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 They should be grateful for the specialness of this planet and the random person who caused this special event.

In the final analysis, it seems that Mai Fan saved the lives of such a large group of creatures.

No one knows what will happen once this mentor's research is successful?

But it is foreseeable that if he succeeds, at least a large part of the race will have a difficult time.

Mai Fan, who had already escaped from here, would not take credit. Even if he knew about it, he would not take it seriously.

Because now they are on their way home.

And this journey only lasts a week, and we are about to reach our goal, the earth.

Since their journey became normal, Mai Fan's display space has also opened up.

Mai Fan learned about the hobby of reconnecting the signal through the channels provided by the tavern and the diary... showing the situation on the planet.

'Surprise! A mirage was found on the display planet, and the capture team is gathering on the display planet!'

‘The most intuitive record of planet collapse, the record column of the latest secrets of the universe...’

'A closer look at the struggle for survival of primitive species...let us see the survival wisdom of non-intelligent races.'

'Report! The show column ended perfectly, and the five-day ratings hit a new high for the program!'

'Good news for the acceptance of the results of the display section: In the species selection display section of this planet escape, there are sixteen species of creatures selected by the advanced races: they are XX species from Planet A, XX species from Planet C...'

'There are thirty-three types of creatures selected by A-B level races... They are...'

This time in the display column, more races were selected than in the previous races combined.

For these races, the sacrifices of their people were not in vain.

As for those who were not selected, they have nothing to complain about.

Because this is the column with the highest selection rate, and you haven’t been selected yet...

Doesn't this mean that your species is indeed not very good?

Because this is the column with the highest selection rate, and you haven’t been selected yet...

Doesn't this mean that your species is indeed not very good?

A major disaster brings ratings to a column and opportunities to many races. Similarly, some things done by some people also receive due feedback.

By the time Mai Fan's spacecraft landed on the earth, the Earth Federation had already received the notice from above.

Due to the outstanding performance of Mai Fan and others in the chaotic area, the earth has been protected by an advanced race.

And they also became one of the sixteen subordinate races selected by the superior races.

The earth they live on will be protected, and the advanced race that selected them will be responsible for the development and planning of the earth from now on.

If there are disputes and invasions among the stars, this advanced race will become their backing.

When the earth received this news, the whole country was basically celebrating.

Because the performance of those people really cannot be called outstanding.

But because of Mai Fan's unintentional move, he got precious places for them.

As for becoming the production base and chef reserve for advanced races...

What's the problem with this?

Cooking is the racial nature of people on earth. Doesn’t choosing them represent the amazing vision of this advanced race?

At this time, Mai Fan became a hero of the human race.

Compared with those teammates who did nothing, the three of them achieved huge achievements.

So, when their spaceship door opens...

The three of them, Mai Fan, received an unprecedented welcome.

Countless flowers and honor guards surrounded both sides of the spacecraft, and the top leaders of the Federation came to pick it up in person.

Because according to the footage, they not only successfully completed their mission... but also successfully abducted two higher-level races to come and live on Earth.

Before they arrived, Earth's external communication department had already obtained basic information about the kobolds and the Asura tribe.

After they learned that these two races actually belong to a minority and rare species among higher species...

Their faces looked even better when facing Mai Fan.

"Welcome back to the earth. Come, come, let us take our good friends to visit."

"You just got home, you should have a good rest!"

At this time, there were still many things that he didn't understand, so Mai Fan decided to follow the organization's arrangements.

Along with Dr. Wen, he was taken to the hotel where VIPs were received.

After so many days of intense exhibitions and boring travel, everyone's nerves have reached the breaking point.

Now that he was on his own territory, Mai Fan fell into a deep sleep the whole day as soon as he closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, the first thing he did was to join up with his original teammates.

After a few people adjusted their condition, they went to the original federal training center to report.

When the conference room opened, everything seemed like yesterday.

Of the ten dedicated seats, only three people were left sitting on them.

"How is Yawei?"

Mai Fan's eyes subconsciously glanced at the other party's profile picture, which was still lit.

The data aggregator sitting across the conference table gave Mai Fan a pretty good answer.

"She was picked up by her owner."

"Because of her performance on the display planet and the original owner's weakening interest in humans... that planet ultimately did not choose our earth."

"So, from the very beginning, all our plans around Yawei were nullified."

It was only now that Mai Fan was surprised. It turns out that people on Earth are really ready to treat people as pets?

"But now, everything is developing in the best direction."

"We humans will continue to operate normally as a special subsidiary planet of the advanced race."

"In a short time, the higher races will send people over to guide our future development."

"I'm afraid you don't know why we are so desperate, and those display planets are so desperate, right?"

What Mai Fan only thinks about is that the other party will provide them with more advanced technology and improve the status of the species in the universe?

But Mai Fan really thought wrong, because the person in charge of the earth dared to think even more than he did.

"We can prevent a lot of unnecessary troubles. If we perform well, the higher races will receive some generous gifts."

"Many vassal races will have self-improvement and colonial territories in the later stages."

"It will take us many years to occupy and develop the planet. Perhaps the advanced race that accepts you will easily assign this area to your home planet."

"Do you know what the other party did after our planet fell under the banner of this advanced race?"

"They have subsumed the entire solar system under the earth."

This chapter has been completed!
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