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785 Aquatic Creatures

"If the crocodiles here have become a climate... then wait until autumn, after discussing with the people of the Yu clan, they will send special people to help you clean up."

"At that time, half of the harvest will be distributed to the warriors of the hunting team..."

"This is the unwritten rule in our water pool."

This is quite reasonable.

Mai Fan nodded and listened as the man continued his introduction.

For example, deep in the water, there is a giant beast that is even more ferocious than the crocodile. It appears from nowhere. Not to mention its huge size, the crocodile is actually one of their food rations.

This giant beast is usually found in huge saltwater lakes.

Small creatures like humans have only been seen from a distance, and no one has ever really met them.

The carcasses of such beasts have been found on the shore several times...

Judging from the condition of the body, it seems that he was the loser after a fight between the same kind. He was seriously injured and floated to the shore after death.

According to the speculations of the experienced elders of the Fishing Clan, only one such beast is allowed to exist in a lake.

When a second one appears, there will inevitably be a fight.

The victorious ones continue to dominate, while the defeated ones face death.

The corpses they could see were evidence of failure...

As for why we need to specifically talk about this giant beast...

That's because there is a special gland in the corpse of this giant beast...

When these glands are removed individually, a very unique oil can be made.

Put a piece of firewood in it, stir it up, and it will burn for a long time...

A carcass of this size, if found once, would be enough to support a group of people with oil for night lighting for two to three years.

In addition to these rare giant beasts, what really causes trouble for the group are the small but numerous piranhas.

A poisonous blue shrimp that looks like a shrimp.

There are colorful poisonous snakes, poisonous frogs, poisonous insects and poisonous bees all over the body.

And sometimes there are carnivorous beasts that come from the grassland.

These are the natural enemies of human beings living in the water.

However, compared with these obvious natural enemies, what really affects the development of human beings in water ponds is food.

Because of the singleness of the food here, the human race living here has developed very slowly.

Most of the food sources in water pools are fish.

It is more difficult in the grassland area than in the water park area.

Even in autumn when the products are the most abundant, only grass seeds and a small amount of berries in the grassland supplement the human race's food.

Small groups of beasts, as well as large fish that are very difficult to catch...

Human survival is often faced with the danger of shortage.

Coupled with the overly humid environment in the water pool, the human body will always have some reaction.

Compared with the forest area where spring is present all year round... the changeability and barrenness of the grassland have indeed restricted the development of the ethnic groups here.

But I don’t know what has happened in the past few years...

More and more ethnic groups are being eliminated from all directions.

No matter how vast the central area is, it cannot accommodate the continuous influx of so many ethnic groups.

As a last resort, all ethnic groups united to explore the depths of the grassland, which is also the more central area of ​​the world.

This also caused the grassland ethnic group, which was originally not very large in number, to become increasingly less powerful.

When Mai Fan first entered the water park area, he saw many single people or small groups of only seven or eight people.

Most of them are the only survivors after going through the baptism of the wilderness.

There is also a small part that is too acclimatized in the grassland zone. After a period of buffering, not only has it not slowed down the decline of the ethnic group... but it has collapsed and is about to end the inheritance.

And these people who still have faith in their own ethnic group and are not willing to submit to the big tribe become free people in the water.

Every winter...among these communities of free people, the largest number of people die.

"Will a group as large as ours decline into the situation of peripheral people?"

The expelled person smiled bitterly: "What do you think of our ethnic group?"

"In the previous generation, there were only about twenty people left in the Expulsion clan."

"If it weren't for the increase in the number of foreign ethnic groups in the past few years... allowing us to expel people and make a lot of wealth... the ethnic group has once again recovered a part of its population..."

"On the way witches are migrating now, they may encounter our tribesmen."

Could it be so severe?

Mai Fan sighed. For outsiders, it does take time to adapt to life here.

Many ethnic groups who were not accustomed to the climate died out early in the process of adapting...

It seems that the road ahead is more difficult than I imagined.

The other party is willing to remind me to this extent, so I have to thank them very much.

"So, what role does the Yu ethnic group play at times like this?"

At this point, Pai Xi's words were full of gratitude: "You know, equal exchange is the method that Yu came up with."

"Although their group is the largest group in the grassland, its composition is too complicated."

"And the more barren the land and the more people there are, the greater the pressure will be."

"They do not have enough ability to save all ethnic groups."

"The people of the Yu clan can only help in emergencies at most. If you pay the corresponding assets, you can gain the right to survive."

"This is a fair thing, isn't it... It's just a group that needs exchange to survive the crisis..."

"It can only last for a while at best. After exchanging the previous materials in the tribe, it can only maintain its survival for a short period of time."

"At the end..."

It's just that the struggle lasted a little longer, and the pain lasted longer.

In the eyes of this leader, this kind of struggle is better than simply giving up.

I understand...the Yu clan has no intention of winning people's hearts and becoming the overlord of the grassland.

They are different from the original Beast God clan... They are not very ambitious and act more as a coordinator.

Just watch with a cold eye and just take care of your own tribe... This is their code of conduct.

This is actually quite good.

Because Mai Fan only regarded the grassland as a buffer zone.

When his tribe grows large again... he will lead them through the wilderness and return to the forest area that the tribe most longs for.

Now, Mai Fan had obtained the information he wanted, and the tribesmen outside had also cut off the leather needed by the other party, rolled it into a leather roll, bundled it, and wrapped it up for the guide.

Paying the money with one hand and delivering the goods with the other, by the way, the fish cake in his hand was also heated along with the fire.

This chapter has been completed!
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