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Chapter 2724 Bulldozing

Those teammates who once had great faith in Mai Fan began to become nervous. Only Mai Fan didn't care and just felt very excited. Because the map gave a very obvious response to the special position he marked.

It was flashing crazily in the direction of Mai Fan, reminding him to hurry over and complete his last main mission in this world.

The polluted core left behind by the former main god in this city wants to complete his conquest and greedy plunder of some special worlds. This requires Mai Fan to end everything absurd and return everything to its original place and become what he was supposed to be.


At this time, what these team members are most afraid of is that there is nothing there. This is the worst result. This is not to say that Mai Fan deceived them or anything else. If Mai Fan just got a wrong message, then a group of people

A wrong battle was fought... At that time, everyone was extremely disappointed, not to mention the wasted manpower and material resources, mainly the lives of those who died, everyone would appear to be dying for such an illusory possibility.

Too ridiculous.

Even if these people really come to the end of the world, even if the beasts attack and they stick together to survive or rework, they will not die in a meaningless battle with meaningless consumption like now.

Mai Fan could feel the inexplicable fear of this group of people, but it didn't matter. He was the one who was not afraid at all among this group of people. He believed in his own judgment. He knew that the tool that had cooperated with him many times and fought with him was

It’s reliable, Mai Fan doesn’t care about many things and everything he does is correct.

"There are still 30 kilometers to go!"

Mai Fan is excited, and this good mood also drives some of his teammates who are a little nervous. In his team, there are always those who have unlimited trust and admiration for him, and they become excited along with Mai Fan.

"Go forward, go forward! Go where we should go and become the battle we should complete!"

Was this battle sudden? It was not sudden. When they walked into this ten-kilometer area, the people who followed them could clearly feel that there were too many differences here. The density of darkness in this place was particularly special.

It's high but not a single dark beast lives here.

All the people had solemn faces, knowing that sometimes being too abnormal is not a good thing.

"Let's be careful."

"Ok, no problem."

Everyone's expressions were quite solemn, and even the most joking person among them became serious. No one said anything about the ten kilometers. They walked on the ground as if they were walking on flat ground. After reaching a point, Mai Fan stopped everyone.


"I think we should find the place."

But everything is wrong here, because the signal on the map is so strong, but nothing can be seen on the surface. There are only ruins here, and these ruins are extremely well preserved because the darkness is unbearable.

How can I say this? It is a place that proves that a city remains here. The wood that has rotted due to time shows signs of civilization. It can be seen that the world in the past did not advance in the direction of technology.

Their humanities, art, and many other things are very prosperous.

Without the trouble of the original Lord God, their world would not be what it is now. This kind of loneliness that has been artificially destroyed will make people very uncomfortable. The team members moved carefully among these ruins, looking at this pile of indescribable things.

But they were stunned by the shocking things that definitely belonged to their previous civilization.

No matter how powerful they are, who can come here alone? Being able to see these things in this life is really something they have never thought of.

"Damn it, I take back my original worries. Even if we get nothing this time, I feel like my trip was not in vain."

Everyone present had the same idea. What they saw here would be unforgettable even if they die.

"What a dark beast that deserves to be killed. I really didn't expect that we were such a great country and such a great civilization before."

Everyone nodded and acknowledged what someone said.

It's useless to say anything now. Is this the target location?

Mai Fan nodded and stood on the top of the largest ruins and pointed to the things below: "The target we are looking for this time was not found on the ground. He is buried here. Did you bring any tools? It seems that we

It is necessary to dig out who buried this damn thing here, and who is hiding its existence?" So

Some people were shaking their heads, and the oldest team member among them didn’t know where this inexplicable source came from?

This thing might appear in his world in just an instant, who can say? Everyone looked serious, even those who were not known for their strength picked up the excavation tools that were distributed in their hands.

In this world, there is no such thing as a technological excavator that does not require a lot of effort. Everything still depends on a pair of hands.

In such a situation, you can only dig manually

As the ruins were gradually cleared, a civilized city appeared in front of everyone. They excavated many things in the ruins and confirmed that there were traces of biological groups living seriously here. Here are their

There are books about the history of this city that I have never seen before.

Although many things here are not well preserved, many things will turn into powder if moved slightly.

If the person in charge of the excavation was an archaeologist, he would definitely curse these people for squandering natural resources, but the people digging here know that they don't have time to appreciate these things carefully.

Any time spent here may bring danger to their existing world. Everyone worked hard to dig. They bulldozed a three-story building in one day and even made up a story.

Various teams were organized into three shifts.

I continued while you were asleep, and after you dug out my breath, there was always a tinkling sound in the regimental command position.

As you all know, this is the last step of their work.

But they work very energetically, and there are always all kinds of strange changes happening on their construction sites. What Mai Fan's teammates are best at is having fun amidst hardship.

The team members laughed and used their own words to bear the unknown fun. What’s interesting is that after working for about three or four days, the towering garbage pile was basically the location where they wanted to change the excavation.

The ruins of several floors were bulldozed by this group of superpowers. The ruins of several floors were pushed to the ground. This clean and flat state can be said to be quite impressive.

This chapter has been completed!
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