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Chapter 3091 Stationed

Chapter 3079 Stationed

When they reacted, they realized that there really weren't many weird things in their previous living environment.

When they were young, or in the surrounding living environment before the war, there seemed to be no such strange creatures. However, legends of ghosts existed in every city.


It's just that they usually appear in the nursery rhymes that their families used to scare them when they were young, just like Mai Fan's understanding of ghosts in modern society. And no place has become a ghost town or is ruled by a ghost realm.

Then, when they woke up again, they found that they had become a creature with another kind of ideology. During the first period of time, when they were testing their survival level and survival status, they were still very frightened.

Later, when they discovered that they did not need human flesh or anything else to survive, they breathed a sigh of relief and began to feel lucky and proud of their current state.

Although they are sealed in this place and cannot leave this area at will, this is actually much better than transforming into a monster that needs to eat the same kind of people that they used to live in.

And what makes them most happy is that they have the ideology of the former Shang Dynasty. In this state of survival, although in a lonely and lonely environment, they can only express the meaning of each other's existence by beating each other and fighting in this place.

But it is still better than turning into the terrifying monster in the legend when you open your eyes again.

In essence, they have become monsters, but their mentality is still in human form, which is why Mai Fan feels at ease to cooperate with them.

If this group of people essentially needs bloodthirsty to survive, it would be impossible for Mai Fan to talk to him from the beginning. In terms of opposites, it must be a life-and-death relationship between non-races. But this fictional alliance is applicable

The guys at the source here.

In fact, what's the big difference between them and people who don't eat? Maybe at certain critical moments, they will become a vital source and assistance for human survival. To these living creatures,

Are we looking for some reinforcements, assistants or allies? This is actually a very beneficial thing for mankind.

This was the main reason why Mai Fan was able to bring the city lord to talk to them later. It was also the reason why the soldiers from the three parties cooperated with each other without much conflict in the subsequent situation.

To be honest, the number of battles between the city defense army and Weiyi is no less than those of those with output abilities who kill demons. The blood feud between them and Yiyi is no more than the bloody sea of ​​​​stone cities between the two Weirds. However,

After figuring out the overall situation of the partners, they were able to treat each other as partners to demonstrate cooperation. The process has gone far beyond Mai Fan's initial setting.

Another benefit of cooperation is that they have a common enemy and need to work together to deal with and kill each other.

For people in the military, no matter what ethnic group they fight side by side, it is easy to develop something called comradeship, which allows them to become deeper partners.

Now the three partners seem to be fishing together. This feeling can't be said to be bad, right? You are really interesting, but their leader indulged their fishing behavior and quietly waited for the other side

The critical point of the real enemy.

The whole day passed without incident, and when night was about to fall, the speed of their advance finally caused corresponding waves for the enemy on the opposite side.

Interesting things began to be tortured on the edge of their bodies. Some surging scenes that could only be seen at the edge of the charge. When they advanced to another 1/6 of the state, they occupied about 2/3 of the total area.

when it emerged again.

However, due to the arrival of night, the momentum on the other side was a bit too great, which made Mai Fan and others think that the boss they were going to fight might be about to break through their blockade and attack them directly, but they still knew them well.

The faces of these two people were a little calm, but they didn't think that the other party would rush out to find trouble or do anything at this time.

Then Mai Fan discovered that these people once again made a very correct judgment about this guy. During the surging process, the opponent could feel that the monster inside was making some very powerful charges.

So when the outside team planned to do something to this part in the middle, the port in the middle fell silent again.

This made Mai Fan wonder if the other party was his collaborator, but he was retreating bit by bit, and he took Mai Fan with him, hoping that he would also show a state of retreat after him.

Today we put the garrison area on the front line of today's battle. Compared with yesterday, we have to push it forward to 1/3 of the distance. We put our garrison point on the edge of the territory we captured yesterday, where

Be stationed.

Although this area has been recommended a lot more than before, but judging from today's level of advancement, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem to be in a proactive state. Do you think it is a little too much?

The collaborators of the two parties shook their heads and told Mai Fan that they were already as conservative as possible. If Mai Fan was not the collaborator, they might have postponed it for a while. This is true.

Their own timidity and conservatism. Okay, if this is the level you can accept. I have no problem here. The outsiders definitely decided to follow the advice of the indigenous people of this group of local people. Absolutely not here.

In this regard, being too aggressive and trusting the other party's judgment has nothing to do with their own retreat in a strict sense. They just use the best choice to handle and judge the next battle situation. And then at night

At that time, Mai Fan did not retreat to the human base camp. Instead, he followed this group of collaborators who had just cooperated for a few days to retreat to their garrison defense line. Although for humans, this area is too simple.

, but I have probably thought of the reason why I might be stationed here today. In fact, half of the hundred-person team that Maifando is going to come out are prepared for logistical supplies and this temporary station.

Well, the human tent was set up, and it was a very large venue for 500 people to gather at such an original spot. It was the equivalent of inviting their collaborators to join them.

This chapter has been completed!
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