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873 Earth Fairy

 Mai Fan and Lisbon were hiding in a narrow gap, watching those weird little monsters going crazy.

The strange thing is that Lisbon calls them goblins, which is very different from the image of goblins in Maifan's mind.

If he could change the name of these goblins, Mai Fan would like to call them monsters.

'Why do I look so much like a goblin?'

After these crumpled goblins gathered together in circles for a while, they pushed out the strongest one among them and walked to the middle.

The goblin who was pushed into the middle looked very unwilling...

But it couldn't escape, and its tribesmen were also trembling, but they surrounded it tightly and didn't give it any chance to struggle.

'What are you doing?'


Then, the big man who was surrounded screamed.

As its scream spread, an earthen wall as high as half a monster rose up around it.

He barely protected the big man in the middle so that he could face the danger he was about to face.

Although this danger is invisible to the naked eye, even though it does not know where this danger will come from.

But it is undeniable that goblins' perception of the external environment and their ability to predict danger are higher than any other ethnic group.

Now, the few hairs on the big man's head all stood up one by one.

It felt that the danger was approaching it step by step.

Don't ask what the danger is, it wants to know it itself.

In fact, their group has not been around for a long time, but they have only emerged from the cracks in the mountains in recent days.

This sacrificial ceremony is performed every night.

Yes, it is a sacrifice.

I don't know since when, the number of people in their tribe has been decreasing rapidly at a very strange speed.

In the past, there were traces of their communities in the gaps in this valley and in the cavities of various cliffs.

According to incomplete statistics, the highest number can reach the number of fairies coming forward.

However, since some time ago, the population of the group has been inexplicably decreasing at a rate of one tenth per day.

Those dwindling goblins, no one knows where they went.

I don't know when or how they disappeared.

By the time they discovered it, there were already very few friends and clan members around them.

The most fearful thing about danger is the unknown.

They don't know what caused this situation, but in times of danger, bringing everyone together and carefully looking for the cause is the best way to deal with it.

When this scattered community living in the valley gathered together, everyone discovered it.

Even if they are gathered together, their numbers are still decreasing.

It's just that the speed and quantity of this reduction have been greatly improved.

Everyone has reduced from one-tenth to one-tenth at the beginning...to only a few.

Then, at night, everyone gathered together.

Then start experimenting with various methods, and finally come to a conclusion.

They only need to push out the strongest member of the group within a period of time and sacrifice it to the demon that they cannot see or feel.

Then their entire group will be safe.

This amount is acceptable to the goblins as a group.

As for the unlucky guy who was pushed out... he must have made a sacrifice for the entire clan.

The area where these goblins originally lived was too hidden for humans.

Everyone lives in the mountains, and they won't come out easily.

But for this sacrificial ceremony, the entire community climbed out of the mountain.

This gave Lisbon the opportunity to discover them.

Not much time has passed since Lisbon discovered them.

In other words, this unlucky guy in the middle of this circle of fairies is just one of the fourth or fifth victim fairies.

No matter how powerful a race is, they are still afraid of inexplicable death.

What's more, this goblin was very unwilling to die inexplicably.

Its earth element ability is extremely powerful.

It wants to protect itself with solid soil, and wait until the demon that devours their tribe comes...

At least it has the capital to resist. The other party has nothing to do with it, so they just find a random tribesman to make do with it.

Why did it have to be the one who died?

Could it be that whoever is weak is the one who deserves to die?

With this idea in mind, the screaming big goblin once again compacted the surrounding soil.

The earthen wall that originally reached its chest rose up again, popping up, covering its head.

The earthen wall moves towards the center from four directions.

In just an instant, a thick cover was glued together.

From the outside, it looks like the goblin has made himself an eggshell out of thick earth and rocks.

Being in the middle, it seems to be somewhat safer than the tribesmen around it.

But if it is safe, wouldn’t the people around it be in danger?

How could these goblins who had performed the sacrificial dance and united together to let it escape their responsibilities so easily? No one wanted to die... so these little goblins didn't even care about being afraid.


One by one, they jumped up and started to beat the thick earthy egg.

The weapons they use as attacks are really unique.

They turned out to be the bones of dead comrades from his own tribe.

The thigh bones of these goblins are several times thicker than those of humans.

Although they are not tall, the bones in their hands are hard and thick, like powerful hammers...

Bang bang bang, the earth was smashed, it was very powerful.

Mai Fan and Lisbon didn't know why, they both held their breath subconsciously.

They felt that the development of this matter was closely related to the breaking of the earthen egg shell.

Just when they were concentrating, holding their breath and concentrating...

Phew, a very evil wind suddenly rushed in front of them.

Rush directly towards the direction of the goblin group.

The dust blown up by the evil wind completely blocked the sight of Mai Fan and Lisbon.

In order to see clearly what happened, Mai Fan, in a hurry, directly called up the special function of the diary.

What he used to do was really impressive.

A huge red dot appeared on the map.

If the goblin is a neutral yellow dot that does not know the status of the enemy or ourselves...

That red dot on the other side is absolutely unfriendly to the human race.

Mai Fan didn't take any action on the surface, but in his heart he had already raised his alert level to the highest level.

He passed the tavern and picked up some handy tools.

This chapter has been completed!
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