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Chapter 3207 Antecedents

Chapter 3195 Antecedents

"What a terrible thing, at the time we thought he was a quirk.

But then we saw again that when the sun was shining during the day, he hated the sun very much, and used everything he had on hand to hang up these particularly heavy floor-to-ceiling curtains, blocking the room into darkness.

dark state.

Then I saw inside this house. When some dilapidated buildings collapsed, he escaped in time to smash the bricks above, and he was able to fly up to see the hole on the second floor of the roof.

What caused it.

Not only that, when more construction waste fell from above, he actually decomposed into countless bats from a whole state. After avoiding all the damage, he once again recovered from the bats into a whole.

of human beings.

Later, we also discovered that when he went hunting at night, we usually couldn't keep up with his pace when we followed him. But then we thought about it. In some relatively dark alleys, there are fewer cameras, but definitely

In this relatively dense imagination where humans will appear, we cannot preset it in advance because we have installed cameras in these small cameras.

But outsiders don't think it's clear, or they don't know that this road already has monitoring equipment.

So we saw with our own eyes that this guy dragged a living human being into an absolutely dark alley, and then he showed his sharp fangs, as if this guy had sucked a human being into a pulp.

Finally, he probably knew that if this kind of behavior was seen by real people, it would definitely cause panic. So he very cleverly threw this person into the trash can, and then actually burned the trash to avoid or avoid it.

It was said that he was here to destroy the corpse and eliminate traces of it, so as to prevent others from noticing whether this guy was dead or not.

It was only after seeing this iconic movement that we learned about his species.

After the official super agency heard what his species was, they were all in a state of excitement.

They excitedly handed over the results of the surveillance to his superiors, and it didn't take long for the vampire living in the broken house to be suddenly surrounded by someone.

A group of guys with real guns, including super special mercenaries and some superpowers, blocked the vampire outside his unmodified vampire room.

Then, while ensuring their absolute safety, they escorted a white-haired woman into this area. At the same time, behind the woman, they dragged two living people with two chains.

These two people are both peerless beauties, they look young and beautiful, but they are dragged and crawling on the ground like dogs.

After the white-haired old woman dragged the two dogs in, the door was closed. The old woman stayed inside for a long time. When he came out, not only was the chain in his hand missing, but the chain was also tied.

The two remaining women did not come out with him.

But this old woman's face showed a very satisfied and happy expression.

Since then, this area has expanded by several square meters, all of which has been assigned to the vampire duke.

Then not long after, a group of mountain builders and interior decoration guys came here and completely transformed this area of ​​​​stone houses on the mountain into the appearance of a medieval European castle.

In this state, a decent vampire castle was completed. Then, a road was built outside the castle leading directly to the bottom of the mountain.

From then on, many wealthy and wealthy vehicles entered directly through this road. They would never control their arrival and would definitely bring plenty of food and luxurious accessories to this gentleman.

There are also more and more people who can be left here by them. There are servants and stewards in the entire castle and a blood bank specially created for him. The reason why no one alive has left the castle is

Think of it as fodder.

And he drank enough energy. After that, he was his first client and the first person to visit him. This old woman was surrounded by him and became his coming into this world.

The first blood slave after waking up.

Then, after this woman's once snow-white hair was transformed by the Duke, it became black and shiny, and his old and frail state instantly became younger. At this time, the woman had become

He has a mature face of twenty-five or six years old.

All the mechanical conditions of his youth have been restored, and he is even younger and more beautiful than his original self.

This transformation made the wealthy woman very excited, and then he asked his housekeeper or his family to build him a new residence next to the castle.

With this change, all his work and his daily life can be managed around this castle.

Because he wanted to have greater ambitions and form a family of former vampires, and after those old friends who had a good relationship with him saw the changes in these women, they were originally hesitant and fearful, but now they can become

Under the temptation of strong strength at the beginning of the year and the troubles of youth, these are nothing.

As a result, more and more wealthy people with more money began to visit the castle here.

It didn't even take the Duke to do anything. Not long after, he had an army of vampires that could influence their country.

And this time when the vampire came to the market, he also found a way through the officials and his followers.

When he came here this time, due to the large number of official passes from Citigroup, he almost brought 10 of his most capable and physically strong blood slaves here, firstly to protect his own safety, and secondly.

In order to lay a piece of territory in the market for the entire Citigroup.

However, as soon as they arrived at the market, the leader of the vampires was deeply attracted by this tavern. As low-level blood slaves, they were unable to perceive some relatively sensitive things and substances.

But for the Duke, every scent wafting through the molecules made him feel happy.

So he came here and saw the magic of this world, as well as some mysterious creatures that were almost as old as it. Then he saw that his ability seemed to be incompetent against the mysterious god-like race opposite him.

Therefore, under forced circumstances, he could only win by quantity, entangle the opponent with more blood rage, and when he was exhausted, give the opponent a dangerous fatal blow.

This chapter has been completed!
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