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Chapter 2985 Testing

Chapter 2973 Testing

What a hell!

He could obviously feel such exclamations behind him, but he couldn't explain it and was unwilling to explain it. Just think of it as an ability here. Isn't it a kind of comfort to the people here, making them feel that they are encountering an adventure?

Being able to achieve this effect even under different circumstances is a good way for them to enhance their self-confidence.

It is normal for him to become a legend and leave here later. As for Mai Fan who has finished shooting the arrow, he only needs to wait quietly for the target to dissolve.

Just like the GPS locator and the large-caliber long-range missile running in the fog at this time, Maifan's arrow flew very quietly but not slow at all.

The speed at which a meteor falls to the earth is the same as the speed at which it flies quietly.

In this relatively noisy ancient battlefield, where the enemy deliberately made such a big noise, this arrow was so inconspicuous due to the interference of visibility, so easily overlooked.

But all this is in line with Mai Fan's setting for him, just like the invisible arrow successfully completed its mission from appearance to death, the sound of the arrow hitting the target is even softer than the sound of the breeze.

It's so insignificant, so silent.

When the target was shot far away, people could not even hear the sound here, but such a light arrow easily and successfully penetrated into his target, and the target did not even hit the target when it was shot.

How much feeling.

After all, Yin soldiers no longer have such a wonderful thing as pain for humans. Apart from death, they can hardly bring any pain to them.

Then the enemy's target discovered that he had really done something wrong? He had ignored the most serious problem, something he should really pay attention to or care about.

It was precisely this arrow of light that came out of nowhere. This arrow was inserted lightly from the top of his head, and then slowly settled towards his head, until it truly felt the same and harmful.

By that time, the arrow had successfully penetrated into his body.

The vital point of this general is not his head, nor his heart. Instead, like a waterfall, there is a small fragment in his Dantian. That is why he can command this army and become the leader here.

the most important thing.

When an external force shatters these, his ability and the ability of his leader will disappear along with the scattering of this thing, and all the support for its existence in this world will also disappear.

After this little thing was attacked by this arrow, this general who knew nothing about it finally let out his last scream in this world. This pain came from the inside of the soul, this

There are soul-related attacks in the mortal world, and this general didn't seem to be that powerful before. It was Golden Finger who gave him the power above all else.

After his golden finger collapsed, he would just like an ordinary soldier return to the land where they should not have been born.

As the screams rang out, the general's body began to collapse. It directed the generals around him, and the bodies of the soldiers also collapsed layer by layer just like him.

The existence of these people is also dependent on this fragment, and even the speed of their collapse is very synchronized.

The general's head dissipated, and the soldiers' heads also disappeared. The general's body melted, and the soldiers' bodies also melted. A team of thousands of people was forming this strange synchronic phenomenon.

And when the last steps turned into a ball of loose sand, the farce ended just as they thought.

They were eliminated inside the battlefield, so how could Mai Fan intuitively know whether what they just did was successful? This matter also has to talk about these guys who took the initiative to report their current situation.

Their screams were so brutal that everyone far outside the mist could hear him yelling and screaming inside. It was precisely because of his

Self-propaganda allows them to effectively judge the progress inside through voice control.

And through this kind of scream, even if they have not experienced the torture inside, they are still somewhat empathized by this kind of scream.

Therefore, when the screams suddenly stopped, there was no need to judge that their target was not only hit, but also the best situation to detect among them was at this time, the spearmen who received the instructions put the weapons in their hands.

The weapon was thrown into the fog with a whoosh.

For example, when they just ran out, they tried to throw a round. At that stage, they threw this weapon to stop the pursuit of Mai Fan and his group and prevent them from chasing them out.

, causing unnecessary harm to their investigators.

Only the spearmen could feel the difference between his second round of shooting and the last time the ship fired.

Then, the group of people responsible for sniping replied very excitedly: "We are sure that even if we can't see it directly or interfere with it, I can still feel how many people are on the opposite side after we throw out the spears.

Do people lock onto these opportunities and avoid them?

We can judge by the subtle sound and the sound of the spear landing point how many hits it has, how many enemies are there all the time at that place, and how many enemies are around.

But this time, there was really too much missing, whether they were escaping, shifting targets, retreating in an orderly manner, or dying.

All in all, we got the results we wanted."

At this time, Mai Fan suddenly asked: "So if we send out investigators now, will it not be as dangerous as when we ran back just now?"

The overwhelming denseness left Mai Fan with no confidence to ensure that he could pass through thousands of troops without leaving a trace behind. He was not Zhao Zilong.

In response to this, the spearmen said that it may be sparse, but no one can guarantee what the coefficient will be, so it is better not to take risks.

But Mai Fan felt that he could go around the edge and use his extremely fast speed to achieve some of his ideas and confirm certain things.

The commander disapproved of his bold behavior at this time, but Mai Fan did not have any contact or communication with the commander. He actually swung his horse and disappeared in this extremely fast and extremely wide area.

In front of the camp.

Mai Fan's horse is the fastest and best horse that can be bought with money in this world. It is the horse that it brings with it to escape and save lives on the battlefield.

This chapter has been completed!
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