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Chapter 371 Room Capsule

 But he still planned to save Dr. Wen's image.

"So, in fact, we still have to do the exploration mission in this area."

"It just doesn't have the seriousness and depth required to complete a basic task."

"After all, if this area is a relatively safe area, then if we complete this task, in the remaining month, we will basically win."

"As long as we are relatively careful in our lives in the shelter, the three of us can safely board the return spacecraft."

"The current situation is, can we pray for our own good luck?"

Mai Fan is right, this is also the best situation faced by this situation.

The other two people nodded, and Mai Fan had a bit of surprise on his face.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Let's go back to the residence I found and make some basic preparations for this mission."

"Also, look at the sky, it's almost the evening closing period."

"This is the first time we haven't spent the night in a public living area."

"I don't know how this shelter treats homeless people or new races without money."

"To be cautious, we should go back before this time."

"By the way, I'd like to show you our new residence."

"In case the three of us need to move alone for some reason, there's always a base to rendezvous."

Mai Fan's proposal is also what Dr. Wen and Lei Li are curious about.

Although they risked their lives by choosing a seemingly peaceful mission, it looked awesome.

But compared to how Mai Fan found a very safe place to stay for a month in such a short period of time, it was still weak.

They were extremely curious about the safe zone in the chaotic area.

So far, these two people still don't understand the significance of the existence of this area.

"Then let's go and talk about it when we get back!"

The three of them set off, and Mai Fan's memory was really impressive. He led Dr. Wen and Lei Li through the chaotic area again according to the route he had taken when he first entered.

It's strange to say that probably because he got the room capsule given to him by the kobold, Mai Fan has the smell of his own people in the Chaos Zone.

When he entered again with Lei Li and Dr. Wen, there were obviously a lot less prying and malicious eyes.

This is probably the benefit of living in a chaotic area.

When you have the ability to live here, no matter how weak you look, no one will dare to truly look down on you.

However, fuss is inevitable during the process.

"Oh my god, this place is like a monster's lair. I thought I had entered a large gathering of elves and monsters from the magical world of Western Europe."

"Oh my God, why is there an area underground... Was the person who tried to break in cut off by the infrared ray at the door?"

"Then how does it determine whether people entering this area are in danger and whether they are accepted?"

Mai Fan looked at his bracelet, thinking it was because the kobold rented him this room.

That door that looks like a warehouse has a lot of sensors attached to it.

Now that he knew that this safe zone was not a good place to stay, Mai Fan quickly took the people to his place of stay.

"I said, your place doesn't look like a safe place..."

When Mai Fan opened the door in the quiet alley...

"Oh, let me go...my mother!"

"Do it!"

Swipe... The door diagonally opposite to him also opened.

The Asura clan member named Bu Shitian stood at the door again with an impatient look on his face.

"Hey! Boy, this house is obviously a single room, why did you bring someone here?"

Mai Fan's answer was very rogue: "Ah, beautiful Miss Fu Shitian, didn't I tell you? I still have my own companions, and our planet is a very crowded planet."

"Where we live, each person only has a very small cubicle to survive."

"The place I live in now can accommodate twelve or three people on earth, and everyone has to pay expensive rent for it."

"So, in such a big place, I only brought two companions. This is a very happy thing for the three of us."

"Maybe Miss Fu Shitian is a noble person by nature and cannot understand the suffering of the poor."

After saying these words, Mai Fan showed a painful expression on his face...

I can't help but watch...

"Get in quickly, now I know there are three primitive people living across the street, but you'd better take care of your companions and let them know the rules of being my neighbor."

"If one day you make me unhappy... hum..."

Bu Shitian shook his fists at the two new humans... and a sour feeling spread all the way up from their tailbones.

"No, no..."

Mai Fan quickly dragged the two people into the house, and with a click, the door was locked from the inside.

"So, there is a race from myths and legends living across from us? And this race..."

Riley raised his remaining arm in front of his chest: "Still a girl?"

But Dr. Wen's attention was not focused on this: "She opened the door just now, and she was standing at the door with such a prickly look. She didn't seem nervous or vigilant at all."

"And have you seen her room? As soon as she opened the door, there was a strong smell of blood."

"According to my many years of experience in the hospital...the visible parts of her room are basically covered in dried blood."

"So, it's better to listen to what Mai Fan says and don't have any contact with her."

Mai Fan was not much afraid of this neighbor, because the diary gave instructions that even when the neighbor on the opposite side threatened the three of them, his color was harmless green.

Therefore, this neighbor is not necessarily a threat to them, but in some ways, he is their protective umbrella.

"Let's get down to business. It's better if you avoid it as much as possible."

"Let's study the basic information around that area, make some preparations in advance, and take a good rest. Early tomorrow morning, when the passage to the shelter is opened, we will go explore..."

"It's better to do it sooner rather than later. At least we need to know whether we have the ability to win this task."

"If it doesn't work out, it won't be too late to consider Dr. Wen's proposal."

OK! That’s it.

After a few people felt at ease, their stomachs began to protest.

Lei Li and Dr. Wen don't have Mai Fan's awareness of danger in times of peace, but how could they, people who came out of the earth, not bring corresponding equipment.

And why is there less food in this equipment?

This chapter has been completed!
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