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Chapter 2806 Explanation

In the process of hibernating, they were waiting for official notification from the second base. When the formal black warning of black smoke was emitted from inside the base, they immediately withdrew from the base and rushed towards their second base for reinforcements.

As for the specifics, after this order was issued, the people in these armies knew what their responsibilities were, and they also knew why they were chosen to join. Almost everyone in this army here is a member of the Mai family

It is absolutely impossible for him to sneak into the direct elite troops. Even if he did, he would never take the news out under such a completely closed situation, and the people who are finally trapped will become among them.

A member of the team will become evidence of their betrayal, and after they win, this group of people will hide themselves very consciously and become the retreaters among these teams. The real language will become the betrayers of the first base.

, the real combat ability of becoming the second base is to force these people who want to be traitors to actually stand on Mai Fan's side. This idea is not so smart, decisive and vicious.

But this is also a way for the Mai family to protect themselves. After everything that happened inside the Mai family last time, the Mai family no longer believes that they are so-called in-laws or friends who are related to each other. They only believe

In my own judgment, I only believe in the rights that I can hold in my hands, and I only believe in what they have in their hands. Therefore, no matter what it is, it is given a double guarantee. If you are loyal to the Mai family and have no second thoughts, then these

The things and arrangements will not affect your next behavior and actions at all. If you have other thoughts, his arrangement will not take any advantage at all.

This method protects against villains, not gentlemen. Because of this, no news about the troops sent out was leaked to the Ji family who were trying to subvert the second base and take it into their own hands.

Therefore, when the family was attacking the second base, the troops that were sent out just circled outside and returned immediately.

During this process, the distance between back and forth actually didn't take long at all. But something interesting happened at this point. The Mai family quickly grasped the advantage of the entire battle and achieved a decisive victory in the battle between both sides.

The crushing victory caught the opponent by surprise and at the same time wiped out all the elite troops sent by the Ji family.

During this process, why was there no dispatch and coordination with the outside world for about a month? That's because the Ji family's first base was not invaded as fast as Mai Chao. As a person who controlled a

For the Ji family, who has been at the base for a long time and is an established base leader, no matter how chaotic his family's situation is, when he resists, his speed will not be very fast, not to mention that there are still some attacks from time to time.

After not noticing anything was wrong in the base, he immediately hid himself.

This is something that needs to be screened slowly in the second base and distributed bit by bit. These all take time to operate and are not something that can be accomplished overnight and achieve tactical results immediately.

In addition, even if the conspiracy of the people in the first base was crushed and the elites were killed, their first base, which is still in the second base, wants to devour and digest it and carry out tactical attacks on it.

Strategy, it requires a certain amount of effort and time. This process cannot be particularly fast, it requires a little bit of patience to achieve points and fix any mistakes.

Maybe the fruits of victory that they finally occupied will be snatched away by others, and everything will have to start all over again. Secondly, the family in the base does not want to let the great situation they originally occupied due to their own negligence or rebellion.

The mistakes disappeared. So they adopted a state of steady attack and encroachment step by step. They first gathered the tactical results of the second base under their own banner and pretended that the second base had been hit hard. This phenomenon was then given

Received the wrong signal from the first base, allowing it to send more troops continuously or automatically revealing more hidden dangers hidden in the second base.

Under this series of offensive and defensive transitions, the second base completed the infiltration budget and counter-infiltration work between them and the first base, building the second base into a relatively clean one that captured almost all of them.

In the process of building such a city with a complete base, when Mai Fan and others rushed over, they did not dare to move forward for a while. The main thing they saw was some thick smoke. What, it seemed like something big had happened. Prepare the base.

The situation that happened was actually seen by outsiders when they checked. As a smart base with sentries on all sides, if you want to open the internal news, when the internal signal is cut off, then only

Observation from the outside is the way to go.

With the elimination of the second base, the number of messages transmitted to the outside world was gradually decreasing. In the later period, there was no effective message that could be transmitted to the Ji family of the first base. Moreover, Maifan and his family took

After the retaliatory counterattack, he himself was overwhelmed with situations.

The mutual penetration of the two families was already like an arms race. When the people of the second base began to counterattack on a large scale, the cases they had buried, the hatred they had provoked, and the chaotic family conflicts themselves were all over the place.

At this moment, it finally came into use.

Originally, the first base wanted to take advantage of the situation. Now it has become the party in chaos during the tug-of-war. On the surface, the outside of the first base looks calm as before, but in fact, the internal chaos has far exceeded that of the second base.

The current situation is created between the first and second bases in an opposite state. One looks problematic on the outside, but is actually impregnable on the inside, while the other looks calm on the outside, but is turbulent on the inside.

The Mai family of the second base paralyzed the first base with the attitude of boiling frogs in warm water and gradually handed over the final victory of this war to their own hands. This is when the outside inspectors heard that Mai Fan was the leader of these teams.

After joining the team, they excitedly gave such a simple explanation to their young master.

As a bold and careful person, the leader who started the simple meeting also expressed a high degree of recognition for the actions of his cheap old fox father.

This chapter has been completed!
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