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Chapter 2868 Content

Chapter 2856 Content

Once he returns, he will most likely achieve his original ideas and goals. When he thinks that from now on, he will completely say goodbye to the threat of death and still be able to dominate his hometown, these guys are not good things to begin with.

They began to get excited. Then with this purpose in mind, as the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, they quickly found a group of like-minded people. Even if these people had not thought about returning at first, they heard that there were loopholes.

Drill, the excitement of that group of people came.

So they first completed their main tasks, and then merged with this group of like-minded people, and began to study how this channel connected with their own world, and then where their specific links were in this task, and then

They discovered a very interesting thing. Perhaps because of their haste, the external nodes of these channels are not at one point, but for the internal pipelines, they are actually all in one node. So

As a main god who saves trouble, he only needs to install this device on the inner node, and then when people pass by, he will be the first to separate them and then divide them into his own world.

What is created only needs to be set up, and then he can realize more surplus value.

Everyone must pass the test of this thing when passing through here, and then they can return to their own world safely. Then as long as they destroy this thing, other people can take advantage of it.

Do they have the opportunity to quickly return to their own world and be stripped of their own abilities? It would be too simple to pack this up. If there is such a device on every line, then each of them will have to fight alone.

But now they can directly deal with these matters for other people from this general management once and for all. When they didn't find this opportunity, actually there weren't that many people who wanted to take action against them.

There are those who are bold, but they just watch them jumping up and down with a ridiculous onlooker attitude than others, but when this path is explored, those who see the possibility of realizing certain opportunities cannot hold back.

Jumped out.

It was an ineffective cost for them before. The cost of doing this was too high, but now it will become an effective investment. Not only can it be eliminated once and for all, but in order to avoid being discovered by the Lord God after it is eliminated.

There are clues, so they can create a more advanced one, or if they take the trouble to set up some checkpoints in each pipeline, they can completely control this thing effectively and perform some operations when passing through this pipeline.

For example, if the switch is in the hands of their merchants, such as those who have given them benefits, they can turn a blind eye and not divest it or let it go after partial divestment.

Of course, the degree of control depends on how much benefit the other party provides. Or, if they are ordinary people who pass, they are not registered, so you can let them pass freely and carry out normal peeling, and pass from here.

With a low level of face, others will not suspect that this thing is broken. With a large base of successful strippers as a basis, these small tricks they do will not be discovered by the Lord God.

This matter that is treated as a business is now reported in front of the players who are maintaining stability in this way. To be honest, do you think this group of players who are maintaining stability are not tempted? But when you think about it, it is very likely that you will be disappointed after you leave.

Facing the chaotic situation, will their world be affected by the turmoil of such evil-doing people? Because they do not dare to guarantee that their plane space, or the location of the planet, is not on the same side as these evil-doing people.

, it would be better if they are at the wrong latitude or wrong timeline, but if they are unfortunate enough to see it, they are in the same time, space, and latitude, but the star field is farther away, but for them

For these ability users who have experienced so many wars, the long-distance Peking Opera cannot stop their attempts to invade. Who has not experienced a cross-dimensional war?

From the Tianma Star Territory to the Daxiong Star Territory, it may only take a short 1 second to reach the battlefield. This cheating device-like thing and ability can often be seen in some adults. Isn't it the same in the Miracle Battle?

Do you fight each other like this? In this process, you, who have been deprived of your abilities normally, become a lamb to be slaughtered. In the end, you also perish along with your own planet. Your original return may be to save your life.

Or maybe it's to save your own planet, but now your return means being buried in another world with your own life, which no one is willing to accept.

They must prevent the return of such cheating smugglers, and then they form an alliance to resist these people. It is actually very simple to resist this group of people. First, they must stop the group of people who are trying to fight against them at this door.

Eliminate the guys who are destroying and transforming it. Secondly, hand over the more rigorous or less likely to destroy the decoupler plan to the host, who will rearrange it. Thirdly, eliminate this plan.

As long as there is no money in the hands of a group of people who are trying to cause trouble, they know that this kind of prop can pause and stay in the passage. The second type is to repeatedly go back to the task and then pass it through your own

Channels, mission props of this channel that go back and forth between the main memory space and your own world, and the third are high-energy weapons in the space flow that can produce destructive power on things built by the Lord God.

After completing these three steps, Mai Fan can basically take his grandfather back to the real world. The first step is actually particularly easy to complete, because Mai Fan has arrived at this point carrying their alliance members.

The entrance is where the real passage they are currently looking for is located. That place has actually been temporarily solidified by the Lord God into a slightly curved plane area like a battlefield, and this part is where the people who enter here need to be.

The main god has passed certain qualifications, and he recognizes both parties as being such a two-sided person who has an impact on his passage. The group of people who broke in here early to cause destruction actually arrived earlier than them.

Here, what Mai Fan has to do when he comes here is to seize the time and quickly find these saboteurs from this passage.


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