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Chapter 3083 Advancement

Chapter 3071 Advancement

Therefore, even in one or two resolutions, Mai Fan did not take his side. The other party still calmly acted according to what they decided, or dealt with the matter according to the original negotiation.

It is because of the existence of Mai Fan as a middleman that their advancement is accompanied by relatively efficient unification.

After they crossed the area of ​​the 10th small team, the opponent took out this map again. After a day, they advanced about 1/6 of the territory occupied by this strange guy. This did not seem to be a special situation.

Big data, but for the people of these two parties who have not made any progress for thousands of years, this is a very beautiful result that is absolutely feasible.

"So for the rest of our time today, what you have to do is to consolidate the existing territory. They will still be running around at night, prevent them from entering areas that they should not enter, and then in

After recuperating our energy the next morning, we headed towards this place to ensure that they would not make unnecessary moves tonight.

Then proceed with the next day according to the original plan."

Mai Fan never expected that the first day would go so smoothly, because there was almost no chance to take action. Every war around him was not like the 200 soldiers from both sides he fought. It was like one after another.

This is a tireless machine. It will always maintain a full battle state without any major damage, without fatigue, fear, or pain.

Of course, these soldiers actually have a lot of little thoughts of their own, such as complaining about why they keep fighting, they are exhausted, whether there will be a replacement class tomorrow, etc., but their commanders arrange every day.

They all completed a task perfectly and achieved their goals.

Just looking at this kind of combat power, Mai Fan knew that if just ordinary soldiers in Luhua City or people from ordinary human forces were stationed here, it would not be enough to add up to 100 Luhua City based on their individual abilities.

They will be the opponents of the warriors in the two central areas of the ancient battlefield.

They should be thankful that Mai Fan's joining or his strong intrusion made them a three-party negotiable state. Otherwise, the monsters in the early stage may not be able to enter the eyesight range of the two of them.

Others say that so many powerful things can be built in the later period.

Well, no matter what, the emergence of the new situation has given humans an opportunity to join the cooperative area calmly instead of being ruthlessly swallowed up by others as soon as they break in and then carving up and becoming a dish on other people's tables.

This kind of tragic fate did not appear in Luhua City's battle with Pan's army, which is already a thing to be thankful for. As for the lord of Luhua City, it cannot be said that he is the most powerful, the most powerful or the most intelligent among these cities.

, but he is definitely the luckiest.

At the critical stage, I asked Mai Fan to uninstall and review all the trajectories of this ancient battlefield. Finally, I discovered something that may be a bit sad for human beings and it is hard to say whether it is lucky or unfortunate. This group of guys in this central area gave this

Two smart soldiers used great pressure to prevent their external expansion, which truly created their own stalemate. Under this situation, the ancient battlefield was still moving in the right direction at a speed of hundreds of meters per year.


If there are no three parties in the center to restrain each other, and one party truly takes the lead or forms a unified force, then. With the hearts of people with a cohesive core, these guys will most likely become the ones who are defeated.

A sacrificial individual that is devoured by the ultimate.

Because they do not have the strength or possibility to deal with any party that currently controls the core gold strength, whether it is the chaotic party or the wise party, the city lord of Luhua does not have this ability.

As for those so-called Lords of Luhua City who are higher up, those special alliance members do not seem to have such abilities.

They caught up with a good time, found a good neighbor, and used many accidents of this or that to create an environment for themselves that looked good and could survive.

Somehow, this group of guys turned this dire prospect into a situation where it seemed like they were still alive.

With a little judgment and processing, their city can actually become a profitable or rising existence because of this weird battlefield form.

It’s a very explosive situation for any party to consider. I have to say that this matter can be regarded as a part of Lucky Boy for any party.

The peaceful day passed like this. How many dangers will be encountered in it? In fact, Mai Fan did not participate, because it was all a matter between his two friends. It seems that judging from the overall state of the leaders of the two parties,

They actually didn't encounter any unsolvable problems in the world last night. It was far from calm, but there was a small friction that could be dealt with safely. This matter must not go away.

Judging from how noisy this group of people was at night, and after they became impatient, and looked at the excited state of the soldiers who participated in the night battle with blank expressions, we can tell that these guys must have gone through something last night.


This is not something they should worry about, but this experience brings them a very good feeling and makes them have a very solid night's sleep.

Everyone was happy and excited because of last night's experience. Since they didn't have any extra instructions or actions, it meant that everything that happened was within control. There was no need for Mai Fan to be polite to them.

Intentionally or unintentionally, just pretend that nothing happened and continue to follow the team to make soy sauce.

Yes, the soy sauce faction was still at the top of the itinerary for the next day. The guy in the center who they had always regarded as their formidable enemy didn't seem to care that his territory had been reduced by 1/6, nor that his new power area had been occupied.

Others accept it.

As if he didn't know anything, he continued to pick around in the area that only belonged to him, and then followed them for another calm and smooth advance without any ripples. Mai Fan felt that the turning point of everything should be

It was on the 3rd or 4th day of their journey.

Because at that time, the opponent's territory was compressed to the critical point encountered last time, which was about 1/2.

This was the level of his endurance, and it was also the only level of trial and error they encountered. This time, he had no intention of continuing like this. So, on the third uneventful day, the critical point arrived.

Everyone's nerves began to get tense.

This chapter has been completed!
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