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Chapter 2825 Strange

There are many children from small families and big families among them. When they started to think about recruiting, this group of people actually had some hesitation, because their failure did not represent the failure within the entire base. The struggle between the upper class and the

In fact, the relationship at the lower level is not very big. If they agree to the recruitment information of the second base without complete information, then if the Ji family of the first base makes a comeback, they will become the most betrayed and tragic people.

Betrayer, and the whole process of betrayal was watched by his teammates and the opponent's enemies. This would put themselves in a very disadvantageous position, so they were very hesitant. But if they are from an ordinary family, they are

Those who were recruited may be serving in the military at a base, rather than directly belonging to the family's army, so there is not much to think about.

Because their early betrayal is allowed and even within the controllable range. I and they are not core figures or valued to participate in these things. It is nothing more than to gain a birth or future for themselves.

It is a possibility. If this opportunity has failed so far, it is better to gain a chance of victory that they can see now.

Moreover, the other party's atmosphere, treatment, abilities and abilities have been seen enough in this short confrontation. It is not a big deal to consider his own future, so when Mai Fan returns to the temporary warehouse station

, 1/3 of those who surrendered were from the civilian army, and were actually under the command of Mai Fan, and were directly under the Mai family army, rather than under the large team he had formed now, because

This group of people who came out of the base have a deep-rooted idea, that is, their sense of freedom and honor will be much stronger than other scattered armies. There is no problem in preventing them from surrendering to Mai Fan and the Mai family.

Yes, but they would not be happy to surrender a large base or a large hunting team with such a vague name.

So when Mai Fan went back, he directly took over the elite 1/3 of the troops from the first base. Well, the extra 1/3 of the half they had was actually only 1/6. The remaining 2/3 was in

As soon as Mai Fan returned, this group of people got the news of his return, and the reasons for his return were also explained very clearly.

First of all, their entire unit came back intact. Not only did they come back, they also brought back a lot of supplies. Whether it was in terms of equipment or the spirit of the people, it is a bit exaggerated to say that the people from the second base who returned the goods before were showing off their power.

, but on the outside it seems that they are actually doing well, and this is what can be seen from the embarrassment of a loser. If you only observe from this superficial appearance, in fact, everyone already knows which side is the final winner this time.


When Maifan and the others came back, they didn't hide it. They told this group of people very decisively about his side's victory. He didn't care how hard the 1/3 in front worked and the remaining 1/3 who hesitated.

What a loser. They actually treat all the people who are still willing to join their side after hearing the news equally, and they don't put their foot down because of the other party's hesitation or whatever.

Because this is a powerful performance from a winner, as the species status of the white people in a situation that requires a lot of manpower and material resources in the later stage, if you are still stuck in the same state of fighting as your own family, then this pattern is too


Those 1/3 who were the first to join them were just entrusted with important responsibilities. But what about those outsiders who showed a very high degree of cooperation and adaptability after learning the news? They were also deceived by Mai.

Whenever they are recruited, there is no one with colored glasses to recruit them into important troops.

The real problem is actually the remaining 1/3 of the crowd. When they should be directed towards them, they did not turn back, or did they move closer when they took the initiative? This 1/3 belongs to the people who knew that Mai Fan and his group were victorious.

There is no need to think about this group of people, but they are unable to resist. These people belong to a group of people with particularly strong signals.

They are the direct descendants of this family and they are the kind of people who absolutely dominate the battle with the Mai family. It can even be said that they have some of the blood of the Mai family on their bodies. Once found out, let alone surrender now.

Even if you become a temporary sucker, you may have to be reckoned with in the end.

And these 1/3 people tried to use their strong force and numbers to resist, which was also the last struggle before the most desperate. They did not resist when Mai Fan first restrained this large force, maybe they were thinking at the time.

There might be a possibility for my side to come back and redeem them, so I never thought of putting my own life first, so as to achieve a death-defying outcome.

When they were imprisoned in the secret warehouse between the two bases, they did not think about fighting to the death. The reason was that they thought that it was impossible for the people in the first base to leave them here and leave them alone until Waida and the others left.

At that time, these 1/3 people were even thinking that they could use their own methods to connect them in series to trigger some variables, and obtain ownership of the base among the variables, thus saving themselves.

Unfortunately, their idea also failed. The group of people left behind by Mai Fan were not large in number, but their force was extremely strong. They quickly transformed 1/3 of the effective troops into

With the support of the Mai family, their numerical weakness successfully curbed their various conspiracies when they counterattacked.

During this process, they didn't think about linking up with more people to fight back. In their view, the commander's departure was a great opportunity for them, and it was a beautiful achievement for them to regain their strength and fight back.

, but during the process of persuasion, the 1/3 of the people waiting and watching were as safe as old dogs, unwilling to comply with their requests, and their abnormal actions were reported from time to time by these traitors who actively expressed themselves.

A direct descendant brought here by Mai Fan.

Because of this incident, some of the key elements among them have been captured and executed on the spot, and some have been put into another single room and placed under strict supervision. In short, it did not go as they wanted.

These blows again and again made them stop making some plans. Sometimes they even felt that their fate was in ruins, and there was no chance of a comeback.

This group of people's thoughts reached their peak after Mai Fan and his team returned victoriously.

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