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Four hundred and three strange

 "Innate. In the words of you earthlings, I am the source of fire for all things?"

"As long as I release it, the direct temperature will exceed 3000 degrees, right?"

"It doesn't take just a moment to deal with the enemy?"

"As for the yellow wind, it's still the nature of our race... That's not right. What's the point of telling you so much?"

"Anyway, please remember that people are different from each other, and races are also different from race to race."

"Otherwise, why are there so many levels? Even among advanced races, there will be different divisions of attributes."

"Not everyone is a sports race, and our Asura clan has been a branch of the God clan from the beginning..."

"And the Gods are also a member of the advanced race."

It's just that the Asuras are a defeated race among the gods... They are an unpopular and discriminated tribe within the gods. But this does not mean that the Asuras are not powerful...

When facing ordinary species, they are simply bug-like.

Even some non-combatant advanced species are unwilling to face off against such advanced abandoned species whose pure physical and force output are too powerful...

Because while this race has flaws, it also shows in a very extreme way that they are too powerful in one aspect.

So, let’s not ask anymore… Mai Fan shut his mouth very wisely.

But this is a new species that has never been seen before... I am very reluctant to think about it carefully.

Bu Shitian probably saw Mai Fan's mood and asked, "Do you want to record that thing just now?"

Mai Fan nodded and replied: "Okay! I'm not afraid that you will be afraid..."

"Actually, there are a lot of these things around here."

After saying that, Fu Shitian waded over to the muddy moss-thick flat...

Mai Fan found that everything around her was curled up, and the moisture in the moss was instantly evaporated.

No wonder she is not afraid of this moss with strong sulfuric acid attached to it...

The opponent's skin can't even touch the skin, and it has already turned into crispy carbide.

Bu Shitian only walked forward a dozen meters...

"Come out!"

Her hand suddenly sank under the moss, and with another pull, she pulled out a cub that was slightly smaller, but very similar to the creature just now.

"No, I'll study this for you... Oh, by the way, this little thing is quite fierce..."

When Bu Shitian took him out, the little kid struggled hard and at the same time, he didn't forget to shake the mucus from his body onto Bu Shitian's body...

It appears that this creature has formed a symbiotic relationship with the moss.

The high concentration of acidic mucus secreted by the moss can protect the young of this creature, and this creature is responsible for eating the biological waste that the moss cannot digest.

Mai Fan didn't know when the symbiotic relationship between the two species was formed.

But looking at Bu Shitian's attitude of squeezing this restless little brat into unconsciousness and then throwing him towards him...

As long as you pay attention to the natural protective layer on its body, this creature does not seem to be very powerful.

Thinking of this, Mai Fan put on several layers of gloves...

This kind of professional anti-corrosion gloves has a very good insulation effect.

At least when he pinched the lower jaw of this creature...the gloves made a squeaking sound, but the surface did not crack at all...

"Oh My God……"

Mai Fan knew that he had guessed wrong...the rows of fangs in this cub's mouth did not look like it was capable of fighting.

By this time, Dr. Wen had already treated Lei Li's wound.

He cut off the corroded skin very harshly and applied a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory film. After tightly bandaging, he was attracted by the movement on Mai Fan's side.

"I said, is there something wrong with the basic structure of this creature?"

Mai Fan stopped looking around.

"What should I say? Aren't you a doctor? Not a veterinarian."

What's more, even if you are a veterinarian, can this cosmic creature be judged by the standards on earth?

Doctor Wen shook his head: "We have just seen the irrationality here...the four seasons merge together, and the divisions of plants are also intricate, without paying attention to basic laws at all."

"But look at these plants, no matter how mixed they grow, they should be tropical plants, they will be tropical plants, and they should be cold zone plants, they will be cold zone plants."

"You've never seen a plant with a cold zone on top and a tropical zone on the bottom, or a temperate zone on the bottom and a cold zone on top, right?"

"The multi-distribution of an object is simply impossible to establish no matter how complex the surrounding environment is."

"But look at this creature...does it combine the characteristics of land animals, swamp creatures, wasteland creatures and grassland creatures?"

"You don't even need to dissect it. Just look at its external biological components and structures...the surface layer of its skin...and you can see that it has at least integrated the characteristics of many living things."

"Even the skin is connected in very abrupt ways..."

"So I said, these creatures have evolved a bit unscientific..."

Mai Fan is really not a professional in biology.

But that's okay.

"Is this a biological sample I've never seen before? I'm here just in time for sample collection."

After saying that, he took out something like a small box and took a photo of the cub. Bang, even a cub is nearly one meter long. The next second, he received a small palm-sized creature.

in the box.

Mai Fan immediately put it in his pocket.

"The sample collection cage provided by the mission is quite easy to use!"

is not that right!

The instructor, who once again returned to the monitoring room of the institute, rubbed his brows with some pride.

Then he thought of another thing: "What did the people at the shelter say? Have they been brought back?"

The student followed up the words very cleverly: "Don't worry, teacher, after the people in the shelter discovered that the display space on the earth people was out of control, they sent people there as soon as possible."

"According to time calculation, they should have arrived by now."

"Ah, teacher, they are here! Look!"

The student's finger pointed to a screen above, and the person in the monitoring room turned his attention to the direction of the siblings.

At this time, the sister and brother had no idea what was happening in the outside world.

They just work hard according to the instruction manual and work hard to be an emotionless overtime machine.

But just after they quickly disassembled a component...

"Stand still for me..."

"I'm talking about you! Don't move! It has nothing to do with you! Where is the person in charge here!"

This chapter has been completed!
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