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706 Fool

  By the time he figured out the origin of the Jedi, the diary also analyzed why the bones of the Bone Lady were different from those of most of the skeleton monsters that Mai Fan had seen.

“You are such a white-bone spirit, so the first dynasty was unjustly charged with these sins.”

 This is simply an insult to the normal change of a dynasty.

But after hearing this, Mrs. Bones laughed heartily: "What kind of insult? No matter the first generation or the group of people who inherited the first generation dynasty, they are worthy of such a crime!"

“How do you think my black bones were born?”

“When did the bad reputation of this first dynasty spread?”

"I... am the favorite concubine of the first dynasty king! No, I have a more prominent identity, that is, the national advisor of that dynasty."

It's just that the Bone Clan wants to become the king of a dynasty. This idea is really crazy.

 And every one of the current kings was the driving force behind her original idea.

 The first generation of kings may have been somewhat sincere when they first got acquainted with her.

 But after knowing her race and abilities, she was just a tool he used to consolidate his dominance.

How stupid was the original Bone Lady? She foolishly gave up her orthodox path of promotion and embarked on the path of the evil Bone Demon.

 When she discovered that all that was left was lies and betrayal, Mrs. Bones, whose personality had been changed by the black skull, completely turned into a black man.

 In her heart, men, love, where the power and status come from are important.

Since you care most about this dynasty, grab it and make it your own.

  At that time, the former king will also prostrate himself at his feet.

 It is much better to be a queen with countless harems than to be a poor woman waiting for the arrival of the king.

 It was this change in Lady Bones that affected the direction of the entire dynasty.

Those clans that had been suppressed by the first dynasty for many years, as well as the spirits who had to be enslaved to make a living under the dynasty, joined forces to contribute to Madam Bones' plan.

  It was just that something went wrong during the implementation process.

The king who was originally going to stay until the end, but was repeatedly humiliated by Madam Bones... was actually killed.

This time, it was terrible. Madam White Bones went berserk and protected the king's bloodline. Instead, she stood on the opposite side of that group of people, causing the situation that was about to win to come to a standstill.

At the last moment, how could we just give up and let the enemy's son inherit the throne, and then let them settle the score later?

 So, the real capable people of these races invited a group of outsiders.

 A true outsider is when there is great evil in this world, and it is vicious enough to affect the balance of this world.

This group of people will take action to erase this evil stain and restore peace to this world.

 The rest is simple.

 They invited a monk, a monk that Mrs. Bones longed for.

The monk who captured the capable men around Madam White Bone and sealed them with a long snake array.

 The two brothers who lost the protective umbrella of Mrs. Bones...

As expected, he was soon overtaken by the pursuers and the whole group was wiped out.

The land Mai Fan is stepping on now, the battlefield he sees, and the soul he absorbs are the ending and product of this story entangled with many parties.

“But...that Bone King brother said that you are his concubine.”

Mrs. Bones, who was lying flat in the coffin, laughed out loud, as if she had heard some joke.

“Is he that useless little thing? He’s just like his father, he doesn’t care about women yet his pet cat.”

“Yes, I am his father’s wife, but who said that I can’t be his son’s wife?”

“My lady, I was originally going to build my own kingdom. Is it any wonder that so many young men appear in my harem?”

“Since you saw the younger brother, you naturally also saw his older brother, right?”

“That younger brother who devoted all his intelligence to acting, how do you think he managed to save his life at the hands of such an older brother?”

“It’s not me...Mrs. Bones who protects him?”

“So, has he forgotten my name? It’s really ridiculous, ridiculous!”

 (⊙o⊙)Oh... Mai Fan is very embarrassed now, as if he has watched an ethical drama.

I also know this story, this Jedi, and the entanglements between this dynasty and the smaller dynasties outside that have long since split.

 So, he has figured out everything...

 It’s time to draw an end to this story.

 Maybe he sensed what Mai Fan wanted to do...

Mrs. Bones, who was lying flat in the coffin, raised her head and looked at the disappearing sun.

Although this place is full of chains, there are temples that block her, and there are gray-yellow talismans everywhere...

 But compared to the time in the dark coffin...this time was really too bright.

It seems to be feeling this long-lost smoothness, and also seems to be remembering its past time.

When Mai Fan slid down the chain into her coffin and tried to solve it with the talisman in his hand, Madam White Bones suddenly tilted her head and asked Mai Fan one last question.

“You will become the new leader of the Bone Clan, a true king.”

 “Don’t deny that I feel it from you.”

“Then let me ask you, will you withstand the temptation and test and always maintain your original intention?”

 What kind of simple question is this? Mai Fan didn’t even hesitate: “I will!”

Mrs. Bones seemed to be waiting for this sentence and gave a very weird laugh to Mai Fan.

 “Hahaha, this is what you said, and you swore it yourself.”

“Then I, the new genius and king of the Bone Clan, can you fulfill your promise?”

“As the predecessor of the Bone Clan, Mrs. Bones has been resounding for a generation... I am willing to contribute to your oath..."

“Come, come, swallow me up, break the seal here, end the curse here, stick to your promise.”

 After saying that, Madam White Bones lay down...she looked like she was waiting for Mai Fan to devour her.

 Could this be some kind of trap? Even the most cowardly and harmless-looking Bone King brother would eventually want to cause trouble.

 Looking for an opportunity to gain ownership of his bones.

 How come at the end...it was Madam Bones who was the most lying down?

Mai Fan hesitated, just when he was about to make the final move.

 This naturally aroused the ridicule of Mrs. Bones.

“Oh my god, you are thinking too much. I finally understand why you made it to the end.”

“But all I have to say is, you know, this is your only choice.”

 “Because only by eliminating me can you get out of here.”

This chapter has been completed!
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