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623 Loser

 What to pay? How to pay? The three people focused on the remaining sweet potato peel.

If Mai Fan hadn't stopped him quickly, the two siblings would have eaten the skin.

"There's still this bit of meat stuck to it! Go quickly! Tell them what you found! No, no, no, it's the discovery of Mr. Mai Fan."

"But as a facilitator, you are also a brave pioneer in trying, and you also have a share of credit here!

"No matter what, don't waste it... This is a milestone change for the food processing industry in the shelter!"

"Go quickly!"

This elder sister is really powerful. She yelled at her younger brother, and her mind went blank, so she rushed out holding the sweet potato skins.

Then she turned her head and smiled stupidly at Mai Fan: "How do you think we can cooperate?"

Mai Fan also smiled: "My new address is written on my medical file... According to the rules, my mission is completed again... I have a day off tomorrow."

"If anything happens... you can find me at home. If I'm not there... the number on the communicator is also on it... As long as it's a good thing, you can find me soon."

This is inevitable!

The doctor nodded happily and let his patient go.

After receiving the physical examination report, Mai Fan returned to the patrol team again and submitted a work schedule report.

Write a detailed written explanation on the collection process of this specimen and the reaction after eating it, and submit it layer by layer.

Give it to the departments that need to report it as auxiliary information.

"Is this Mai Fan who discovered a new ethnic group?"

"Yes, new plant samples and ancient soil samples were discovered today. It is suspected to be a genetic mutation, and the two things are linked together."

"If he hadn't started new things from beginning to end, I would have doubted whether he was an aborigine from the refuge..."

"Isn't it invaded by some magical species? Have you ever heard of...a treasure hunter rat?"

The colleague opposite was speechless: "But he is a cat...a very ordinary kind..."

Colleague with rich imagination: "I remember it is recorded in the history books of ancient humans that they had a kind of magical cat called a blessing and fortune cat..."

"Do you think there is..."

But pull it down... No one knows whether Mai Fan is a Lucky Cat or not, but he and his teammates have received real benefits.

After working for two days, Mai Fan took another break.

And his account, which was almost cleared due to renting a house, daily life and other reasons... became abundant once again because of his new discovery.

‘The account is credited, the credit points are 50, and the account balance is 72 points.’

Hearing this prompt, Mai Fan let out a long sigh of relief... If he adds a little more money, it will be enough for him to pay the rent + household expenses for more than half a year.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly remembered a voice behind him: "Hey! Boy!"

When the sound arrives, the action follows.

Fortunately, Mai Fan’s appearance is a cat.

He used up all his agility attributes and brushed... The next second, two strong men passed directly over his head.

The two people hugged each other and rolled into a ball.

They were beating each other with their fists. At this time, Mai Fan had no intention of watching the excitement. He jumped directly to the roof of the house with two swish bounces. He waited until he felt that he was completely safe before looking down.


He saw the two men who almost affected him, their eyes were red and their fists were punching to the flesh, as if they had some deep hatred and would not stop fighting.

"It's not that they have any grudges, they just can't control their emotions. They are all good people..."

"But unfortunately, the losers of the second evolution are called losers by everyone because of this..."

"Normally, we will be affected by emotions..."

Don't talk about abnormal times...like this...

But Mai Fan didn't want to hear this explanation now. He turned his head in horror and found... a butterfly floating behind him...

Gorgeous, colorful, beautiful butterflies.

It's so light and fragile, as if it can crush the opponent into pieces with just one grasp.

But Mai Fan didn't dare to move again, because he knew that this butterfly was extremely dangerous... As long as it thought about it, the next moment, his head would be in danger.

"Young man, what are you worried about? I'm just a butterfly..."

It is also a butterfly that has failed in its second evolution.

Mai Fan muttered in his heart, but his face didn't change at all.

He turned his head back, and the life-threatening physical fight was now over.

The fight between the two people consumed all their strong energy... Similarly, without the support of physical strength, their violent emotions were also swept away.


The butterfly fell lightly, and by the time she flew between the two strong men, she had returned to her human form.

What kind of woman is she? There is a hint of purity in her beauty, and she is innocent in her sexiness.

Mai Fan was suffocated by the beauty of the other party for two seconds...and then immediately regained his freedom of breathing.

Because this woman, with one hand and one hand, picked up two strong men.

Easily and inhumanely, he dragged the injured people to the ground, and with a crash, threw the two people directly to the policemen who were squatting on the roadside and did not dare to come forward, that is, the patrol police of the community in Area D.

"Here, here you go... remember, if you can't write it in the file, don't write it... For your sake and for ours..."

The two patrolmen were as obedient as little chickens in front of this woman. They nodded their heads in assurance and swore with their chests. After that, they got the ownership of these two strong men.

This process lasted less than five minutes...

Mai Fan was about to take advantage of this opportunity to secretly get off the roof and return to his home. As soon as his feet landed on the ground...

He discovered that there was a shadow behind him...

His powerful sixth sense told him to laugh.

So when she turned around again, the butterfly girl saw a big face with a slightly demented smile.

"A new member of the community? I'm the... self-appointed mayor of this district."

Okay, okay... Mai Fan doesn't know how to react.

"I went on a mission yesterday and was not at home. When I came back, I heard that a very interesting little guy had moved into our area."

"As a special new member, I have to come and take a look."

"Now people have seen it, and he is indeed a very interesting little guy."

"So, are you ready to integrate?"

"What? What preparations?" Mai Fan started to stutter...

"This is your new home, right? Come on, open the door, and let's go in and talk."

Mai Fan really didn't know what happened, but he obediently opened the door and let this dangerous woman in.

Wait until the door of his capsule room closes.

The community, which was originally very quiet, suddenly became lively.

This chapter has been completed!
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