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Chapter 3052 Repeated

Chapter 3040 Repeated

During this process, Mai Fan had been observing and following the reactions of the guards around the general.

When the general was escaping, the personal guards were nailed to the spot and did not move. When the general was driven underground by Mai Fan, the personal guards still did not move. Hehe, this is a very interesting situation.

phenomenon. It seems that the crowd around this player must also need more precise orders from it before they can do the next thing. This shows that the previous warriors did not accept a stupid single order, but

What was set for him, such a request that only he could make and listen to.

This is very beneficial for the very strong leader of this team. The effect of precise attacks and resets will be better, but at the same time, its shortcomings are also huge. This group of people are particularly dependent when they lose their low-level instincts.

In terms of command power, if the general Mai Fan is fighting is still in full condition at this time, then these personnel will actually carry out a series of orders from the general very well. But the problem is that now the general himself cannot be protected, and he cannot

Give these people a correct random command, so these people are like puppets whose strings suddenly broke, and they can only choose to stay put until they receive the command signal position of the same frequency.

There is nothing to fear about these guys, and another reason why Mai Fan observes them is because their existence is also related to the commander's life.

So far, he has not seen any of these guys react like they are collapsing or indicating death. They just stay there honestly and seem to be living better than anyone else.

A few points higher.

This shows that his attack just now may be effective, but it is not effective enough to kill their enemy.

When Mai Fan is about to get close to him, he has to be extremely careful, because either this guy is unconscious or he is still in a state of pretending to be dead. As for why the other person is pretending to be dead? Well, since

He was unwilling to fight back afterwards.

This level of cunning is so high that he would rather the other person is knocked unconscious by him, otherwise, such a defiant and humane guy will die here inexplicably because of him. In fact, he still has a little bit of

A little guilty, of course, this kind of guilt cannot be too much, just a little bit.

The current state is that he cannot relax yet, because the enemy is indeed not completely dead, so he gives the enemy a humane euthanasia, which is in line with his truly good-natured character.

The kind-hearted Mai Fan continued to move towards his goal. Of course, in the process of moving forward, he would not walk over with bare hands. After all, he had to prevent the opponent from sneak attacks. He had just seen the power of that spear.

In the previous battle, he almost became the victim of this gun.

The strength of the opponent is not any of the ones he has dealt with before. This is a capable and intelligent general, an enemy who is respected and must be taken very seriously, so Mai Fan plans to give him a truly strong man.

With the proper attitude, he decided to use respect and the most powerful force to bring a complete end to the opponent.

Therefore, he picked up his bow without hesitation, and as he got closer, he shot the second and third arrows to ensure that he could see some better endings when he got closer.

And all his arrows hit the corpse lying on the ground accurately, which made the guy who might have been knocked unconscious by Mai Fan's blow, but not dead yet, wake up again.

Coming here and feeling the powerful pain in his body was the last thing that this guy who had never felt pain since his death wanted to encounter.

Although the pain from these arrows hitting his body was no longer the same as when he was alive, the sense of humiliation and humiliation was far greater than the death experience he had experienced during his lifetime.

During his lifetime, as everyone thought, this famous general died in an extremely heroic way in front of the two armies.

As a famous general and a man who turned the tide and solved the other side's subjugated king and monarch, whether he was a real soldier who fell before glory or the final tragedy of other conspiracies, no matter what, he will leave his name in history.

At least in the history of this ancient battlefield, there is a guy who left a great name.

But he was such a guy, with such an excellent resume. He was so excited and proud that he now felt a sense of humiliation and anger that he had never experienced before as Mai Fan pursued him one after another.

Strong class oppression forced him to press his head and try this feeling that he had never felt before.

The anger of this guy is almost over the top. However, there is no way to discover this anger. Even because of his power, he cannot achieve his simple wish of quick death under Mai Fan's arrows.


He could only passively endure as his body was penetrated by the arrows that restrained him one after another.

When he struggled to get up from the ground, the arrow behind him hammered him to the ground again. This bad experience drove this guy crazy. He couldn't even think of using it.

How can I end this humiliation again and again?

And what this guy did from fainting to waking up and then repeating it again and again was actually all displayed in front of Mike's eyes.

Mai Fan clearly watched the whole process of this guy's thumping, but he showed no mercy and made no move to stop.

This is a hostile enemy, and we must be prepared from the beginning. If he pities the other party, who will pity him?

"If I were you, I would take the initiative to disintegrate and give up the last struggle.

You can also feel it, this kind of oppression itself will not be able to break free in the end, unless you have some ultimate means to solve your current predicament like when you faced me just now.

If he can't think of a good way, I suggest you don't use your instinct.

You may have never heard or felt the saying "die early and escape early" in your past history, but now you can also try an alternative helpless life.

Although it is not clear whether you creatures, after disintegrating and dying, will completely disappear as the book says, but to suffer this kind of ineffective humiliation while alive or before death is actually not good for you.

There’s no benefit in not being able to see the outcome.”

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