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444 Purification

 When Xiao Qian put the gun on the window, Mai Fan quickly stopped him: "Hey! You can't beat someone to death. If you die, you can't ask anything."

"Don't worry..." Xiao Qian put a strange bullet into Mai Fan's hand: "This is a specially made anesthetic bullet. It is impossible to kill him immediately if it is pierced, but it is possible to knock him down."

After saying that, Xiaoqian's gun was already raised, swish, swish... puff, puff...

After several consecutive bursts of fire, it was quiet inside the castle and quiet outside the castle.

Nicholas and Mai Fan looked outside...the five people rushing this way fell in the wilderness in a mess.

"You are responsible for guarding, and I will drag them back."

In fact, Mai Fan's marksmanship is also pretty good, but he can't explain how he developed his marksmanship, so he simply won't reveal this skill.

When a small amount of money is needed for security, the only person left in the castle who is most suitable for dragging people away is Mai Fan.

No, Mai Fan took the initiative to move it.

However, during the transportation process, Mai Fan chuckled.

Except for the cat girl who had been hiding at the point where they appeared, he actually found no less than two groups of people snooping around the castle.

It seems that what he thought was a little strange at first was indeed correct.

There may not be just one group of people who covet vampires.

Nicholas had several confrontations with the opponent, and the characteristics displayed by the opponent were really different.

At that time, Mai Fan felt strange. Apart from that mysterious group of lunatics, who else would covet a vampire? Aren't they afraid of being raised as food rations?

You must know that now is the world of primary superpowers, and sometimes the law no longer applies to these people.

With that in mind, Mai Fan dragged everyone back with one hand in each hand and only three trips.

After dragging them back, Nicholas prepared three buckets of cold river water and poured them on the five people without hesitation.


A few people woke up.

After they saw clearly what was going on inside the castle, they started to scream.

"You evil devil, we will not succumb to the darkness."

"Inspired by God's will, we will maintain our original intention and attitude, and we will definitely fight you to the end!"

Wait, this isn’t quite right?

Several people looked at each other. Mai Fan picked it up with a stick and found that these people were actually wearing priest's robes under their cloaks...

With a swipe, Maifan pulled off the robe of one of them, and the attire of the clergyman with a cross appeared in front of everyone.

"Is this to eliminate evil? It's impossible for all five of them to be priests, right?"

Swish, brush, brush...as expected...

The three roughest looking people out of the five are not.

"Who are these people?"

Mai Fan held the notebook and looked at the small words above the other person's head, and said hesitantly: "Maybe you have heard of bounty hunters?"

"The kind of professionals you see in movies who hunt monsters and eliminate evil for the church?"

"I think they should be from that profession, right?"

"However, the demon slayers here are still bounty hunters, so they are not very capable..."

He was arrested before he even did anything.

So what to do now? Everyone looked at Nicholas.

These people don't seem to be on the same side as that evil gang, so this grudge should be left to Nicholas to resolve, right?

When Nicholas was having a headache, the priest who looked like a spiritual leader started yelling at Nicholas.

"Have vampires fallen to this level to save their lives today?"

"You actually joined forces with the devil from the East!"

"I know, you know that our church is going to attack you, so you go one step ahead and want to destroy the world and turn humans into food for you to feed, right?"

"You evil devil!"

No, I didn’t even know that I, a junior awakened vampire, could be so powerful...

"So the people we are talking about are not them."

Mai Fan shook his head and didn't care about the quarrels of the people opposite him. Instead, he told what happened in China as if telling a story.

At first, these five people looked like they didn't listen to the bastard's chanting, but by the end of Mai Fan's words, their faces became serious, and they all forgot about the quarrel.

"So, you came here to investigate the demon's resurgence case and found this place accidentally?"

"And the symbols on both sides of this vampire's castle were not drawn by him himself?"

Mai Fan nodded: "What do you have for me to deceive? Officer Jing, show them your ID."

When going abroad for business, you must bring your identity certificate in both Chinese and English.

After these demon hunters read the certificates presented by Officer Jing, they believed Mai Fan's words 100%.

"So how did you find this vampire?"

This place in Nicholas is really quite hidden, and most people really can’t find the place.

"A few of us were attracted here by the evil pollution power."

"Just a week ago I had no idea what to do here."

The priest, who had gained temporary freedom, took out a book from his arms: "This is my ability, to detect the darkness and purify it."

"We have eliminated several evil creatures before. The reason we found this place was also guided by this book."

Hearing this, Nicholas quit: "No, it's been a long time since I evolved, at least half a year."

"If it was really because of the darkness, you should have come here and eliminated me long ago. Why did you only find out now?"

"So..." the priest closed the book: "The source of evil is not that you are a vampire, but the symbols on both sides of your castle."

"As an exorcist, I have to verify it."

"Can you let my companion go? Of course, if you are worried, you can send someone to follow us."

"We need to purify the six-pointed star symbol outside the castle."

"I suspect that that symbol is a way to gather and summon evil spirits."

Mai Fan felt that what the priest said was right. He nodded to Nicholas and asked him to let the five people go for the time being.

And these five unlucky guys didn't care about the conflict just now. After gaining their freedom, they went straight to the outer wall of the castle.

"Let's go over and take a look."

Mai Fan felt that this symbol might not be that simple.

They followed, turned to the right side of the castle, and found that the priest's purification of the symbol had already begun.

"My pious...ah!!"

The priest was reading the purification spell... and a cold arrow pierced his back directly.

"Who! Damn it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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