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Chapter 3098 Progress

Chapter 3086 Progress

To be honest, seeing this kind of war and crushing situation, Mai Fan and all his children were frightened. How should I say this? Those soldiers can crush these ordinary soldiers brought by Mai Fan at will.

food. And this group of soldiers who were able to crush them were beaten by the elite soldiers and were unable to fight back.

This onlooker is the biggest warning to this group of living creatures, that is, it allows them to know what their actual combat status is, and it also completely dispels their sense of superiority in this elementary level.


When they are unable to achieve an absolute crushing number of living creatures, they should belong to the bottom of this society. A strong living and survival space is already one of the few possibilities for them.

Things to do.

As for the possibility of rising again or other things in the future, it is better not to think too much. Anyway, this time a very intuitive battle can give them a very good opportunity to observe.

, and then understanding some things clearly from beginning to end will actually be very helpful in promoting the subsequent cooperation between the two parties.

Mai Fan didn't do anything, he just stood there quietly, giving these people some confidence that they were about to lose, or let them see some hope and possibility in the future because he was one of the bottom lines that humans can stick to.

The benchmark points indicate that there may be special cases like Mai Fan among them.

Although Mai Fan knew in his heart that the possibility of his special case was almost non-existent at this stage, and he did not mind contributing to the salvation of weak hearts, and the latter was just a quiet one-man show.

This group of people have seen their real enemies, or the enemies they may want to eliminate in the future, or the enemies they face, not those enemies that are extremely difficult for them to deal with or basically impossible to deal with. They want to eliminate them.

What they want or need to collect are precisely the miscellaneous soldiers they see now.

The things produced from them are suitable for existing human beings to use. As for how much these miscellaneous soldiers will be improved later, it is not something that current personnel can judge.

After all, no one can say what will happen in the future. No one can say that they are not that special person in the future. Their generation may produce more powerful people than after they have such a big market, or will they produce more powerful people in the next generation?

After another generation of accumulation, and with the help of equally tiring and weird partners, we got a wealthy area where we can develop with peace of mind.

This idea is actually very practical, and it is in line with the current coordinators of mankind. It will not appear too ridiculous, nor will it appear arrogant and difficult to achieve.

The series of things that happened tonight inexplicably gave Mai Fan's two collaborators a certain amount of confidence.

They feel that based on some performance in tomorrow's buffer zone, they will know whether their real old rival is about to run out of tricks. At that time, they can be bolder and take advantage of the victory to ask for some possibilities to make their own response.

Some contribution.

Today's recommendation is faster than I thought before, and the speed is also much faster.

Everyone's sense of oppression is not very strong. There is no fearful feeling like yesterday. The most likely reason is because they approached fearfully yesterday. The main reason is because those guys did not expect to be at the real compression point.


But because of what happened yesterday, the atmosphere today has become a lot more comfortable. In fact, the main reason is because of some cowardly behaviors and some contradictions. It made others seem like the invincible enemy suddenly became

After he became a not-so-powerful guy with a stern appearance but a soft heart, they felt that it was much easier to deal with him.

Once this feeling of fear is gone, everyone will become more relaxed, and some things that are less scary and can be continued will seem less serious and powerful.

If coupled with the fact that the large troops from Mai Fan's side are still coming in a steady stream to support their final approach, and the two sides no longer have to use hundreds of people to come and face or

In terms of dealing with and dealing with these things, the increase in the number of people has also given the existing people a lot of confidence.

When there is a constant stream of good news, especially when the number of people is large enough, people's sense of fear will not be so strong.

This feeling of relaxation brings a relatively good follow-up feedback effect for their subsequent advancement and continuation of the work.

Both Mai Fan and his two allies expressed some strong agreement with the relatively stupid actions of the thickening of the central area.

This shows that strength is not directly proportional to IQ. Under the leadership of those two leaders who are smarter than monkeys, it is enough to overcome many biases and perceptions brought about by strength.

Then their pulling and pushing really pushed the team to a whole new level. With this mutual adjustment and help from the old and new teams, not only the newcomers on the outside team got some kind of spiritual cleansing in the early stage.

He is one of the weird members who originally did not like to deal with this group of monsters. It seems that his resistance to these monsters is not that strong.

The monster before was also capable of fighting and resisting and became their number one enemy. Although the injuries and fights between them were not death, when they felt weak, they would retreat from the battle line.

But it definitely has a huge impact on personal strength. These things can very intuitively affect the resistance of these soldiers to these monsters. They themselves do not understand the high-level awareness of worries about these things, and they do not quite understand them.

Understand their birth or not.

After all, they only have the IQ of a human being, not that of a far-sighted leader.

In the primary stage, what was their previous life IQ like? Even if they become weird at this stage, their vision is just low.

They just instinctively follow some relative instructions from people higher than them. The boring life is indeed a static and somewhat disgusting life, but this does not mean that they are willing to engage in some fearless wars.


Therefore, if there is something in their war form that they can understand, hear clearly, and know the meaning of being effective, they will still be willing to do something about it.

This chapter has been completed!
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