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Chapter 266 Xue Baochai was born

 When he took a relieved look, he realized that his current situation was actually a bit embarrassing.

With his small arms and legs, he is clearly still a toddler!

But when he was young, did anything big happen at home?

Why is the Xue family so big in such a mess outside in the middle of the night?

Thinking of this, Mai Fan rubbed his eyes and rolled down from the crib.

Stepping on her own brocade boots and socks and a soft woolen blanket, she walked to the door.

With a creak, the door was pushed open, and servants of all kinds were seen hurriedly outside the porch.

But in the courtyard where he was, there was a maid of thirteen or fourteen years old standing guard outside the door. Her eyes were looking outside, but her body was indeed guarding the door where he slept.

"Xiao Xiu, what happened outside?"

Hearing Mai Fan's voice, the maid was startled: "Oh, Master, why are you up?"

"I also asked them to walk softly so as not to disturb you when you sleep."

Mai Fan shook his head and pointed to the depths of the backyard, wanting an answer: "Nothing, what's going on over there?"

The eldest maid's face showed a bit of anxiety, and she struggled in her heart, and finally told the young master who was serving her: "Master, you have forgotten, my wife will give you a younger brother or sister soon."

Mai Fan suddenly remembered after being reminded by the eldest maid.

Is this the time when Xue Baochai is about to be born?

What a coincidence that he came.

Considering his current small body...and what he has learned...even if he rushes to the door of the delivery room, he won't be able to help.

However, a child's sense of dependence on its mother cannot be missing.

Mai Fan still expressed his concern in a timely manner, his little face became wrinkled, as if he was going to cry next moment: "Mother, will mother be okay?"

At this time, Xue Pan was only three years old, and he was the most adorable when he was fair and tender.

The maidservant was waiting on Xue Pan's side. She saw that the usually careless young master was as wilted as an eggplant beaten by frost.

Her heart couldn't help but hurt. At this time, of course she rushed to comfort her young master, and how could she worry about the mistress at home.

Xue Pan's maid hurriedly knelt down and carried Xue Pan back into the house. While coaxing the young master to sleep, she complained in her heart about the people outside, and she didn't know how to restrain herself, arguing that the truly noble master of the family could do anything to them.

what is the benefit.

No wonder the Xue family would be in such trouble.

It was actually Xue Pan's mother who encountered some difficulties during delivery.

She always felt that this child was not at ease and not as smooth as when she was pregnant with Xue Pan.

Xue Pan's father, Uncle Xue, is now sitting outside the courtyard where Aunt Xue gave birth, with a little anxiety and a little expectation, waiting for news from the hospital.

The reason why everyone was so panicked was because Aunt Xue took too long to go in.

But it doesn't matter, the doctor who was prepared early has already gone over to wait, and several of the most experienced women in the city have also entered the hospital to take over.

If this is the case, something could happen...

Uncle Xue clenched his hands a little tighter, it really meant that God was no longer favoring their Xue family.

"Cough cough cough..."

A whole night passed with such anxious waiting.

When the watchman in the east of the city passed by the outer street and the watchman sounded, symbolizing the rising sun, good news came from the courtyard where Aunt Xue gave birth.

"Congratulations, sir, your wife has given birth to a daughter."

Po Wen, who came out to report the news, was still a little worried. For a wealthy family, the boy represents the hope of family inheritance.

But the head of the Xue family didn't have any disappointment on his face.

For the small Xue family, having a new addition to the family is something worthy of celebration for both men and women.

Therefore, with a wave of his hand, the generous boss Xue gave a reward to everyone who participated tonight.

The reward money is as generous as the monthly income of these top players.

Everyone is very happy to receive such an extra reward.

The fact that the head of the Xue family was generous and generous and particularly fond of his young daughter spread throughout Jinling City through the word of these outsiders.

Not only Uncle Xue, who had been waiting all night, was happy about this, but Aunt Xue, who was lying in the room, was also happy.

Having children and having daughters, combined into a good word, fits the most auspicious meaning for a family at this time.

But they don't know that there is another person who is even happier than them.

Mai Fan, who had long been curious about Xue Baochai, was now leaning his head and looking at the baby on the crib.

My sister is Xue Baochai!!

Oh, that Xue Baochai, with her lips that are not dotted but red, her eyebrows that are not painted but green, her face is like a silver basin, and her eyes are like apricots!

Such a character is my sister. Thinking about it, it is really amazing.

It's just that the current baby is too young and has not yet grown in stature. Mai Fan only thinks that the baby is whiter and tenderer than the average child, with longer eyelashes and more delicate facial features, just so-so...

But just because Mai Fan observed more carefully than others, after staring for a long time, he discovered that something was wrong with Xue Baochai.

This child has just been born, and his internal organs are still growing. He is definitely weak, but he doesn't show difficulty in breathing after a period of wheezing, right?

Mai Fan just thought about it carefully and understood.

It is said that Xue Baochai has suffered from lung heat since she was a child. She often suffers from chest pain and tightness, which was caused by her mother's womb.

Could it be this appearance...

Thinking of this, Mai Fan ran out on his short legs.

This matter cannot be dealt with by anyone else. It must be dealt with by Uncle Xue, his father Xue Jue.

"Father! Father, my sister looks a little bad!"

Mai Fan is not big in stature, but his voice is quite loud.

Coupled with his character as a devil, no one in the family dared to restrain this young master.

Therefore, even if the head of the Xue family now manages affairs in the study, few servants outside the door dare to stop him.

As for the eldest maid who has been following him, since the young master of the Xue family said that he was over three years old and should no longer be carried around, it was difficult for her to keep up with him.

In the words of the young master's wet nurse, the young master has a strong body and a pair of flying legs. If there is a disaster in the future, everyone will die, but the young master will survive.

And now, her young master used this Scud to sneak out and sneak into Xue Jue's study, shouting out his discovery.

Xue Jue, who was sitting at the table, was so yelled by Mai Xuepan that the pen in his hand almost flew out.

But after he heard clearly what Xue Pan was shouting, he didn't even care about the account book that his men were about to finish. He threw away the pen and rushed straight to the small courtyard where Xue Baochai was.

This chapter has been completed!
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