "Come in!"

He actually wanted to be the first to enter.

Mai Fan stopped him gently and said, "Let's go in together. My intuition tells me that there shouldn't be any big danger inside."

Mai Fan's teammates still had basic trust in him. Officer Jing stepped back and let Mai Fan walk in front. The three of them lined up and entered the world inside the door one after another.

After passing through the gate, they looked behind them and saw that the gate had not been closed because of their entry.

And the person who invited them in did not follow them in. Instead, he was still standing next to the door, like a welcome guest, waiting for the unknown guest.

"It seems that he is only responsible for identifying whether he is qualified to enter. He should not care about other things."

After the three of them turned their heads, the barrier created after entering the door disappeared...

Then they were shocked by the strange sight inside.

Is this really where they live?

The streets have changed, and so have the people walking there.

They never thought that it was not deserted here.

There are people here, not just one race, and there are buildings here, not just one style.

The space inside seems to be very large, but the area for them to wander around is very small.

Because the place they can visit is within their immediate sight.

There are several temporary small sheds, and I don’t know how they are made. Maybe they are wired, maybe they are dimly lit with candles.

Those people who didn't know where they came from didn't seem to be surprised by this. They had a clear goal and went straight to one of the sheds. They didn't come out after a long time.

"What is this situation?"

"How about? Let's find someone to ask?"

Mai Fan looked at the people who happened to pass by him and whispered to his companions: "Have you noticed that these people are our kind?"

Officer Jing nodded: "Yes, I can feel it. They are definitely human beings, but they are not ordinary humans."

Feng Xiaoju interjected: "These people are more familiar with this place than us, but the person who led the way didn't give us an answer. How are we going to figure out what these sheds are for?"

Mai Fan has the most direct method: "Go in and ask!"

This chapter has been completed!
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