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Chapter 321 Untitled

 Mai Fan sighed: "Yes, as far as we know this month, there have been two incidents. One of them was not successful because the person who implemented it was a bit stupid and his spirit was not very stable, so it failed."

"And the blood he used to summon the demon was provided by the 'little kitten' in your arms."

"Why does the calligraphy and painting of this summoning array require any special blood?"

"We know something about the unsuccessful case, but we know nothing about the successful case."

Regarding this aspect, Cat Lady knows much more than Mai Fan and the others.

This is of course based on bloody facts.

Compared to China, where a vicious case just occurred, the United States, far across the ocean, is already in a bloody turmoil.

In certain circles, the devil has become an unspeakable existence.

Therefore, everyone listened very carefully to Cat Girl's retelling: "Yes, the success of the demon summoning array is directly related to the strength of the blood used when writing."

"The more precious the materials you use, the more powerful the demons you summon will be."

"Yes, it's the devil in your imagination, the Western devil with curly goat's horns or an ugly dog's head."

"According to the testimonies of our witnesses, there are already seven or eight types of demons."

"It's too powerful. I don't know how powerful it is, but if you want to successfully summon it and successfully strip away its powers, you must at least summon a demon that can walk upright."

"The kind of pure murderous demon that is like mud or has no intelligence will not only fail, but may also backfire on the unlucky person who carved the summoning circle."

"After the demons are summoned, the person who summoned them must sign a treaty with the demons."

"After the contract is reached, the devil will strip out the superpower according to the summoner's requirements."

"Then, I don't know how they store and transport these powers."

"But they must have a way to bring the stripped powers in front of the real 'devil'."

"Then use the ability of the 'devil' to place the deprived abilities on the people who need them to complete the original purpose of the deprivation."

"As for the person responsible for carving the summoning array, we call it the devil's apostle."

"They are just a bunch of pagans, a bunch of lunatics who worship the devil."

"For them, superpowers and becoming stronger may be secondary. Their biggest wish is to see the real devil exist and manifest it in this world."

"Even though they know that signing a contract with the devil is tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger, these lunatics are still willing to do it."

"And because the birth of this summoning array is closely related to Mr. 'Devil', they directly use 'Devil' as a synonym for the devil in the world."

"Protecting him, executing his orders, and becoming the apostle of the devil's ultimate envoy is the ultimate mission of this group of lunatics."

"Normal people know that a contract signed with the devil is definitely not a good thing, and after being branded with the devil, it is impossible to have an ordinary life. Of course, there is also exclusivity for supernatural powers."

"But even so, this group of people are still going one after another to be the summoners. In their view, this is a necessary ritual before the devil comes, and they are the final ones."

"It is precisely because of this that so many people died and the summoning array can be successfully implemented every time."

"This has also become a headache for us. There are really too many clues. There seem to be many connections between madmen. However, if we follow one line, we find that the connections are constantly bifurcating, and then they become entangled together. In the end

, and I can’t find out why.”

"Hey, if a five-pointed star summoning array appears in a city, then those of you with powers living in this city should be careful."

"I try to stay together as much as possible these days. I'll know in a month whether this person is still in your city."

"No, if we count three crimes per month, how many times have they committed crimes here?"

Counting the unsuccessful one, that's two times, but does this devil dare to continue here for the last time?

Also, how could Chinese people believe in foreign demons?

In addition to the obvious bewitchment in the first case, there are also many coincidences that come together. Is the person in the second case really a local person who committed the crime?

Isn't it? If the five-pointed star hadn't appeared again for the second time, they all thought that this was the story of a group of losers with paranoia trying to get their powers back.

And how many of these losers are there?

How did the foreign organization find them and connect them together through various coincidences to achieve its own ulterior secret?

So, was there a pair of monitoring eyes surrounding the home of the loser the first time?

Maybe they didn't expect that the first person was mentally abnormal because of losing his superpower. Even though he got the method of summoning after many twists and turns, in the end, he actually tried to make a contract with the devil instead of finding a superpower to possess the other person.


If Mai Fan hadn't barged in at that time and reminded the other party of his original purpose for a short time, they would have treated this person whose random manipulation eventually led to failure and death as a case of suicide by a heretic lunatic.

These are all clues that need to be re-investigated.

But now, they need to know more.

"You just said that what they stripped off were all those powerful mutated genes? But do you know? The tragedy that happened here is completely different from what happened over there."

"What we are being deprived of here is the golden finger, which is a very peaceful thing that has great benefits for the human body."

"The needs of the two sides are so different... I suspect they are not the same group of people, or even if they are the same group of people..."

"Their own demands are different, and maybe even because of their different demands, they are at odds with each other."

"Just because they came together for a short period of interest disputes, when some people achieve their goals, they may end up falling apart."

"And have you ever thought that when the main members of the established interest group have satisfied their desires, they may stop this behavior."

"And in order to prevent the people behind from having this kind of luck, and to stop expanding the ability of their group, thereby diluting the power in their hands..."

"It is very likely that they will secretly eliminate this 'demon' and the apostles around him before they officially disband."

This chapter has been completed!
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