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816 departure and stay

 There will be no surprises for the people of the beast god clan.

The fifty people they selected had been preparing for this march since early morning.

Today's camel has stabilized, and he doesn't do much heavy work.

Several females among the dozen camels have already carried their cubs and are unable to join the task of hauling goods.

The chief selected a few old camels and a few young ones from these camels, eight in total, and loaded them all on his back.

In the past, the camels had to pull both people and goods. With the addition of coyotes, the task of pulling people can now be handed over to the alpha wolf.

Fifty tribesmen, basically 2-3 people share an adult coyote.

Then these hyenas have to carry their own food rations and those of the humans they carry.

It was said that everything was streamlined, but when the team was ready, everyone saw a mountain-like team moving forward with heavy loads.

If these animals weren't inherently gifted, Mai Fan would have added some attributes of other animals to camels and hyenas when he had nothing to do these days...

Based on their original capabilities, carrying so much goods and people... I'm afraid it would be a lot of trouble.

But now...the camel with its huge webbed feet is a giant beast with 1 camel + n catfish.

After hearing the slogan of the leading tribesman... "Set sail!"... they flicked their flippers...

With a swipe, the whole mountain started to flee.

The coyote who was originally standing at the front of the team was suddenly left behind.

If it weren't for the unequal load carrying capacity... just running on water and ground, this group of hyenas would really be no match for these camels.

Seeing that my own tribe was overtaken by these clumsy camels...

How could the alpha wolf be so willing?

The competitive spirit of an animal came up, and it looked up to the sky and roared: 'Ouch...'

Under its leadership, the entire group started running.

This made the unprepared tribesmen jump on the coyote's back.

"Ah, Dahei, you are full of...meat, the meat is gone..."

"My shoes...my shoes..."

It is very rare to see the dust billowing on the water.

The elders of the ethnic group stood outside the gate of the Thorn Forest, looking at the departing figures with some relief.

What does this mean? It means a beautiful and bright future for the Beast God clan.

When the elder turned his head, he saw a row of envious tribesmen standing behind him.

There are old and weak among them as well as young and strong, because it is impossible for the whole family to participate in this kind of activity.

"What are you looking at?" The elder felt helpless: "Such opportunities come every year. It will be your turn next year."

"You must know that the task of those who stay behind is not easier than that of those who go out."

"We need to prepare for the coming autumn and plan ahead for various problems that may come."

"While those people are away, we will make our home more beautiful."

"When they return in triumph, let them see...how capable we are who remain in the tribe!"

Yes, that's the truth. When the tribesmen come back, they will receive more good things based on how much they paid.

So what is there to regret? Why not use this time to do something useful?

The tribesmen who stayed behind began to get busy, while the tribesmen who set out were still immersed in the excitement of their first trip.

This time they did not join the journey in a fleeing manner...

For the first time, they observed the world with a relaxed attitude and enjoyed the joy that the surrounding scenery brought to them...

This kind of relaxed and comfortable time is the most rare. The members of the beast god clan laughed happily and let the beasts under them run wildly, leaving a deep track on the water.

When the morning sun shines up, it seems to have a flavor related to joy.

And this joy has also infected other ethnic groups that are about to gather together.

When the members of the Beast God Clan passed by them, the corners of their mouths also turned up.

This makes the entire gathering point of Shuibo already exaggerated with the flavor of happiness even before setting off.

By the time the people from the Fishing Clan arrived belatedly as the finale, the people from the Beast God Clan had already become integrated with the surrounding small ethnic groups.

They used their own honey-glazed dried fish to exchange a lot of good things with the surrounding tribesmen.

Some unique plants and spices produced in Shuibo, as well as some beautiful gadgets made by skilled craftsmen.

This made the fisherman who came after him feel a little unhappy.

But he is the leader of a large clan, but he cannot show it on his face.

He could only use another method to interrupt the damn charm of the Beast God clan.

"Okay, are everyone here? Let's take stock of our finances... Everything is ready, let's go!"

As the leader every year, the words of the Yuzhi clan are the starting gun for progress.

The revelers stopped their celebrations, brought everything they had, followed the Fishing Clan, and headed towards their goal.

Not all tribes are as special as the beast god tribe.

In the water pool, most ethnic groups do not have animals responsible for transportation.

The supplies these groups wanted to exchange all relied on manpower to carry the camels.

So this also resulted in the fact that everyone walked very slowly...it actually took up to half a month to reach the real destination.

In response to this, the younger members of the tribe could no longer hold back.

When Mai Fan saw this, he took over the task of exploring forward, and the tribesmen took turns to step forward to explore the unknown ahead.

Such a thing is quite cumbersome, and if the Beast God clan is willing to do it, of course they will be happy to do so.

Little did he know that what he saw as drudgery was the best pastime in the eyes of the Beast God's tribe.

They urged the hyenas under them, howling and howling, and set out every morning, only to return at noon with unfinished business.

Mai Fan, on the other hand, stayed close to Yu and got involved in all the decisions the other party made, intentionally or unintentionally.

"So, why go this route?"

"On the other road, you will encounter some beasts from the carnivorous tribe. Although it is summer and food is plentiful, these carnivorous tribes will not care about easy-to-prey prey like humans."

"What kind of carnivorous group are they specifically?"

"The wolf, the coyote, the jackal, the eagle, and the three lions."

"If we encounter the first two, we can still use the advantage of staying together to slowly advance and leave their territory..."

"But if we encounter a third party...then our team will have to fight to see who is luckier."

"How to say?"

"Let it be eaten to its heart's content, and those who eat the rest will be the lucky ones who escape."

"According to my incomplete estimate, the number of our group will be reduced by about one-fifth..."

This chapter has been completed!
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