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Chapter 555 Salvation

  He likes to help those elves. Yes, plant elves are not the only ones who can be considered superior elves. Fountain of Life discovered that in this world, not only the people who can cultivate are not friendly to the spirits, but even the mortals are not friendly to the spirits.

His attitude is also very bad.

 This is a factor of the general environment, and there are also human factors.

 Many spirits do not know human language since their birth because no one teaches them.

 They are the natives of that area, and of course they regard their habitat as their home.

However, places that can breed elves are usually places where spiritual energy is abundant.

Even in dangerous and dark places, there are naturally special groups of people who need them.

 This is the root cause of their conflict with humans.

Perhaps what the other party wants is peaceful coexistence, but the first reaction of the spirits who do not understand this is to violently expel them when they see an outsider invading.

 Then, the following results occur.

 The people on one side will kill the other side and then have the final ownership of this treasure land.

 Most of those killed by others were spirits...

This cannot be attributed to any one party. It can only be said that the positions of both parties are different.

 But what if I have the ability to reconcile the contradictions? If the positions of both parties are consistent, will the lives and current situation of the elves be improved?

 As an elf himself, Fountain of Life feels that this does not conflict with Mai Fan’s previous ideals.

The other party just wants to farm, and he can also save most of the spirit species in the process of farming...

 You can kill two birds with one stone, why not?

One more thing, when he transformed the Black Mire into the current flower-filled garden, the heaven here seemed to be very satisfied with his actions, and gave this satisfaction to him in the form of a spiritual feedback.


 He spent nearly three years making this place even better.

And a gift from Heaven directly raised his realm from the late stage of foundation building to the realm of foundation building perfection.

 So, he worked hard to get closer to Mai Fan's ideal, almost to the point where he had not moved much for three years...

Just like that, I improved in a flash, and the improvement was higher than that of others who practiced non-stop for three years.

 There is no way to explain why he is not a genius now.

 As a genius, the more outstanding you are, the more the sect will transfer you back to the headquarters.

 Then Fountain of Life came up with this brilliant idea.

 He was transferred here and there among the vast settlements of the Yunxia Sect.

 After all, apart from the peaceful and affluent town like Caixia Town, there are many poor mountains and rivers in Yunxia Pai.

They are also areas guarded by the Yunxia Sect, and they also need the assistance of the Yunxia Sect.

 Then, Elder Guan received the next transfer order from Mai Fan.

 This time, it’s just a small trial.

The place where Mai Fan was transferred was not too far from the Yunxia Sect, but compared to a place like Caixia Town, which was only a few hundred kilometers away... it was much further away.

This time Mai Fan was going to a central area that was peaceful but lifeless, because it was not as prosperous as Caixia Town. At least it was a transportation hub.

That place in Pingfanzhou is ten times larger than Caixia Town, but just like its name, it is so ordinary and boring that it makes people doze off.

 Everything was ordinary, and those who were a little dissatisfied left that land long ago.

It’s not that the people who live there don’t want to do a good job in construction, but no matter how they do it, they have no characteristics.

  Naturally, no one was interested in that land, and those who were transferred there basically went there for their retirement.

 The defenders there are sluggish, and they usually pay the price of death in exchange for a new successor.

 And that’s where Maifan wants to go.

Then, Mai Fan, holding the diary, watched the Fountain of Life pass through one station after another.

 He has read about the prosperity of the human world and traveled through countless famous mountains and rivers as well as dangerous and dangerous places.

 He used his innate sense of intimacy to plant countless precious spiritual plants and save countless ignorant spirits.

  Never feel that your own power is weak, nor will you be discouraged by your small strength.

Thousands of years later, he always kept Mai Fan’s wish to leave in his heart and fulfilled it very well.

 At the end of the story, Maifan of Life became the real savior of the world.

Although no one knows it, it is because of his efforts that the world does not face the situation of lack of spiritual energy and interface collapse and regression.

 Because no one except Mai Fan knows that this is just a declining world written by the author.

 But the Fountain of Life relied on its own little transformations and little struggles to give birth to the soul of this world.

 Thus learning to resist and use all the energy to help the Fountain of Life transform the world.

 If the aura of this world reaches a balance between self-production and self-consumption.

 Then there will be no period of decline in which spiritual energy dissipates.

 In a peaceful and stable world of immortality, the fight between mortals is like a game between ants.

 Of course there is no need for a savior to turn the tide.

 Everyone spent five hundred years peacefully like this, followed by another five hundred years, and then another five hundred years after that.

 Nothing happened.

Perhaps in a corner unknown to Mai Fan, the protagonist who has been given a mission by the author is rising.

Well, maybe it really has become a legend.

But the Maifan of Life is definitely invisible, because he is concentrating on helping those spirits, and the world is giving him more and more feedback.

 Then, in a period of time that no one could believe, he reached a state of ascension.

 When everyone thought he would ascend directly, he did something that shocked everyone.

He suppressed his realm to the spiritual realm and stayed in this world for nearly a hundred years before leaving.

There is only one reason why he did not leave. He wanted to complete the transformation of the last wasteland, which is the birthplace of the true fountain of life in the world where the villain has never been reborn.

That is the desert of desolation, the desert of desolation that has turned into an area barren of grass because it gave birth to the spring of life.

 The reason why a place of great creation is conceived must be at the expense of the interests of a large group of people around it.

  After all, this world still has to abide by the laws of equivalent exchange and energy conservation, even if it is a world of immortality.

 Its birth means the loss of many lives.

 So he wanted to transform the desert into its original appearance.

 And the Fountain of Life has been discovered. Even if it is reborn, the Fountain of Life in this world no longer exists, and that place is still desolate.

This time no one knows why it became a barren land. Only the Fountain of Life knows why.

This chapter has been completed!
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