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749 The Enemy

  After all, she is not an evil wizard... She will only let everyone see the power of this kind of thing when she wants to protect herself.

 How else could Granny Yao survive in the market with only a shabby shed?

She is not only the oldest shopkeeper here, but also one of the shopkeepers that everyone least wants to mess with.

 When the team members planned to attack these two people...

 The two people who had inhaled the powder fell directly to the ground.

 The medicine lady on the side is holding a small blowpipe in her hand, her face is full of pride.

 “Look what I said...oh my God, how is this possible!”

  Grandma Yao was so frightened that she screamed!

The two people who had just fallen to the ground got up again.

 “This is impossible!” Granny Yao’s voice became shrill.

If these two people are resistant to her medication…

It would be too dangerous to leave these two people alive in the world.

 Yao Granny only thought of this and started to feel in the pocket behind her.

 Where are there no less than three kinds of poisons that can kill these dangerous guys...

But when she was about to take action, Mai Fan, who broke in with the team members, quickly stopped Yao Granny and asked her to stop doing useless work.

 In other words, in order to avoid accidental injury, let her not use any dangerous drugs.

“Mother-in-law, these two people have already lost consciousness.”

“But it’s only the human bodies that are unconscious...look at their faces!”

 At Mai Fan’s reminder, Yao Granny paused her next action and saw the faces of the two monsters getting up again behind the counter.

 The face is still the same as before.

But at this moment, there were two dark holes on his face.

 The place that was supposed to be the storage place for human eyeballs is now empty, nothing exists anymore.


 The eye sockets flickered twice and became like a black hole, nothing existed.

Seeing this, Granny Yao squatted directly under the cabinet and cursed: "What the hell is this!"

 This is not a human being at all.

 Seeing this scene, she believed that someone on the earth was really being parasitized.

 And the market that she once thought was a protective barrier didn't care at all whether their race was in danger.

 So, Mai Fan and his team members have to deal with this kind of thing.

And this kind of thing, relying solely on medicines from the human world, is completely ineffective.

 “Weakness, weakness!”

 The effect of the diary comes into play at this time.

 Mai Fan looked at the heads of these two creatures... Damn... they were full of weaknesses.

Seeing this, Mai Fan felt happy and directly gave the order to attack: "No need to worry about the formation..."

“As long as you can hit them, you can hurt them.”

 After becoming a parasite, did you actually assimilate with the native life forms?

It will be even easier to deal with than before.

The team members who received this order did not hesitate. They used their true abilities to fight against it.

 At this time, Granny Yao has set these two creatures to become unwelcome customers.

 The small shed where she is located will also launch an attack on these two unknown creatures.

 For a time, a battle with resonating guns and cannons was staged in this relatively simple shed.

 Click, click, click, click, click…

Fire and loud noises rang out in Granny Yao’s shop.

 However, due to the protection mechanism for shop owners in the market, all the noise was controlled in this shed.

 Unless someone passes by Yao Granny’s shop and peeps out of the shop window...

 Otherwise no one would know what happened here.

 Only the market administrator has control over all this.

 He pressed a file upload button... and clicked his tongue at Granny Yao's shop.

 This movement is quite big.

If it weren’t for the fact that Mai Fan is still useful...

 Those who caused trouble in his market have now been driven out by him.

 I want to fight in the human world...

 He is doing business here...not a dueling ground.

Now, as long as Mai Fan doesn’t touch his bottom line...

  ‘Bang! Bang!! Boom!!’

 Two people flew out of Granny Yao’s house.

 All this was accompanied by a series of explosions.

 “What the hell!” The administrator suddenly stood up from his seat.

 Watch everything happening outside.

McFan's attack did have an effect...but these two plane creatures have already strengthened the abilities of the people they parasitized.

The reason why these alien creatures choose these people with superpowers as parasites is not because their superpowers are not powerful.

 It's just that for creatures at their level, the abilities possessed by these people don't have much room for improvement.

 Even if it is powerful, it is limited.

Therefore, they will choose people with low-potential abilities to be parasitists, and use their bodies to blend into the crowd to find people with abilities they think have great potential, and use the ability of parasitism to transfer the abilities of the other party.

Loot it.

 After achieving this goal, wait for the next opportunity for the crack in the plane to open.

 Use the stowaway passage to return to the plane and space where you live.

 So, after being attacked, they will naturally use their maximum ability to fight back.

Although the parasite can only use the abilities of the parasite itself...

 But it does not mean that they are not strong.

On the contrary, they are very strong because they are already human bodies, so they are full of weaknesses.

 After all, the human body is quite fragile when it comes to injury and death.

After the explosion, Mai Fan quickly rolled out of the shed and spit out a mouthful of smoke from the explosion...

 Looking at this ocean, the two creatures showed their true abilities.

 ‘Shikigami? Paper man? Or a summons?'

 ‘As for the other one, the Titan? His skin and body are all in perfect condition...'

 “Is he such a troublesome guy?”

 Looking at the bodies of the two people again, there were a lot of wounds caused by the attack without saying a word.

 But none of these wounds were fatal.

The wounds on the blond Westerner started to heal even after just a few drops of golden blood.

 It's just that they looked a little embarrassed and a little angry.

He probably knew that he was exposed, so he simply stopped pretending, and then the whole thing was destroyed.

It is precisely because of this that the medicine sheds registered in the market were exploded by them.

Only the owner of the medicine shed, Granny Yao, stood in the ruins with her eyes wide open, completely dumbfounded.

“Attention everyone! We have more than two enemies!”

 Yes, at the moment when Mai Fan and his group attacked, the opponent released a large number of crows to protect themselves.

This chapter has been completed!
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