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752 Understand

 If the Hua Kingdom comes forward and tells them, you can't do it, only Mai Fan can suppress the opponent's level. In this case, you can subdue these creatures... I guess after saying this, it will only have the opposite effect.


It's better to pretend you don't know anything from the beginning.

Wait until the other party suffers a loss, then send Mai Fan out.

Things settled down happily.

As for the follow-up matters and specific operational details, Mai Fan doesn't need to worry about it.

The team members who successfully imprisoned the two organisms have already left.

When Officer Jing finally left, Mai Fan looked at the time in the tavern...

There are actually twenty-four hours left to rest.

This is the first time that the villain system has not reset the dial to zero within twenty-four hours.

So, as the difficulty of the world increases...

If you want to reach those worlds, you need to accumulate more energy and more time to prepare.

So which world will he go to next?

Mai Fan once again stood in front of the wall beside the cashier and looked at the new prompts on the wall.

There are many flags here...many, many flags...

Each flag has a different pattern painted on it.

Some are dilapidated, but ferocious and bloody.

Some are rich and gorgeous, and everything is exquisite.

What is painted on these flags is not words or national symbols.

They are like the most primitive symbols. With just a few strokes, they have the direction of worship.

These symbols are more like totems... inspired by the tribe and born in response to wishes.

So what world will you go to next?

Although there are no more specific instructions, Mai Fan knows that if you want to make some preparations in advance...

All you need to do is contact one person.

Logically speaking, there is absolutely no problem in contacting another person on the other side of the ocean at this time.

And didn’t they just break up?

Yes, after Lisbon said goodbye to Mai Fan, he also returned home directly through the pass.

It’s just different from shop owners like Mai Fan who enter and exit the market through taverns...

Most people enter and leave the market through the passage where their homes are located.

And this kind of passage is just as close as possible to the living area of ​​these supernatural people.

No one would be like Mai Fan, who could conveniently press it directly in the yard.

Therefore, even the nearest entrance and exit is more than ten kilometers away from the gathering area of ​​the Lisbon ethnic group.

When Mai Fan contacted Lisbon, he ran to his residence out of breath.

Yes, it is for running.

Because the Lisbon tribe lives in the wilderness in the western part of Eagle Country.

And the nature of the mixed people in their tribe is also very complicated.

In addition, everyone must maintain basic survival in a difficult environment.

Therefore, their settlement has actually become a semi-nomadic and semi-open tourist area.

And because the original ecology is very well-founded, it is even very popular among local travelers.

It's just that there is still Lisbon, a respected old man in the tribal group, who suppresses it.

Therefore, the number and time of tourists received by the tribe are well controlled.

But what happened later was a bit out of Lisbon's control.

Probably the hunger marketing strategy was implemented too well.

The original ecology and mystery of their tribe far exceed those of the so-called 'tribal' communities around them.

In the process of word-of-mouth spreading, the reputation of Lisbon's tribe has been built up.

These tourists who like to hunt for novelties and experience the original ecology would rather spend a lot of money and wait in line for a long time... just to experience the purest primitive life of the tribes led by Lisbon.

So, as a place where backpackers pass by from time to time...

Every time I leave Lisbon I am cautious.

He didn't really like modern tools, so he used to ride a horse when he went out.

Recently, due to the opening of the market entrance, even horseback riding has become somewhat conspicuous.

So Lisbon simply gave up any riding tools and just ran back and forth on his feet.

At this time, some people must be wondering, how does an old man like Lisbon do it when he goes to the market and walks more than 30 kilometers every day?

At this time, we have to talk about his true nature as a wizard.

This wizard who worships the gods of nature will transfer the abilities of animals living in nature to himself.

Use the blessing of prayer or spells to allow yourself to possess a certain part of the animal's abilities for a certain period of time.

So when it comes to running for a long time, Lisbon naturally adds the characteristics of the wilderness horse to itself.

A dozen kilometers that others think is very difficult...

It only takes ten minutes to get to and from Lisbon.

Now Mai Fan found him through the contact information between the two people...

He was already sitting in his wooden house having a video chat with Mai Fan.

Yes, no doubt, even the most primitive tribes will purchase some modern products after the tourism industry is opened.

But an old man like Lisbon takes his adherence to tradition very seriously.

He will not refuse the benefits that modernization has brought to his tribe.

It's just that their tribe keeps all this hidden, and they also know how to perform it to the outside world for tourists.

At least when it comes to dealing with travel agencies, they have a unified narrative.

In order to provide tourists with a more convenient way.

We can let them choose nomadic tents, light bonfires, and take them into the most desolate areas to hunt...

But you should always let these tourists take these photos and have a place where they can upload them.

And you, the travel agency staff, don’t have to suffer the same traditional hardships as we do.

You can definitely build some strong and simple houses to install these useful equipment, right?

It was such luck that there was a huge signal transmitting station near the gathering place of the Lisbon tribe.

It didn't take long for their proposals to be implemented.

Now, the old man is sitting comfortably in front of the computer, telling Mai Fan some knowledge related to totem worship.

"Of course the tribal nature god exists... It is a natural product that our ancestors worshiped for thousands of years."

"We do not believe in the gods that Westerners have imagined."

"If you pray to them, you won't get the results you want."

"You can be afraid of flames, revere nature, and sincerely want to integrate with them, and you will naturally get the ending you want."

"All things have animism, and when human spirituality resides in a certain thing... over time, that thing can be endowed with spirituality."

"And spiritual beings that understand human language can also feed back this kind of wish to the person praying."

“Thus achieving the effect of communicating with heaven and earth and calling for wind and rain.”

This chapter has been completed!
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