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423 Memories of the Seventh World

 It’s just that her master has seen Yawei’s ugly side...

When you see this face again, you will have a strange feeling.

Although the face now looks smoother and fuller than before, but for advanced races with amazing memories...

That pitted face will still appear in my mind.

And this advanced race is the race with the lowest tolerance for imperfection.

Even though Yawei usually has a lot of problems, when you buy it back, it must look like something the higher races would like.

Now, what seems perfect has a big flaw in the owner's heart.

The existence of this big flaw will naturally affect the owner's love for her.

When she thought that the relationship between herself and her master was 'special' and her position was irreplaceable...

One day, she came to a special space inexplicably.

As soon as she opened her eyes without warning, Yawei came to a place that was a little noisy and the environment was a little chaotic.

Looking around, there were all pets that looked like her.

They are either irritable, ugly, disabled, or gloomy...

In short, although Yawei doesn’t know what these species originally looked like...

But they are all uncomfortable.

Here, fortunately, newcomers like her still retain the right to be observed.

It was during the daily interactions between the staff that she realized where she had been sent.

She actually entered the Advanced Racial Pet Treatment Center.

Here, pets deemed problematic by their owners will undergo secondary testing and inspection.

Only after confirming that there are no problems with character or ability will the pet be put into the second-hand pet trading market again.

This is not a market for rare species or ordinary pets. Many of the pets there have been given up by their original owners.

Although there are still many people who will go there to choose new pets because it is cheap.

But for pets, even if they are adopted again, their conditions will drop off a cliff.

Because people who come to the second-hand pet market are more or less looking for bargains.

After all, the initial price of rare species is not cheap.

But after being adopted by those advanced races for a period of time, they found that there were some minor problems or that they were not suitable for their own families, so they were sent back...

Isn’t that a discount on the price?

Customers who come here to buy pets have this in mind.

Therefore, sometimes it is not necessarily good luck for some pets to be re-selected.

After learning about her current situation... Yawei fell silent.

She thought she was special, and this self-impression and deception was broken.

After she had a new understanding and positioning of herself, Yawei became silent.

She was sent to the examination office quietly, thinking that with her quietness and well-behavedness, she could regain a living environment and a living family.

But after the results of the second inspection came out, the data marked on the inspection report shattered her last thoughts.

Because her former owner was too striving for perfection, Yawei underwent reconstructive surgery after being extensively disfigured.

This kind of surgery has a great impact on the lifespan of pets and humans themselves.

As a human being, living to the age of seventy without any disease or disaster is a long shot.

However, this kind of restorative surgery is an extreme surgery that extracts the vitality of the body as a basis.

If it weren't for the owner's strict requirements, most pet hospitals wouldn't do it.

This shows that the owner himself does not put the pet’s feelings first. The owner who undergoes this kind of surgery just puts his own feelings first.

Yawei, who accidentally heard the result, collapsed.

For a woman like her, none of the previous things are enough to hit her.

But the idea of ​​living and living as comfortably as possible...

But it has always been her goal of survival.

Now, her life is coming to an end.

Although her youth is still there, her years are gone.

So what's the use of her beautiful skin?

No matter how comfortable and comfortable her life is, what's the point?

As a result, Yawei collapsed... During the few remaining years of her life, she had been living in confusion.

Perhaps because of her confusion, she was not so sad.

With her rare gimmick, she found a good new owner.

Unfortunately, she did not enjoy this peaceful life for long... On a quiet night, Yawei closed her eyes forever.

Although Mai Fan's sense of this girl has always been unsatisfactory...but it's still quite sad to lose his life like this.

As a garbage card, thrown into the glove box... it should indeed be destroyed.

He muttered something silently in his mind, and the huge glove box became empty again.

It's strange, there are even kobolds. As the one with whom we have the most interactions and connections, who is Bu Shitian?

When Mai Fan opened the diary again, he saw Bu Shitian's figure in the new story world.

He, the enforcer, has left, and the former villain has returned.

It's just that this time, I probably saw a lot of Mai Fan's actions... This villain in the science fiction world has also restrained his personality a lot.

He knows that there are people out there, he knows the flaws of character, he sees the diverse possibilities for the development of things, and he understands that having one more friend around you is always better than one more enemy.

As a result, he became much gentler and more reserved, and his perception of the outside world was no longer so black and white.

When he almost integrated Mai Fan's characteristics.

He went to do a few things first, a few things related to things around him.

In fact, he knew who A005 was who had blackmailed him on the display platform.

One morning, A005 opened the door, and a face he particularly hated stood in front of their house.

I don’t know what they talked about, but A005, who used to dislike everything, was crying loudly downstairs.

Because the villain in this world told him that the misunderstandings he had were actually given to him by the school beauty whom he had never wished for.

And those vicious words that he once thought were just conveyed to him by people from all sides through a person who was least likely and least willing to explain.

Because those people and even the school belle knew that Mai Fan didn't bother to explain to an insignificant person like him.

Therefore, many things that Mai Fan has never said or done can be attributed to him.

No one thought that such a noble and solitary person would go to the home of a little person that everyone had forgotten after many years and explain things that others had long forgotten.

This chapter has been completed!
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