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582 The villain's experience

   As time goes by, various laws have been explored, various methods have been invented, and in order to evolve, people have even studied training techniques...

 But even so... it only increased the evolution probability from 0.01% to 0.1%.

 The probability of one in a thousand and one in a thousand seems to be nearly ten times different.

 But for ordinary people, this chance is still too slim.

  Just like the primary multi-racial genetic evolution fluid, no one believes that they are the lucky ones.

 This probability also caused a special phenomenon in the shelter.

 Because the current supplies are too scarce, people have not discovered the hidden dangers of this phenomenon occurring in the future.

 That is, more and more ordinary people give up the opportunity for secondary education. After being injected with the evolutionary fluid, they directly graduate from junior high schools and join jobs with few prospects.

Those who would choose to continue evolving and delay three years are mostly those whose family conditions are relatively relaxed.

 After all, people are in difficulty at this time, and the relatively loose conditions are considered difficult in Mai Fan's eyes.

 But even this small gap will have another consequence.

 Once the second evolution is successful, the child will bring more wealth to the family, not only recouping the initial investment, but also further improving the social status of the entire family.

Those materials that ordinary people take ten years to earn can be obtained by those who are capable and have better luck and go out to explore for half a year or a year.

 In addition to the fact that the leadership of the shelter will conduct targeted training, that is, by adopting orphans and sponsoring the children of poor people, some seed players will be selected for secondary evolution. After the evolution is successful, they will provide free services to the shelter...

 The remaining ones who choose to continue their studies...are basically the ones with relatively better family conditions. Before the secondary evolutionary gene fluid was developed...the group of people with greater genetic expression.

Although they fought at the forefront of danger, at the same time... they also obtained wealth and resources that the people in the protected rear area could not have.

 As the saying goes, if you pay, you will gain...

 This is what they deserve. Even if some people complain, they still have to shut up and bow their heads in the face of reality.

 After all, strong combat power is in short supply.

To sum up, various factors have caused the secondary evolution to basically become the cultivation of elites.

Of course, some unexpected situations cannot be avoided here.

 Why is it necessary to vaccinate the entire population?

  For the poor probability of 0.01.

 It is necessary to know that the uncontrollability and freedom of this kind of evolution are also reflected in the aspect of accidental evolution.

  Ordinary people may be eating, snoring in bed, or immersed in metal smelting within three years after injection...

Just for a click moment... the first bone on his body might have popped out from a certain position.

Some people are surprised. If evolution is so willful and irregular, then what if the evolving person himself is not aware of it? He always thinks that he is an ordinary person, so won't he be buried?

You can rest assured, because the formation of each primary bone will not be silent, and evolved people will definitely feel it.

 Because the momentum for the second evolution is very high every time...

The most obvious feature is... pain, severe, unbearable, a huge pain even more terrifying than the eleventh-level labor pain of giving birth. It spreads all over the body in an instant, and then rushes towards the bone formed at an extremely fast speed.


 This pain will not disappear until this bone evolves and expresses its abilities...

 Only those who have evolved can move and live normally.

 During the process of pain, the gene cells activated by evolution will also release a large amount of energy.

 Human beings in the process of evolution are not only like a balloon that leaks air everywhere, but also like a mobile weapon with its own air gun that shoots everywhere.

 So there is this kind of appearance, when people scream in pain...

 Those around the shelter will immediately understand what is happening and notify the patrol personnel as soon as possible so that they can isolate the people around them in the process of evolution.

 Contact medical staff and institutional personnel who specialize in receiving secondary evolution and conducting guidance training.

 After his initial appearance calms down, someone will take away the lucky one who is relatively weak in the process of evolution.

 Provide good care, and wait until he has fully adapted to the new body after the second evolution, mastered the new evolved abilities, and is sure that he will not cause harm to the people around the shelter...then he is allowed to go home.

 During this process, the relevant departments of the shelter have learned everything about this lucky boy.

 During the training process, his affiliation and future work may be arranged.

It is precisely because of these lucky ones that the second evolution team has added some complexity. Even if it is only 0.01% evolution, it does not seem so rare because of the huge base.

 Dilute the elite camp's set by 50%.

 The current world is basically such a situation.

 Mai Fan has spent a lot of time figuring out the worldview here.

But this time, there is something very good.

 He has the memory of the villain of this world, and the villain's desire to survive is quite strong.

 It’s just that he thinks he can’t do better, or in other words, if he has another choice, the current situation will not be much better than it is now.

 At the very least, the successor he initially summoned did worse than he did.

 He has no hope for this, but he still wants to live...

 So he used his last energy to activate the villain successor in Mai Fan again...

  Let the new successor to the most powerful villain in history come over and try it out.

 If he still couldn't succeed...then he would give up.

So what happened to the villain?

 The group is destroyed.

 Yes, this is the first time that the villains are allowed to go out on a mission, and their mission is actually the simplest environmental cleanup and material collection.

 The area they went to... was also a relatively safe area that had been raided countless times by secondary evolvers.

 Although there is a small area that is the junction area...

But the view there is wide, and the surrounding creatures are clearly visible. There are clear instructions in the elementary teaching courses...

 It is knowledge that every person who is allowed to leave the shelter has recited over and over again.

Even if the villain is an invincible newcomer with basically zero knowledge of the outside world, even if this is the first time for him to step out of the shelter and see the outside world... he is very good at everything...

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