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Chapter 353 Mission Hall

 At this moment, Mai Fan suddenly interjected: "I advise you not to go to the mission hall."

Captain Lin turned to look at him. Mai Fan signaled to Dr. Wen to temporarily separate the five foreign teammates who had been keeping aloof from each other. He moved closer to Captain Lin and said quickly: "If we go to the mission hall now,

, then our team will almost fall apart."

"I advise you to go to the sample collection office first, or the research institution under the shelter management."

"Maybe our human samples are something that people urgently need and are interested in."

"Maybe it's a hair, maybe it's just a bit of skin tissue, maybe we can exchange it for the common currency we need in the shelter. Although this method feels a bit like waiting to die, it is not related to your own life.

Compared to that, what is it?”

"Captain Lin, would you like to think about it?"

Mai Fan's proposal was so shocking that the irritable teammate on the side found an opportunity to ridicule Mai Fan.

He looked at Mai Fan with a look like you're crazy, and began to belittle this man who had always made him unhappy: "No, aren't you so arrogant that you look down on each of us?"

"No, no, has Mai Fan, who is as proud as a peacock, also become a coward?"

"Then Mr. Mai, please don't tell us what to do in the future. After all, the person who is qualified to tell us what to do should at least do it right himself."

"Captain Lin, you are the captain. Don't change your impression of this kid just because of his performance."

"He just took advantage of the weapon's strength. If we had weapons like that at that time, we really wouldn't be in such an embarrassing situation."

After saying this, the grumpy old man glanced at Yawei subconsciously.

After getting a snort from the other party, Captain Lin finally came out to smooth things over.

"Mai Fan, thank you for your reminder, but I am still the captain of this team. If everyone has objections to my role as captain and demands the right to remove me, I am willing to teach the captain the position."

"But now, I hope everyone can still listen to my command."

It was at this time that the teammates who had been intentionally separated became a little impatient: "I said, didn't I say that we should rush over quickly?"

"You are mumbling over there, isn't this wasting time?"

Because of this sudden interruption, Captain Lin walked past Mai Fan with a smile and stopped paying attention to this man who he thought was a thorn in his side.

Mai Fan, who was inexplicably isolated, hesitated. When he wanted to say something more, he was stopped again by Dr. Wen.

"Excuse me, you think it's all me and you still know how to be grateful?"

"Stop talking, otherwise when the thing you foresee actually happens, people like them will blame you."

"Listen to me. If this team breaks up, it will be your life. Don't take the blame on yourself."

After saying that, Dr. Wen pulled Mai Fan again: "Let's go! As long as our lives are not threatened, we can do whatever they ask us to do!"

Seeing that the smart people in the team were like this, Mai Fan shook his head and followed the big team.

A group of people finally arrived at the mission hall quietly.

As expected, it was not beyond Mai Fan's expectation. There were nearly ten times more people here than in the labor market.

Almost all races with a little ambition are now gathered in this mission hall.

They are surrounding the ring-shaped display screens, scanning line by line, looking for tasks that suit them.

Look, with so many tasks, there must be one suitable for them, right?

But everyone has forgotten that the prerequisite for you to accept tasks is to first know what these tasks are for, right?

You don’t even know the species, characteristics, and nature of catching or picking required by the mission, so why do you dare to take on these missions?

After Mai Fan looked at a row of five mission screens, he finally understood why there were only more people in this hall, but it was rare to see anyone receiving missions and leaving here.

They don't dare!

Because if you accept a task but fail to complete it, not only will you not make any money, but you will also have to deduct money from it.

After all, both parties who publish tasks and receive tasks must leave a deposit in the task hall.

Mai Fan can easily guess what the publishing side has put into the mission hall. It is one-tenth or more of the reward funds given by the mission party as a deposit.

As for the person who takes over the task, he can't take it carelessly and delay others, right?

Just because it is necessary to ensure the unity of acceptance and withdrawal, the team or individual who accepts the task must also leave a corresponding deposit.

The problem lies here.

Mai Fan has no money, and none of the races in this hall have money either.

Suddenly, the tasks in the task hall took on the meaning of gambling.

Unless they are extremely confident in themselves, ordinary races would not dare to borrow money from the trading floor and then use it as collateral to complete tasks.

"So, what to do?"

Captain Lin was silent.

The irritable Rayleigh took courage: "Isn't there a detailed description of this task?"

"Let's choose a simpler task and do it according to the requirements. There is a high probability that we will not fail."

"You see, don't the races over there choose their missions?"

The teammates looked in the direction of Rayleigh's finger and saw a group of strong, calf-like races, choosing the last page of an extremely low-level mission.

It seems that he wants to try the most unskilled task, so should he practice it?

Mai Fan looked at that page, which basically contained mission rewards of 1 universal coin, and his face couldn't help but twitch.

Even if a team of ten people can complete ten such tasks in one day, it will only just cover their accommodation expenses, right?


However, his teammates did not have any doubts about this number. Instead, they looked at the reception staff in the trading hall very attentively and completed the task acceptance procedures for the young team just now.

"Okay, this is your new mission, to take care of a pair of new parents on Planet H with their naughty babies."

"Their interstellar spacecraft is broken down. They are temporarily staying in the shelter. They will continue their journey after the spacecraft is repaired."

"This caregiving task lasts for three days, and the caretaker will be paid a general currency every day."

"All the expenses that the babies need are borne by their parents. All they want is a free three days."

The Earthlings who were standing aside and eavesdropping: "Wu Cao, how come we didn't notice such a simple task!"

This chapter has been completed!
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