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2625 teleport

Chapter 2613 Teleportation

As to why these people have magical attributes and develop such transmission lines, we have to mention their personal lineage and some things they specialize in.

It's no wonder that some pure bloods are so popular, because their pure blood means that they have extraordinary characteristics. People with racial characteristics can always create or mutate more useful characteristics, such as this large

The magic circle is connected to a central point in each base. In the hands of only some high-level people, there may be a second backup point for emergencies.

The activation of this magic circle is now in an activated state. If you want, you only need to light up the magic patterns in it and turn on the switch.

On weekdays, this energy node only needs a little energy to maintain it for a day and maintain its state of being ready to start at any time. When the base is established, people from the special transmission department come to draw these things.

Whether a base is completed or not depends first on whether it is in ruins. The first thing to do is to draw a magic circle and then place the nodes here.

After there is a magic war, whether it is to transport necessary workers or some large doses or precious building materials, the speed of walking through the magic circle will be much faster, and in terms of mutual delay between various bases, this magic

The array also played a very important role.

When a certain base is about to be unable to support itself, especially in dark areas, it is very necessary to dispatch personnel and materials from the center to the border fortresses on the edge. Just like this time, it is about to be broken.

The 12th episode of the city, had it not been for the assistance of the first few bases in the center, there would have been a high probability that it would have been trampled by the Dark Beast.

Only after seeing such a large-scale teleportation array did Mai Fan understand that in such an era of cheap technology, the most basic thing they wanted to achieve point-to-point cooperation was here.

It should be said that as long as intelligent heads have the possibility that they can think independently, they will always find ways to solve some difficulties and solve the problems. This is also the reason why once the advanced races are confirmed in the plane or plane or even in the starry sky,

The fundamental reason why genocide is not allowed to occur is because no one can imagine what a brilliant spark a group of people will create after it can think for itself.

The brain circuits of each race and the surrounding survival conditions are different, so the method they come up with must be the most suitable and very interesting method for them. Other advanced races can also learn from it and use it for their own use.

Putting aside the principle of this magic circle for now, the people here are very happy with the stability of his transmission. No one touches any part of this magic circle. They just arrange it according to the regulations.

, the team walked towards a strange cutting board,

Mai Fan found it strange. He was at the end of the queue and didn't understand what everyone was going to do, but he would follow everyone. The amazing thing was that when they gradually moved from the edge of the magic circle along the protruding

As the board moved forward, Mai Fan discovered that they were magically suspended in the air with a slight support. This magic boosted their feet, and they occupied the middle of the lines of the entire glowing magic array.

And this kind of wind is a kind of transportation or preparation tool in this magic circle. It can drag huge weight of items or living people in mid-air, so that it can correctly enter the magic circle.

The edge, this teleportation edge is the center of a magic town. As long as it does not leave the periphery of the several joint points of this magic circle, then at any position in the middle, as long as the front is activated, you can be teleported out.

In order to ensure more accurate or safe transmission, Mai Fan and others were almost all brought to the central area of ​​​​the magic town by this wind. After that, everyone made preparations and activated the magic circle.

The staff made a gesture to teach them, which was to raise their hands high into the sky, indicating that they were ready to go.

Later, the staff member who had been in charge of operations near the magic town pressed a very magical crystal core against the magic circle. This golden box should be the thing that can trigger the activation of the entire town. If you check carefully, this

There is a small node in the surrounding magic town, which is actually missing now. Normally, in order to save energy, or if the magic circle only maintains a basic survival state, there is no need to open this channel all the time.

, so extracting a small node so that it cannot form a complete closure is the secret of this magic circle's ability to maintain energy. And as the energy is artificially replenished, a qualitative change phenomenon caused by quantitative changes occurs.

, and then the entire magic bar was triggered by this small crystal core that suddenly broke in, and was officially activated.

A white beam of light soared into the sky from the bottom of this huge circular square. The people wrapped in this circular beam of light disappeared from where they were at this moment. It was like entering a magical world.

In the passage, these people really just blinked and were teleported to where they wanted to go in less than a second.

The receiving end on the opposite side, after the crystal core is triggered, automatically receives the preparation request for access. After the other party's controller clicks to confirm, this receiving certificate is automatically connected to the large-scale magic of the ninth base.

The formations were connected, and in another moment, Mai Fan and the others were successfully teleported to the first base where the conference was about to be held. When they landed, the ball of wind was still dragging under their feet, assisting them.

Don't step on the light array at the first base.

Afterwards, this group of people followed the instructions of the person responsible for handling the light array, followed the wind group and carefully walked to the edge board of the magic array, and lined up in a very orderly manner and walked out.

As for the luggage in their hands, the staff near Magic Town used a special long wooden hook with a large mop-like device on both sides. They only need to divide it from the middle to the left and right from two positions.

, you can pull the suspended luggage out of the magic circle together.

Without the support of the wind, the luggage fell to the surrounding ground, thanks to the fact that these floors were made of cork. As the bottom, it may be used for transporting luggage and many other things.

There are some carpets on the floor because some precious things were taken away from here.


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