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667 Mrs.

 Also, among the great ancient demons, there are only a few rat monsters with names... Even if there are, they are the kind that are struggling in the cracks.

Because of their strong survivability, they even used the formation in this section of the Black Forest as a backup and refuge point.

Once a powerful enemy invades, this is their way to preserve the continuation of their race.

As for those who enter the dark forest, they have only gradually increased in the past one hundred years.

There are some people among human beings who are unwilling to be mediocre, and they will always remember the past glory of mankind.

Some ancient families, families that once participated in the battle against the 'King'...

In this battle, a lot of good things were taken out in order to seal or protect the descendants of this 'king'.

In the dark forest, at the roots of a certain piece of black vegetation... there might be inheritances and treasures of these families buried.

With clues, the tribesmen came to wander around the forest in waves.

Wanshu Town will naturally appear in front of this group of people and become the best guide for this group of people to enter the forest.

Mai Fan learned from Big Mouse...

As long as they follow the road they met and walk west for half a month... they will be able to see the location of Ten Thousand Rats Town.

Of course, this speed refers to the time it takes for the big rat to run at full speed with its monster body.

If ordinary humans want to walk in this kind of mountainous terrain, the time required will probably be twice as long as this.

Mai Fan felt a little sympathetic: 'Then your business is not easy...'

The big mouse sighed, it's not that good. Where can he find such an excellent business as Mai Fan?

This trip was very unsuccessful. If he hadn't met Mai Fan, he would still be confident in his escape. But after coming and going, he couldn't get anything back, and his family would also suffer because of this mission.

Failed and hungry.

'Well, thank you. Then there is one last question.'

'If I go to Ten Thousand Rat Town in the future and want your help, where can I find you?'

'Don't worry, you will be paid.'

When it comes to making money, the big mouse becomes energetic: "When you go to Wanrat Town, just give me my name...my name is PHS."

"There is nothing in this town or in the forest that I am not knowledgeable about."

"As long as you say PHS, even a three-month-old mouse can lead you to me."

"Remember, my name is Xiaolingtong, not some cheap and counterfeit names like Lao Shengtong, Wanfa Tong, or True Magical Power."

"If you tell me my name, you will be able to find me naturally!"

"For the sake of my acquaintance, I will definitely give you the best price."

"Believe me, I'm right!"

Mai Fan looked at the big rat in front of him who was desperately trying to sell himself, nodded, and left his name on the ground.

'My name is Mai Fan, which should be the skeleton monster or white-bone spirit in your mouth.'

'If we meet again, please give me more advice!'

'Remuneration and so on...I will prepare it...I will definitely not default on the payment.'

In fact, Mai Fan still had some tiny bones like this, but he grabbed a handful...

But seeing that the big rat looked very satisfied with the reward... then he wouldn't take it out for the time being.

In this way, the two of them reached a preliminary consensus, got up and set off again.

Their initial destinations were very much the same. First they headed towards the black forest where they first met...

After they reached the location they met, they continued moving one to the north and the other to the west.

As for Mai Fan's purpose of moving forward, Big Mouse didn't ask much.

As for the spirits that can survive in the White Bone Long Snake Formation, no one needs to tell outsiders. Everyone knows that they have only one purpose, and that is to devour each other until a true king is born.

At the same time that this king was truly born, the White Bone Formation had completely lost its effectiveness.

The curse imposed on the human race will also completely disappear.

The feud between the king's descendants and his subordinates has finally come to an end and has reached its end.

This means that with the birth of this powerful Skeleton King, mankind has completely lost its perception of spiritual power.

In the future, except for a very small number of special people, or descendants mixed with the blood of spirits, immortals, and demons, only humans can use magic...

The rest will be born very ordinary and die very ordinary.

Regarding this... Mai Fan still has something to say.

'Was there no powerful White Bone Demon born before me?'

He clearly remembered that someone came to the cave where Mai Fan was and led a group of monsters from other races to explore the location of their Death Formation.

In the pit of bones, he clearly listened to the rat spirit calling her "Madam".

"Ah, the Bone Clan, there are too many powerful ones."

"Since ancient times, there have been many famous white-bone spirits."

"But the most famous one is probably Mrs. Bones."

"She is someone who can compete with the gods in the sky... But unfortunately, her knowledge of herself is too high..."

"Thinking that a mere white-bone monster can tease gods and Buddhas... She wants to gain eternal life and carve out a place in the world..."

"It's just a lowly frame of mind that has such treacherous thoughts..."

"This kind of wishful thinking of lower races has completely angered the truly powerful gods and demons..."

"Then she knew the gap between the Bone Clan and the truly chosen and outstanding race..."

'Mrs. Bones was eliminated...'

"Yes." The big mouse spirit felt a little melancholy and in vain. He didn't know whether it was because he was of an inferior race or because of the other party's unrealistic ideas.

"It's such a pity... It's the closest thing to weirdness among the Bone Clan."

"That kind of big monster that can only be sealed but not killed."

"Even gods have a headache. It's just..." Big Mouse looked at Mai Fan: "You have to remember that every race has its fatal weaknesses..."

"We have a lot of natural enemies."

'Is that so...what a pity...'

Mai Fan patted the dust off his bones and stood up from the ground.

He also thought that if he could get out of here, he must go find the lady.

Because the lady gave the villain a touch of help, and she didn't directly absorb the bone formation.

'Let's go... don't say goodbye when we get there... If I succeed, you and I will be able to meet each other sooner or later.'

'Also, that lady is very brave.'

'I think even if she was eliminated, she still achieved a great achievement...'

This chapter has been completed!
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