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855 shell

 Such a deal is much more tempting to Mai Fan.

He felt that even if the conditions for return were not activated, his next plan would be to meet this legendary beast.

Now it's just a matter of spending the night waiting for more points and good reviews.

This proposal had nothing to lose for him.

Mai Fan also moved quite quickly.

While the clan leader was busy organizing everyone to build their homes, Mai Fan took a few of his generals and headed into the depths of the dense forest in their territory.

Wherever Mai Fan usually goes, who does he take with him?

A wolf, a bee and a few ants.

From the perspective of the clan leader, this is just a short-term exploration by their wizard.

Before long, when he discovered something new that could be studied, he would come back.

So when he saw Mai Fan entering the edge of the forest, he didn't send the stone out.

But what I didn't expect was that as soon as Mai Fan entered...

Don't come out for one day, don't come out for two days... until the base is almost completed.

Work has been assigned to the workers and tribesmen, but Mai Fan still hasn't come out.

"Is something going to happen? Is it a wizard?"

The warrior captain was very worried. Judging from this date, the wizard of the tribe must have gone to find the beast.

If we only look at combat effectiveness...the clan leader and captain fell silent, there won't be any big danger, right?

Just when they were considering whether to send a team to risk their lives to go in and investigate...

Suddenly, the air pressure in the dense forest behind them suddenly changed.

"Clan, clan leader...do you feel..."

"I feel it, I feel it..."

Even a person with the personality of the clan leader started to say repetitive words. In fact, just standing on the edge of the dense forest, the pressure hit his face.

The intensity of this air pressure was more than twice as strong as when they first arrived.

The strong air pressure distorted the air above the entire forest.

This must be caused by the great terror in this dense forest.

And the person who can make this great terror release such huge pressure...

No need to think about it, it must be the wizard of their tribe, Mai Fan.

"So, Wu, what did Mai Fan do?"

Now Mai Fan was sighing at this thing deep in the dense forest.

Mai Fan has never seen an animal that can put all the messy things together...

to form a new species.

How can I say its composition? It's more like using an intermediary like plasticine to stick other things together and form a messy ball.

It's just such a species.

But there is no doubt about the power of this species.

Because in the process of grouping, he will inherit the strongest characteristics of the creatures grouped together.

For example, attribute abilities, another example, physical body and strong defense, etc.

Maybe it was accumulated over time, maybe it was the combination that was completed the first time.

It is precisely because of this situation that this diverse creature has become the overlord of this side.

It has also become a headache for Mai Fan.

How should we define and communicate this terrifying monster?

Just when Mai Fan was worried, suddenly a very irritable voice came to his ears.

'Who are you! How dare you break into my territory!'

'Don't you know whose territory this is?'

In the spirit of being able to do things and never force others to use oneself to save others... Mai Fan felt a little strange.

If the other party is really extremely powerful...

The moment it sees itself, wouldn’t it be enough to just pat itself into a meatloaf?

Why should I give myself an unnecessary warning?

Just when Mai Fan was thinking this, the voice that sounded a little hollow immediately followed him.

'Who, who said I am superfluous? Is a powerful existence a violent and unreasonable existence?'

‘I’m thinking that all creatures are subjects of my territory. I talk to the species in my territory and ask them to abide by the rules. Is there anything wrong with this?’

This in itself is quite a problem.

Mai Fan had a bold guess: "Then why don't you be kinder to your prey? Do you educate them before eating them?"

How can a strong person have such good intentions?

This immediately caused this terrifying being to become violent.

"Who, who said that! Didn't I feel the same, same kind of existence?"

You mean 'swallow'?

Mai Fan clicked on his head and then clicked on the big and terrifying jelly-like connector.

At this time, Tun laughed out loud again: "What did I think this was!"

"It turns out to be the shell I abandoned! You have really grown up!"

What shell? Is this the same thing as that disaster?

"Of course, if the disaster is the skin of my feet, then you can think of this shell as the turtle that evolved into a dragon. You don't need the turtle shell."

"Of course, I don't admit that I used to be the idiot in front of me."

"The sticky thing you are pointing at was once my outer shell."

"Yes, my swallowing ability is not just absorbed from the soul level."

"At that time, in the chaotic world, wherever you passed, there was no grass growing."

"All creatures that I have crushed or lightly touched will become part of my body."

Become nutrients and be swallowed up completely.

"But when my soul has evolved to a certain level, I no longer need the body as a carrier."

"At that time, I took the initiative to take off the shell of my physical body, throw away all the burdens, and became a true god."

This ‘shell’ is the body that was swallowed and abandoned at that time.

But at that time, its body was very beautiful and smooth, with the brilliance of the starry sky and the sea.

It is an existence that can take any shape it wants.

Tun will never admit that the ugly monster squatting in front of him now is his former skin.

What kind of thing is this? It has no beauty at all, and its momentum is also weak.

It seems that as long as this lump of fat is broken up, the weakness of... can be completely defeated.

Tun became irritable and Ke's momentum became even weaker.

Because it can confirm that the person standing in front of him is actually the big devil in his heart that really scares and frightens him.

For thousands of years, it thought that the other party had forgotten about it.

And in the forest area, it reigns freely and reigns supreme...

Let it forget its original formation and true life experience.

Now, the subject is standing opposite it... allowing it to recall everything again.

How could this not make it sad, scared, or even trembling?

"You, what do you want to do?"

Swallowed a smile: "What do you think I want to do!"

This chapter has been completed!
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