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825 Outsmart

 Mai Fan felt that he could use some tricks.

'You can beg me, let me out, and I will swallow it up immediately... From the outside, it looks like you have performed a miracle...'

'This is a great opportunity for you to make a name for yourself...'

In Mai Fan's mind, Tun suddenly spoke.

These deceptive words never passed through Mai Fan's mind.

He replied: 'No need.'

He had already thought of a solution to such a matter.

As the saying goes, using local materials...

In the mess just now, the stall owner with whom he had failed to trade had left behind a pile of eggs when he was packing up his goods.

As a kindhearted person, Mai Fan picked up all the eggs.

In this case, these eggs have played a role.


The lion head endured the pain and planned to continue to pounce on Mai Fan...

Whoosh whoosh... countless smoking eggs were thrown towards it by Mai Fan.

This time the three-headed lion will not make the same mistake as last time.

It stepped back very cautiously. The eggs were not strong enough, and they all landed not far in front of it. None of them hit it directly.

'Ouch!' The three-headed lion shouted triumphantly, as if saying to Mai Fan: 'Look, I have learned a lot from the mistakes I have made, and I will never make the same mistake again!'

Mai Fan laughed again... He saw streams of white smoke rising into the sky...

The heated egg cracked, and countless small insects rushed towards the huge nostrils of the three-headed lion...

With its proud roar... it was sucked into the lion's belly with a swish.

The change brought about by a very small egg is insignificant, but what will be the consequences of so many eggs entering one head?

Mai Fan was watching curiously...but he was hugged from behind.

The soldiers finally pushed through the panicked crowd and rushed behind Mai Fan, pulling him onto the wolf's back...

With a swish, he retreated back.

No matter what happened to these three lions...it is always right to take the witch to an area away from danger first.

at the same time……

Other tribes on the grassland finally reacted.

The tribes with warriors began to run towards the three-headed lions.

No matter what accidents happen on other hunting grounds...these lions cannot be left behind.

They joined forces to drive and round up these three lions.

When Mai Fan retreated on the wolf, he saw a battle scene like fireworks.

The racial skills of these groups are really diverse, and are much more troublesome than the herbivores that the three lions hunt daily.

I don't know if these lions have eaten enough people, or if they think these people are too troublesome.

After two or three back and forths with the soldiers...

The three lions suffered some minor injuries on their fur and retreated angrily.

Of course, the retreating team did not include the one Mai Fan dealt with.

This three-headed lion chasing in the direction of Mai Fan was the greatest misfortune in its life.

Because of its injuries, everyone saw hope of keeping it.

After all the lions in other directions had disappeared, the warriors from the entire grassland gathered around this lion.

This lion is different from other extremely aggressive lions...it looks like it is drunk and staggering around.

Even the roar is dazed and aimless.

The attack hit its body, but it didn't seem to know the pain and rarely made any move to resist.

Mai Fan, who had already left the first battlefield, asked his tribe to stop the hyena and began to observe the changes that had taken place on the lion.

The influx of such a large number of small creatures really made the lion's brain difficult to function.

First one head lost the ability to control its body, then the second and third.

Because of the loss of control of his head, the throat that was stuck with the coyote bone spur also relaxed.

"Bah!" The alpha wolf, who had been stuck for more than ten minutes, was finally freed from his hanging state.

As soon as it landed on the ground, it rolled sideways... dodging the weapons thrown by various groups, and flew towards its owner.

A beast that does not resist, even if it is a three-headed lion, will not be able to resist for long under enough damage.

Many people waited for about half an hour. Boom, this huge creature lay on the ground, completely losing the ability to resist.

As for Mai Fan, he recalled the coyote leader and urged him to follow the group of transparent creatures and find the stall owner who had many eggs.

There is a very magical thing about this kind of creature. When they cannot find a suitable breeding place, they will temporarily return to the place of their birth.

Obviously, the grassland area is not a suitable place for them to grow.

Then the only place where they can stay temporarily is the remaining eggs of the stall owner.

Mai Fan followed a few small creatures that could still find their way back and found the stall owner who had not finished the transaction.

As a person who has survived a disaster, he just wants to pack his luggage, hide in the gathering place of the tribe, and never come out again.

As for the 'big stuff' he brought out, as much as he likes it, I think he came here in vain this time.

What he didn't expect was that he had just packed up here, and bang, a hand stopped him from moving forward.

"It's you, kid, you really want these eggs? I'm telling you, this is really not for kids to play with."

Mai Fan took out a jar from his backpack and handed it to him: "Would you like to try it?"

The stall owner was a little confused, but he still did as he was told. He put his small finger in, dipped a little of the golden liquid in the jar, and gently put it into his mouth...

Then his eyes straightened.

Sweet, it's honey, a very rare honey.

No! In other words, it is basically something that cannot be seen in the swamp.

The quantity of this honey is not much, but its value is extremely precious.

What does this mean?

"Are you going to trade this with me for those eggs?"

Mai Fan nodded: "So, how much do you have left? I want to see the quantity before I decide whether I should exchange it with you for a jar."

What a blessing! The stall owner's mouth started to tremble.

"Wait a minute, I'll find them all for you right now!"

When he found these eggs, they were prepared for people at this very low level.

Who would have thought that those corrupt swamp executives did not patronize his business, but were instead bought by a noble kid in a pool?

But I'm sorry, honey is too precious, so he can only sell these eggs to the child in front of him without conscience.

Mai Fan was very satisfied with the quantity of goods brought out by the stall owner again.

He wrapped it up in the original package and put it in the basket behind him. He didn't feel any distress at all and handed the jar in his hand to the other party.

This chapter has been completed!
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