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Chapter 2732 Finally

Judging by the current condition of the box, you can’t tell when this lever will be pried open by yourself? Being able to touch such a powerful tool and achieve the purpose of touching magical equipment is such a good thing, who wouldn’t want to do it first?


Everyone has a hero complex, so this group of people who seem to have no pursuits got into trouble because of this ranking. Don't tell me that this intuitive written test of strength is very simple, crude and effective.

And the two who started in the second round walked in front of the crowd as if they had won the world. They were like roosters who had won a fight with their necks held high, and they were even more triumphant than they were when they married the girl of their choice.

And those teammates who were happy to lose to them only once, drooled with envy and helplessly watched the winners walking towards their dream positions.

Everyone is going crazy laughing at this contempt, but this can be regarded as one of the few entertainment activities in the boring work.

And when the people in the second round went up, they thought that their strength would soon come down, and when the people in the third round were even waiting in line at the bottom, a clicking sound of success started from here.

The box was uploaded.

This pleasant sound stimulated the two people working above. They used the last strength of their bodies to push down hard, and with a click, the box was opened.

This huge cube was split into two directly from the crack. A black diamond-shaped crystal, not much smaller than the box, fell out of it. It was embedded in the middle of the box, but it lost its support due to the fragmentation of the box.

, after he lost the protection of the box, a pure black light emitted from all around it. Once this terrifying light emitted, the scattered ashes floating around turned into black crystal shapes.

, this kind of terrifying thing and knowledge instantly ignited the early warning lines of several people in Mai Fan.

"Oh, hell, let's go!"

"Yes, let everyone get back quickly!"

The two people standing on top of the box, preparing to fall as the box fell, were in a very dangerous situation. Thanks to other teammates who were monitoring the work here in real time, two of them were particularly good at fishing for people from a distance.

The guy threw out his most convenient tool, which were two tools similar to horse roping poles. The rope thrown out was more than ten meters long, and when they tied the rope to the left and right very accurately,

After the waists of these two people were tied up, the two people responsible for the rescue had a tacit understanding and pulled each other eastward and westward.

The people who were standing together and exerting their strength were pulled far away from each other, so that the black air that had just emerged did not corrode their bodies, and the people watching the excitement around them were also

Just like this set of horse poles, they quickly started to retreat. In terms of emergency response, this group of people's ability was much stronger than many people thought.

So funny, isn't it?

Yes, why not?

"What are we going to do next?" Mai Fan pointed at the black square: "Destroy it, kill him, and make him disappear from this world."

"But now we can't even get close to him, what should we do?"

At this time, Mai Fan suddenly took out a bunch of long-range weapons, and then said to the people around him: "If I say these are all given by God, do you believe it?"

The arrival of such large quantities of weapons has made everyone numb. If there was any God-given reason at the beginning, and there were still some people who were not determined enough to have doubts, then we have waited until this step.

, everyone must doubt whether Maifan is the biological son of God.

After coming here, he suddenly woke up at the most critical moment. He was awakened by God and told him what he was going to do next. Otherwise, there would be no way to explain so many weapons, and for all kinds of reasons.

Where does the necessary equipment come from?

If it had to be said that it was given by the Mai family, no one would believe it. Such a poor excuse would make the Mai family laugh out loud. If the Mai family really had such ability, why would he be dismissed by the Ji family?

Fighting on the ground for so many years.

And now everyone has turned their curiosity from where these weapons came from to how they are going to destroy this thing. With the help of everyone who can lift this weapon, everyone is almost divided.

After receiving a weapon, as long as there is a place for them to control the weapon, their own people will basically be standing in every direction.

"Feel free to express yourself. Now that we have reached this point, the meaning of my command is actually not that high."

What else could they do? Mai Fan didn't know which node was the weak point of the crystal, so he could only attack it comprehensively. At this time, they were actually quite lucky, this thing was big enough.

Because if it were something like a sesame seed, everyone would probably scratch it away. And everyone didn’t even need to shout rat, the slogan 123 was automatically shouted out by this group of people. It was very interesting.


Yes, the jingling attack hit the stone, scraping off countless cold pieces of cold wood and stone. The hardness of this stone was slightly better than they thought. It was very hard, but it could be

Countless pieces were knocked down, which shows that destroying it is not more difficult than finding him.

Facts have proved that this kind of attack must be terminated after it is carried out once. This does not mean that the strength of the person they attack is no longer there, or that he has been hurt by the backlash, but that the weapons provided by Mai Fan have produced an effective effect.

After the attack, all of them were scrapped.

This weapon is indeed harder than the alloy in the box inside, but as a product of the Lord God, the dark crystal core is not the kind of mainland product that can be bought in the Lord God's space. Therefore, even if Mai Fan exchanges for the strongest alloy

, but still could only carry out one effective attack. After using these tools, after the attack, the team members looked at the god-given weapons in their hands that were broken into several pieces as if they were dumbfounded.

"Let me declare first, I am not that strong!"

"Oh my God, is God dissatisfied with me? Ah, yours is also broken. It seems that it is not my fault. It is the thing in the middle of all of us. It is the evil origin that brings this kind of terrifying effect to us."

Yes. Everyone reacted from the shock first, and then thought about what to do. Although they damaged it, if the original whole thing was counted as five parts, they knocked off a full 1

/5, but then they had no weapons. The closer they got to the center, the colder the light emitted, making it impossible for ordinary people to get close. So they immediately looked at Mai Fan again.

This kind of weapon was given at the beginning, so he must have something similar in his hand, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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