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Chapter 2712 Asking for help

"I have been poisoned. I need blood analysis, maintenance of basic detoxifiers, and help with various physical signs. If necessary, go to the master pharmacist and the best medical doctor!"

You know, there is another kind of super power in this world that belongs to the life system. Medical auxiliary super powers can basically save or delay serious injuries caused by them.

Regarding the problems they were about to face or encounter, the returning Ji family directly applied for this most expensive but indeed effective help.

After the other party roared like this, the Ji family's support staff knew that something was serious. But no matter what, this person should be rescued.

The entire Ji family went all out and stood ready to rescue this person who had been registered in the family. They really used all the power at their disposal to save the rare person in the family.

Got the talent.

As a living member of the family, the Gang and Ji family have special treatment for special people. If these special people encounter a major event of life or death, they usually will not come to the house to trouble other people. Once these special people happen,

Special groups of people have adopted the emergency help system, which means they must have encountered a major matter of life and death.

And every special group of people is relatively precious to the Ji family. Even if it is the reproduction of future generations, it is enough for them to treat this matter with their heart. Everyone has moved. Whatever they can think of, please ask

The people who arrived were also moving towards this direction in a steady stream. But no one noticed. As more and more people were invited over, everyone's face was very solemn.

Because every time they invited someone over, this group of people discovered a problem, that is, the basic toxins can only temporarily inhibit the spread of a small part of the toxicity, but there is no way to fundamentally solve the toxicity. And the most terrifying thing is that

It's just that the poison spreads very quickly. If it's a general toxin, using a stabilizer or a powerful antidote to the toxin can enhance the person's healing ability and resistance from the source in any aspect of the body.

. Solve the locations where toxins may attack. For some slightly lighter toxins, you don’t even need to study what kind of toxin they are. Just use this ordinary powerful antidote to completely remove them, because it is

It provides a person's own hematopoietic function and the powerful function of the body, thereby giving him a detoxification effect that resists its excretion.

After using this antidote, it can be easily eradicated from the root cause because it detoxifies itself. But the problem they encounter now is this powerful toxin that can deal with multiple elements. When encountering this

When planted with toxins, it has no effect at all.

Every time the blood circulates, this toxin spreads with the diffusion of the blood. It seems like something in the body itself is not a toxin. The serum is considered harmful to the body, and this

This kind of toxin clearly slows down the physiological functions of the poisoned person, and all physical functions are regressed, and it even affects the normal movement of many of his internal organs, muscles, and bones.

It looks like a natural virus or a genetic defect that appears suddenly and is destroying the body crazily.

This terrifying existence seemed to appear suddenly, and it was a very scary thing. So after the rescuers saw this toxin, their first reaction was that he had killed some kind of terrifying new type of dark beast outside.

Something in the object is in conflict with the white organism. Perhaps it is precisely because of this conflict that the poisoned person mistakenly believes that he has been poisoned by poison instead of something else.

Then these detoxifiers asked the poisoned person if he wanted to confirm that he was indeed poisoned? The other party angrily gave a very definite answer.

"Yes, I dare to swear with my still clear mind that this is a poison. I was stabbed by the opponent. Before I came back to ask for help, I heard very arrogant remarks.

He said that he was the only one who had the antidote for this kind of thing, and he was not going to give it to me. He was very sure that I would not be able to find an antidote that would allow me to survive, but I thought that such a powerful family like ours would always

A solution can be found. It seems that my idea is too naive. He really doesn't want any enemy to survive from his hands.

He stabbed me once, and as you saw, that was the only wound on my body.

Oh, what a ghost! Even if I ran back now, they would probably have left that place.

The ten-minute countdown has ended, I think he has acquiesced that I am dead."

At this time, the life of this unlucky enemy was about to be cut off. The superhuman of the Ji family looked at the members of his so-called family. When his body functions showed that he was about to die, he

A hint of madness can be seen in these people's eyes.

How cold-blooded the members of his family are. He knows too well that when it comes to profit, he will now become the best material for research. When he dies, his body will be dismantled directly as a specimen.

Untie it and let someone take a look. What kind of poison is it that makes them unable to solve it?

At this time, this member of the Ji family felt very regretful. He thought to himself that it would be better to die in the wild, at least he could maintain the last dignity of a warrior.

At the same time, he also thought, why did he still have hope in such a useless family? Now let alone his own illness, even his own body could not be properly preserved.

Why does he still have hope in this family? Is it really easy for people to lose judgment before they die?

This superpower was invincible at other times, but now he closed his eyes with hatred. Yes, his body functions could no longer support his continued survival. The toxins spread throughout his body, and in a short period of time he died.

He stopped breathing, and no one knew what was about to happen behind him.

In short, a very good material was provided to the Ji family. While getting a precious sample, the Ji family was also very vigilant. According to what this family member said, although he did something wrong

Something the family knows and approves of.

The person they need to deal with has been clearly placed in front of these people. The person they want to deal with is Mai Fan, who has been crossed out from the Ji family's list of people to deal with. This means that he has some kind of powerful weapon in his hands.

Toxins, or the extract of some kind of monster, and as far as this extract is currently on the market, there is no detoxification solution.


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