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920 Evolution of Werewolf

   People on both sides basically shouted at the same time.

 After shouting, the werewolf realized that someone was coming behind the troll.

 The number of people is not too small, but a bit small.

As long as there are not more than forty trolls of this size, they have nothing to fear from the tribesmen who are coming over now.

Looks like a melanistic person, he may have some abilities, but it’s not a big problem.

 Eh? Wait, wait?

Meeting with a troll, why does the person who seems to be scolding the other person look familiar?

 The leader is an elite warrior who is responsible for fighting. Naturally, he is very impressed by some people and things.

 As a member of the observation group who participated in peeping at demons.

The leading werewolf stared at Mai Fan for a long time.

 Finally I recognized it, it was definitely the terrifying face I saw that night.

 ‘Yes, it’s a devil...its wings and horns have been retracted.’

 But I can still recognize him as the devil from that day.

 Why did he enter the forest and mix with the dark troll?

 Could it be that the legends circulating among the troll community are true?

 Are trolls a super-advanced race that possesses part of the blood of demons?

 They thought this was just a way for the trolls to raise their net worth.

 Now that the two are together...the leader of the werewolves on the opposite side is starting to tremble a little.

 Most of the soldiers behind him had never seen Mai Fan.

The captain in front suddenly started to tremble, and everyone felt suspicious, thinking that the captain had a sudden illness.

“Captain, are you okay?”

"With just a few people, if we attack them, we can snatch the little wolf back in one go."

"Don't, don't, don't be impulsive, they, they..."

Before the captain could say the next words, whoosh, the words got stuck in his throat.

 Because the person he was most afraid of had now taken over the cubs of their tribe from the hands of the trolls.

 With a smile, he touched two handfuls, hugged them and walked over to them.

The captain subconsciously took two steps back.

If the teammates behind him hadn't held him up, he would have had to move back a lot.

This reaction not only made his teammates feel strange, but also made Mai Fan, who was walking towards him, notice it.

 Does this mean you know or have seen your own identity?

 Why is this werewolf acting so out of control? His green eyes are full of fear.

Could it be that?

Mai Fan suddenly showed a devilish smile, walked up to the captain and said something suddenly.

 “You know me? You know me?”

The captain laughed so hard that the hair on the wolf's tail exploded.

 He ​​suppressed his fear and desire to fight back, and said to Mai Fan: "No, I don't know him!"

 “I, you, just look like a friend I know, yes, a friend.”

 “He is a human race, just like, hahahaha...”

 You had such a reaction out of excitement. You can't find fault because of this, right?

But Mai Fan said "chi!" with a pop, revealing his sharp teeth.

This baring of teeth can only take a fraction of a second, and can only be seen by the werewolf facing him.

“Here, does it still look like it now?”

 The werewolf on the other side was about to cry, but he thought there was such a large group of tribesmen behind him.

 The desire to let the tribe survive gave him great courage: "Yes, it's really similar! That's right!"

With this test, Mai Fan confirmed that these wolves must have seen what happened the night he transformed.

But it’s okay, once you recognize your identity, the immediate trouble will be solved.

“Here, take it, I won’t tease you anymore!”

Mai Fan stuffed the little wolf into the arms of the werewolf leader and waved behind him, intending to let the matter pass.

 The leader on the other side subconsciously stretched out his hand to pick it up...

Who would have thought that at this moment, a very stern voice suddenly came out from behind them: "Wait!"

This sound caused the two hands that were about to join hands to stop in mid-air.

 I felt sorry for the little wolf cub, who was caught off guard and stopped, stretched out and howling.

The hair on its neck was about to be pulled out.

 Everyone present turned their heads in unison at the sound.

On the werewolf side, behind the warrior team, a large group of people came rushing in.

The leader does not look young, he is considered an old man among the werewolves.

 But the aura on him is quite astonishing.

When passing by some young werewolves, these people showed obvious signs of avoiding and surrendering.

Is this a high-status elder among werewolves?

 But what the team leader on the opposite side said made Mai Fan know that his guess was wrong.

 “Chief! Why are you here?”

 Is your status so high?

This is actually the leader of the wolf tribe, so the other party basically arrived as soon as they caused trouble.

 It was just a small dispute. Why did it alert the clan leader of this ethnic group so quickly?

 Thinking of this, Mai Fan once again confirmed his identity, fearing that the other party would find out his identity.

Then why did the other party’s clan leader come here?

This made Mai Fan have to be alert.

“Don’t get me wrong, I heard everything you just said.”

"I don't have any objections to you. Is it for the benefit of our descendants that I stop you?"

 What good does it do to leave one's wolf cubs in the hands of strangers?

Mai Fan doesn’t understand this.

 “What do you call this person?”

"My name is Wilik Fan, but for this title, Wilik, as a general, I think I am not qualified yet."

“If the patriarch doesn’t mind, just call me Fan.”

The patriarch’s expression turned out to be quite grateful, and he just called out: “Fan!”

There was even a hint of intimacy in his tone.

At this attitude, Mai Fan smiled: "Tell me, why is it for your little wolf cub?"

 “That’s because, if you don’t know yet...”

When the patriarch said these words, he first asked a few people close to him to get out of the way, so that he and Mai Fan could speak alone.

And the black iron tower behind Mai Fan was also very discerning. He took his team and took a wrong step back, leaving the place to Mai Fan and the leader of the wolf tribe.

 “We do understand your identity.”

“After all, the night you transformed, you came to the edge of our forest to collect moonlight mushrooms.”

 “This forest is surrounded by our eyes.”

“We have seen what happened to vampires, and we also know your identity.”

“But don’t worry, although our werewolf clan is warlike, we are not willing to fight with everyone.”

“Except for a few feuding races that have lasted for many generations, we, the werewolves, actually don’t cause much trouble outside.”

“There are also difficulties in taking this young wolf back.”

“This is a secret about the werewolf clan, which is determined by the characteristics of our clan.”

“You don’t know, right? When a werewolf is infected with the devil’s breath... his temperament will change drastically.”

This chapter has been completed!
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